Minutes of a meeting of the Cemetery and Other Grounds Committee held on
18th February 2014 at 11.30a.m at the Parish Council Office
Cllrs Forrest, Ranson, Smith(Chairman) and Watson
Mrs L Bell – Clerk
Mrs G Newcombe – Deputy Clerk
362/14 Apologies
The following apologies were noted:
Cllr Moore
363/14 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
364/14 confirmation and signing of minutes of the meeting held on 14th NOVEMBER 2013
At 353/13 Burial Statistics the following to be inserted:
‘Cllr Smith suggested statistics are updated at six monthly intervals’
RESOLVED Minutes are otherwise signed as a true record by Clllr Smith, Chairman.
365/14 Cemetery
RESOLVED to exclude the press and public for the reasons stated below and move into closed session for the next item.
o Extension to Cemetery – Press and Public may be excluded from the meeting for discussion for reasons of a Legal Nature – Public Bodies Act 1960/LGA 1972.
Further to confirmation of planning approval.
RESOLVED to employ the District Valuer and to investigate the process of compulsory purchase.
Open session resumed
o To agree costs for Assignment of Exclusive Right of Burial
RESOLVED to include in the schedule of fees and charges at £40.00
o Cemetery procedure – presentation by the Clerk
The Clerk explained the current procedure with regard to purchase/burials/memorials and writing up in the four ledgers, presented to the meeting:
Register of Purchased Graves
Register of Graves
Register of Burials
Register of Monuments
Information in the ledgers is currently being transferred to the new software which when complete will simplify access to all information by clicking on a grave space and all information relating to that grave will be recorded in one place. The ledgers have to be maintained as at present.
o Burial Records and Statistics – update
The Clerk tabled an updated record which included the figures July to December 2013 and confirmed that there had been no additional interments to date.
RESOLVED confirmation of pre-purchased total and available spaces to be presented at the next meeting.
o Cemetery Chapel works – meeting with LCC Heritage Officer
Meeting/opinion awaited.
o Restoration to gates and railings – request for quotations in progress
Additional quotations are in process. To be chased up.
o Watering cans – stenciling - update
Bespoke stencil to be purchased.
o Promoting the use of the Cemetery Chapel – letter now issued to Churches
A letter to the Churches is outstanding. To be progressed.
o Turfing of graves in the lawned section – report on progress re soil/seeding
It was agreed as follows:
To seek advice from the current Grounds Maintenance Contractor
To identify graves on the left hand side
To obtain quotations for both soil/seeding and turf
o Works to memorials identified in Audit – Cllrs Smith and Moore to report following inspection of works completed
Cllr Smith confirmed he has yet to carry out the inspection.
o Volunteer gardener concern raised/assistance required
Cllr Smith to liaise with the volunteer and arrange a site visit.
366/14 War Memorial
¨ Review after the winter
Further to its restoration the War Memorial is looking good.
Wreaths had been secured by cable which has slightly rubbed into the mortar. To be inspected following removal of the wreaths.
367/14 Jerusalem
¨ Christmas tree – to consider future provision/removal of cable clips from monument
RESOLVED to revisit in the autumn.
368/14 The Culverts – future of care – Cllr Smith to report
The area is at present in flood.
With regard to previous agreement to plant two trees it is advised that a self set Willow is thriving and the ring barked tree seems to be surviving.
It is thought Mrs Harriman may wish to continue with her father’s work. Clerk to source a contact.
369/14 North Street Garden – spring/summer planting
Spring bulbs have been planted. Mrs Yates to be contacted re summer planting.
370/14 Three Crowns garden – spring/summer planting
Summer planting as previously.
Brambles to be cut back at rear hedge – Cllr Smith to arrange.
371/14 Grounds maintenance – issues of concern
The following issues/solutions were brought forward:
o The store door was found to be open, now secured.
o There is a loose slate at the rear. Caretaker to be asked to inspect and rectify if possible.
o The waste bin to the right of the Chapel at the top of the cemetery is at an angle. Ground to be levelled and if necessary bin to be set on slabs.
o The ‘Garden of Remembrance’ area is beginning to look untidy. Volunteer group to undertake. Cllr Smith to organise.
Grounds maintenance is otherwise improved on previous years.
372/14 Date/time of next meeting – to be confirmed
To be confirmed on agreement of calendar of meetings for the new Council year.
The meeting closed at 11:35am.
SIGNED……………………………………………………… DATE………………………………………..
Minutes of a Meeting of the Cemetery and Other Grounds Committee on
18th February 2014