National Plumbing Services Training Advisory Group
Plumbing Industry Commission Victoria
© Commonwealth of Australia 2015
Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council
PO Box 151
Belconnen ACT 2616
Tel: 02 6253 0002
This work is copyright, but permission is given to trainers and teachers to make copies and contextualise the resources for use within their own training organisation or in a workplace where training is being conducted. This permission does not extend to making copies for use outside the immediate training environment for which they are made, or the making of copies for hire or resale to third parties.
This work was first published in 2004 with the assistance of funding provided by the Commonwealth Government through the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA). The2015 publication has been updated to reflect changes to the national units of competency.
The views expressed in this work do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth of Australia or CPSISC. In addition, the Commonwealth of Australia and CPSISC do not give warranty or accept any legal liability in relation to the content of this work.
The website addresses and other contact information provided in this publication were compiled in good faith and were correct at the time of printing.
The updating of these resources was completed by:
National Plumbing and Services Training Advisory Group, with funding and support provided by the Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC):
This guide was developed in consultation with representatives of the Plumbing Industry by NPSTAG and CPSISC to support the implementation of the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package.
What is this resource about?......
How do I use this resource?......
Flexible Delivery......
What do I have to do?......
Unit Descriptor......
Performance Criteria......
Required knowledge...... 5
How will I be assessed?......
Are there any pre-requisites?......
What other resources will I need?......
Web sites......
Selection of system controls and devices......
Prepare for work......
Obtaining drawings or specifications......
Workplace health and safety requirements......
Quality assurance......
Organising the work......
Tools and equipment......
Work area prepared......
Work notices......
Planning in conjunction with others......
Identify installation requirements......
Properties and characteristics of water......
System design......
Selecting a valve......
Valve pressure rating and system pressure......
The pressure drop across the valve at the desired flow rate......
Valve material and certification......
The temperature of the fluid in the system......
Water service controls and devices are selected......
Isolating valves......
Stop tap......
Mixer taps......
Gate valves......
Ball valves......
Solenoid valves......
Thermostatic mixing valves......
Flushing devices......
Mains pressure......
Storage tank supply......
Cisterns – manual, automatic and programmed on demand......
Backflow prevention devices......
Selecting backflow prevention devices......
Registered air gap (RAG)......
Registered break tank (RBT)......
Reduced pressure zone device (RPZD)......
Pressure vacuum breaker (PVB)......
Double check valve (DCV)......
Dual check valve (Dual CV)......
Dual check valve with atmospheric port (DCAP)......
Atmospheric vacuum breaker (AVB)......
Hose connection vacuum breaker (HCVB)......
Non Return Valve......
Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve......
Tempering Valves...... 30
Line strainers......
Pressure limiting valves......
Pressure reducing valve......
Circulating pumps......
Single stage pump......
Multi stage pump......
Submersible pumps......
Rotary or geared pump......
Available pressure......
Number of fixtures......
Valve size......
Materials identified ordering and collection......
Materials checked......
Install and adjust device......
Devices and mixing valves positioned and installed......
Isolating valves......
Thermostatic mixing valve......
Flushing devices......
Backflow prevention devices......
Temperature control devices......
Line strainers......
Pressure limiting valves......
Pipework flushed......
Devices are commissioned and maintained......
Flush valves......
Operation of the low pressure flushometer – plunger type......
Amount of water per flush......
Preventing continuous flushing......
Mains pressure flush valves......
Customer is advised of correct operation......
Clean up......
Work area cleared......
Tools and equipment......
Documentation completed......
Practical application......
Assessment checklist......
© Commonwealth of Australia2015 1
What is this resource about?
Welcome to CPCPWT3022A – Install and adjust water service controls and devices. This resource will help you gain the skills and knowledge necessary to demonstrate competence in this unit.
How do I use this resource?
This resource is divided into four main sections:
- A learning unit, which contains background information on CPCPWT3022A – Install and adjust water service controls and devices
- Worksheets, which prepare you for the practical application
- Practical application, which allows you to experience installing system controls and devices
- Assessment materials, which help you demonstrate competency.
To complete this unit of competence you will need to:
- read the information contained in the learning unit
- complete the worksheets as instructed
- have your answers checked by your trainer
- work with your trainer to practice installing system controls and devices
- read the assessment checklist together with the assessment sheets
- complete the assessment.
Learning Resources are not intended to be the only source of information nor are they intended to be an exhaustive form of instruction.
Flexible Delivery
The Trainer or Supervisor may adapt and deliver this Learning Resource to suit people from diverse backgrounds to meet equity principles and conform to Legislative policies.
What do I have to do?
To demonstrate competence in this unit you will be required to show the level of skills and knowledge for each of the elements involved in installing system controls and devices:
- Prepare for work
- Identify installation requirements
- Install and adjust device
- Clean up.
If you are unsure of the meaning of these elements you should read the performance criteria on the following page.
CPCPWT3022A / Install and adjust water service controls and devicesUnit Descriptor / This unit of competency specifies the outcomes required to install water service controls and mixing devices used to manually control water mix and flow. It includes the basic adjustment and maintenance of correct flow operation for flushing devices, control valves, temperature control devices pumps and appliances, and excludes the commissioning and adjustment of backflow prevention devices and thermostatic mixing valves.
Element / Performance Criteria
Elements define the essential outcomes of a unit of competency. / Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. Where bold italicised text is used, further information is detailed in the required skills and knowledge and/or the range statement. Assessment of performance is to be consistent with the evidence guide.
1Prepare for work / 1.1Drawings, plans and specifications are obtained
1.2Work health and safety (WHS) andenvironmental requirements associated with installing and adjusting water service controls and devices are adhered to throughout the work
1.3Quality assurance requirements are identified and adhered to according to workplace requirements
1.4Tasks are planned and sequenced in conjunction with others involved in or affected by the work and statutory and regulatory authorities’ requirements
1.5Tools and equipmentfor installing and adjusting water service controls and mixing devices, including personal protective equipment, are selected and checked for serviceability
1.6Work area is prepared to support efficient installing and adjusting of water service controls and devices
2Identify installation requirements / 2.1Service design requirements are identified from job specifications and according to relevant Australian standards using relevant information
2.2Service controls and mixing devices are selected according to relevant Australian standards, authorities' requirements and job specifications
2.3Available pressure and number of fixtures are determined from job specifications
2.4Valve size is selected according to regulations, job specifications, manufacturer recommendations and design data
2.5Materialsand equipment are identified, ordered and collected according to workplace procedures
2.6Required materials and equipment are identified and ordered/collected in accordance with workplace procedures
2.7Sustainability principles and concepts are observed when preparing for and undertaking work process
3Install and adjust device / 3.1Devices and mixing valves are positioned and installed according to relevant Australian standards, job specifications, manufacturer recommendations and authorities' requirements
3.2Pipework is flushed
3.3Devices are commissioned and maintained to ensure correct flow operation according to relevant Australian standards, and manufacturer and job specifications
3.4Customer is advised of correct operation of flushing devices, control valves, appliances and pumps
4.Clean up / 4.1Work area is cleared and materials disposed of, reused or recycled according to legislation, regulations, codes of practice and job specification
4.2Tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored according to manufacturer recommendations and workplace procedures
4.3Documentation is completed according to workplace requirements
Required knowledge / Required knowledge for this unit is:
- characteristics of the materials and devices being installed
- effective isolation procedures
- hydraulics and mechanics
- job safety analysis (JSA) and safe work method statements (SWMS)
- process of installing service controls and devices
- processes for accessing information and for calculating material requirements
- properties of water including pressure and flow rates
- relevant statutory requirements related to installing service controls and devices and requirements for backflow prevention devices
- SI system of measurements
- Australian standards applicable to the installation
- workplace and equipment safety requirements
An up to date version of the ‘Unit Descriptor’ may be located on the Australian Government web site training.gov.au
How will I be assessed?
Your trainer or supervisor will decide with you how you will be assessed. Your assessment activity may include completion of the student worksheet and practical task selected by your trainer. Your assessment should allow you to demonstrate all the skills and knowledge required to install system controls and devices.
This unit may be assessed in conjunction with other units of competence. Your trainer will tell you if you are to be assessed this way.
Are there any pre-requisites?
Prior to commencing CPCPWT3022A - Install and adjust water service controls and devices you must have successfully completed the following pre-requisites:
- CPCPCM2043A Carry out WHS requirements
It is also recommended that prior to commencing CPCPWT3022A - Install and adjust water service controls and devices you should have successfully completed the following competencies:
- CPCPCM2040A Read plans and calculate plumbing quantities.
Project work may also group pre-requisite and or co-requisite competencies together to carry out such projects. It is recommended that the following competencies could be grouped with this unit of competency:
- CPCPWT3023A Install and commission water heating systems
- CPCPWT3024A Install and maintain domestic water treatment equipment
- CPCPWT3025A Install water pumpsets.
- Where related units form an integral part of workplace responsibilities and roles, they can be assessed concurrently.
What other resources will I need?
To assist you the following resources have been suggested and should be available to you to do this competency:
- AS/NZS3500 – Plumbing and drainage
- Plumbing code of Australia
- State or Territory regulations may override this Learning Guide
Web sites
Video/audio cassettes
Workplace health and safety (WHS) requirements need to be observed in accordance with legislation. You need to know the WHS laws governing your job. Revision of CPCPCM2043A – Carry out WHS requirements, before commencing this unit is advisable.
In any work situation you can reduce the risk of injury to yourself and others by using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). The types of PPE that you will need include:
- overalls – used for the protection of the installer when working in different conditions
- boots – it is recommended that soft soled footwear is worn while working on roofs, as deep grooved footwear pick up small stones and debris that might damage or scratch the roof sheets
- safety glasses or goggles to protect the eyes from injury when cutting the sheets with a power saw
- ear plugs or muffs to protect the installer’s hearing from excessive noise
- dust masks or respirators to protect the user from breathing in dust or fine particles when cutting the sheets with a power saw
- gloves, for the protection of the installer’s hands when working with different types of pipes, tools and equipment.
In this unit you will look at installing water system controls and mixing devices used to control and regulate water mix and flow.
Valves are required in a system to give control. Without valves in a system we would have no control. Imagine a bath with a pipe filling it with water. If we had no valve to close off the flow of water when it was full, it would very quickly overflow. When we have control over a system we can make it function the way it was designed.
Valves are required to isolate part of a system or the entire system. Valves can also be provided for safety. They can be used to prevent the contamination of our drinking (potable) water supply or to prevent burns from hot water. Valves are often found in combinations. Some control valves and safety valves can be used for isolation.
Types of system controls and devices that you will be studying in this unit are:
- thermostatic mixing valves (install only)
- flushing devices
- backflow prevention devices (install only)
- temperature control devices
- line strainers
- isolating valves
- limiting valves.
- pumps
Each of these systems will be discussed individually and in detail throughout this unit.
Selection of system controls and devices
Each system control and device needs to be carefully selected for the system design requirements that are expected of it, and for the particular purpose that is identified for it from the job specification.
It is very important that the correct valve is selected to achieve the best control for the required job. It is important to recognise that all valves of a particular sort are not the same. They are designed for different pressures, applications, flow rates, and different types of fluids.
It is also important to select the correct valve for economic reasons. There is no use using a very expensive valve to do the same job that a less expensive one could do unless there is a specific reason to use the more expensive valve.
All valves should be made to comply with specific Australian Standards. It is important to use only valves suitable for the installation that have been manufactured in accordance with relevant Australian Standards.
- AS/NZS 3500 lists specific valves that are required to be provided, in special circumstances.
- AS/NZS 3500 1 Water services – specifies where and what type of isolation control and backflow devices are required and where they are to be placed.
- AS/NZS 3500.4 Heated water services – lists the type of valves required when low temperature hot water is to be provided. It also lists the type of isolation valves required for hot water boilers.
Prepare for work
Obtaining drawings or specifications
Plans for large installations are usually supplied with the drawing and specifications for a specific project. For domestic installations the plans and specifications will be supplied by the principle contractor or the owner. The specifications for individual valves can be obtained from the manufacturer or supplier, who can supply detailed product specifications on request
It is important to take the time to look at and understand any drawings or specifications that have been provided. Once you have obtained the plans and specifications, you should interpret them carefully. Plans need to be read in conjunction with the specification.
Special note should be taken of:
- the number of valves
- the type of valves specified
- the size of valves specified
- whether the design complies with the regulations
- the orientation of the devices
- the type of connection required
- the size and material of pipework
- the location of pipework, eg wall, ceiling etc
- any requirements in relation to specific installation detail.
The following drawing is an example of a pipe and valve layout for the installation of thermostatic mixing valves.
Example of pipework layouts for thermostatic mixing valvesIf work is properly organised, the tasks should be completed efficiently and speedily. Careful planning of the work is an important part of the total organisation of a job. The following important planning activities need to be carried out:
- dealing with the quality assurance requirements
- identifying the WHS requirements
- planning the work with consideration to others affected.
Obtaining and interpreting the plans and specifications is also an important part of planning. This will be looked at in detail with each of the system control device.
Before you can install and adjust water service system controls and devices, you need to gather together information from several sources. The table below shows some information sources and the type of information each source can provide.
Source of information / The information providedAuthorities / Installation requirements, eg backflow prevention, type of valves required
Plans and specification / Location of installation, type of valve, model, size and configuration
Company's quality assurance / Details of what is expected of you as an employee and the work standard required.
Regulatory requirements / Work notices and WHS
Manufacturers' specifications / All valves, pumps and appliances should be supplied with detailed instructions and specifications
Site inspection / Familiarising yourself with the locations and types of valves, pumps or appliances that are installed