January 20, 2015
The Executive Board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on January 20, 2015 at Chesapeake Mosquito Control on Shell Road.
Those present were President Jennifer Pierce, Past President Joe Simmons, President ElectJay Kiser, Vice President Josh Smith, First Vice President Jeff Hottenstein, Secretary/Treasurer Penny Smelser, MAMCA Representative Tim DuBois, Lisa Wagenbrenner, and Ann Herring.
The Executive Board meeting was called to order at 9:08am.
The minutes for the meeting of December 16, 2014and the financial report for December 17, 2014to January 20, 2015were reviewed and motion was made by Josh Smith to accept the minutes and the financial report, seconded by Jay Kiser. All in favor, none opposed.
Officer Reports
Jay Kiser presented the board with the most recent draft of the 2015 Annual Meeting agenda. Discussion was held on previous sustaining members that have not made contact for 2015. VMCA has not received a response from Univar or Dynamic Aviation. Jay Kiser has been in contact with Peter Connelly of AMVAC.
Joe Simmons reports that the election is live and running smoothly with no issues reported.
Unfinished Business
The contract for the 2015 Meeting in Suffolk has been updated to include the necessary AV equipment.
Tim will contact the hotel to check on the number of room nights and whether rooms booked by VMCA members are being properly accounted for.
Penny Smelser will send a reminder to the membership to send in meeting registrations.
Information for posters will be forwarded to Jason Pevear. A request will be made for Jason to run the a/v during the meeting.
T Shirt designs have been finalized and shirts have been ordered. Two new designs will be printed on long sleeve tees and hoodies. Pricing will stay the same, $25 for hoodies, $15 for long sleeve and $10 for the remaining short sleeve tees.
Decals of Andy Lima’s design have been ordered, P Smelser will coordinate the payment. Decals will be sold $1 for the small, $2 for the large.
New Business
Board members will meet on January 29th at 8:00am at the Hollowell office to print forms and stuff envelopes.
Discussion was held on providing an online option for the conference evaluation. P Smelser will investigate options.
Ann Herring is the now the Virginia representative to MAMCA.
Jay Kiser proposed revisiting the idea of a student competition. He will research options for future conferences including methods to raise the prize money.
Board members should ideally arrive at the Suffolk Hilton on February 4 by 9:30am for set-up.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:17 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Penelope Smelser
Secretary/Treasurer VMCA