Cyclin gene expression of T.Therm_00526250 during conjugation of the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophilia


Conjugation, the sexual reproduction of ciliate, is a series of meiotic and mitotic cell divisions, resulting in new micro and macro nuclei. In this process, the cell regulates nuclear divisions, chromosome fragmentation, genomic rearrangements, and nuclear destruction. Cyclin proteins have been observed in other organism, as cell cycle regulators. The focus of this study was to determine the role of the gene, TTherm_00526250, in the conjugation cycle of Tetrahymena thermophilia. The gene was named CYC11. From the expression profile, the function of the gene could be determined. The expression pattern, was obtained from a public data base, and RT-PCR. Expression was observed from C0 to C8 and at C14, in both expression patterns. However, the RT-PCR showed expression in vegetative and starvation, while the database did not. From the expression profiles, it is possible that TTherm_00526250 is involved in the separation of sister chromatid at the end of meiosis I. Most likely the cyclin is involved in the breaking down of cohesin, by activating separase. Further investigation needs to be done, in determining the expression pattern and ultimately gene function.


The ciliate Tetrahymena thermophilia is a well established, eukaryotic model organism. Because of research done on T. thermophilia, telomerase, telomeres, dynin, and many other eukaryotic structures and processes have been discovered (Maio et al., 2009). Ciliates can undergo two types of reproduction. The first, is asexual reproduction where the genetic information of the ciliate is replicated and the two resulting daughter cells are genetically identical. The other form of reproduction involves conjugation of two different Tetrahymena thermophilia. Conjugation takes place in response to stressful stimuli, such as starvation (Maio et al., 2009). In the first step of conjugation, two Tetrahymena of different mating types undergo meiosis and exchange haploid nuclei. The zygotic nucleus of the cells then undergo further divisions, resulting in a macro and micro nucleus (Liu et al., 2007). The micronucleus remains silent, with very few genes being expressed. The macronucleus genome is processed and amplified, resulting in a nucleus capable of transcribing large numbers of mRNA (Won et al., 1998). The next time the Tetrahymena encounters a stressful situation, the macronucleus is destroyed and conjugation begins again. This process is shown below in figure 1.

Figure 1. Stages of conjugation in Tetrahymena thermophilia. Figure taken from Miao et al., PLoS ONE. 2009; 4(2): e4429.

The process of conjugation relies heavily on regulatory proteins called cyclins. Cyclins are expressed at different times during the conjugation process (Zhang et al., 2002). They hold the cell at a specific stage, until they are destroyed. Cyclins act by binding and activating cyclin dependent kinases. These kinases then phosphorylate specific proteins, inactivating or activating them. To date, 23 cyclins have been identified in T. thermophilia (Maio et al., 2009). The hypothesis of this study is, each cyclin is involved in regulating, distinct steps in the cell cycle. Another aim was to identify the expression pattern of CYC11, T.Therm_00526250 using RT-PCR. From this, a possible function of the gene could be determined.


Cyclin genes were identified at the Tetrahymena Genome Database ( by searching for proteins with the keyword “cyclin”. A BLAST search with a cyclin protein sequence ensured that all cyclin genes were identified using this method. Microarray data during conjugation (Miao, et al., PLoS ONE. 2009; 4(2): e4429) were collected for each gene from the Tetrahymena Gene Expression Database (TGED; PCR primers flanking an intron were generated for each gene using Primer3 ( and ordered from Integrated DNA Technology (Coralville, IA). Oligo-dT-primed M-MLV reverse transcription (RT; Ambion) was performed on RNA collected from control cells and from cells at various stages of conjugation using the Trizol reagent (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. 1mL of cells (2.1 x 103 cells/mL) was collected at each time point, pelleted at 6000 rpm, supernatant was discarded and cells resuspended in 1 mL of Trizol. 180 ng of each template RNA was used per reverse transcription reaction. cDNA was diluted 1:5 and used as a template for PCR. PCR was performed in 25 L reactions using GOTaq (Fisher, Hampton, NH) with 1 L of each primer (10 L ). 15L of completed PCR reaction products were separated on a 2% agarose gel. DNA bands were visualized using ethidium bromide and photographed with a Kodak EDAS290 imaging system. Band intensities were determined using ImageJ (Abramoff, M.D., Magelhaes, P.J., Ram, S.J. "Image Processing with ImageJ".
Biophotonics International, volume 11, issue 7, pp. 36-42, 2004.)


The cyclin gene TTherm_00526250 was identified at the Tetrahymena Genome Database. A BLAST search was run to confirm its identification. The PCR primers were designed using known intron sequences from the Tetrahymena genome public databases (Figure 2). Microarray data collected from TGED showed expression starting at C0, peaking at C4, and returning to baseline at C8. There was a small peak at C14 (Figure 3). The RT-PCR analysis showed expression in both vegetative and starvation periods. It was also expressed at C0-C2, C4-C7, and C14 (Figure 4). When peak intensities were quantified, peak expression was observed in vegetative growth (Figure 5).





Figure 2: The template genomic DNA sequence for cyclin gene T.Therm_00526250. Red = intron; yellow = PCR primers flanking the large intron that were used in RT-PCR analysis.

Figure 3: Microarray expression profile from TGED for cyclin gene TTherm_00526250. L = vegetative log phase growth; S = starvation at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 24 hours; C = conjugation at 0, 2, 4, 6,8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 hours post-mixing.

Figure 4: RT-PCR analysis: Lane 1 = DNA MW marker; lane 2 = CU428 genomic DNA template (contains intron); lanes 3,4 = CU427 and CU428 vegetative log phase growth; lanes 5,6 = CU427 and CU428 starved for 24 hours; lanes 7-24 = conjugation at hours 0-18 post-mixing.

Figure 5: Quantification of band intensities from RT-PCR analysis for cyclin gene T.Therm_00526250 determined by ImageJ. .


The primary goal of this experiment was to determine the expression pattern from CYC11, TTherm_00526250. RT-PCR analysis showed expression during vegetative and starvation phases, as well as early in conjugation. The results obtained, did not agree with the microarray expression obtained from TGED. The microarray data showed baseline expression in vegetative and starvation periods. This expression pattern was not seen in the RT-PCR, where expression was observed during both periods. However, some similarities were seen. Both assays showed expression from C0 to C8, small expression at C14. An unexpected result in the RT-PCR was any gene expression at C4. The RNA was incorrectly collected at C4, so there should have been no expression observed. It is possible that gel was incorrectly loaded, with C3 and C4 being reversed. While the two sets of expression data do not completely agree, a guess at the gene function can be made from where the two expressions agreed.

Because both assays show expression at the beginning of C0, the cyclin is active during conjugation, suggesting it is a mitotic cyclin. From the TGED microarray, peak expression occurs at C4. At C4 the two conjugating cells have just completed Meiosis I, and are entering Meiosis II (Maio et al., 2009). In Meiosis I, the micronuclei of the Tetrahymena double their genetic material and pair sister chromatid (Zhang et al., 1999). These sister chromatid are held bonded together by cohesin. Cohesin is then broken apart to allow the separation of the sister chromatid. This separation is mediated by the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). The APC/C leads to the activation of separase, by ubiquitinating its inhibitor, securin (Li et al. 2009). The gene TTherm_00526250, could be involved in this process.

Further investigation is need, in order to determine function. RNA should be re-collected from conjugating T. thermophilia, and a new RT-PCR should be run. A Northern blot assay should also be run, looking at RNA expression. After the expression pattern is well understood, further experiments should be run to determine the function of the gene.


Abramoff, M.D., Magelhaes, P.J., Ram, S.J. "Image Processing with

Biophotonics International, volume 11, issue 7, pp. 36-42, 2004.

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