Notes to add to Flyer
Demonstration Regulations
Texas Administrative Code / Next Rule>TITLE 13 / CULTURAL RESOURCES
RULE §111.20 / Use of the Capitol Grounds
(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Event--Any performance, ceremony, presentation, or activity held on the grounds.
(2) Public purpose--The promotion of the public health, education, safety, morals, general welfare, security, and prosperity of all of the inhabitants or residents within the state, the sovereign powers of which are exercised to promote such public purpose or public business. The chief test of what constitutes a public purpose is that the public generally must have a direct interest in the purpose and the community at large is to be benefitted. This does not include activities which promote a specific viewpoint or issue and could be considered lobbying. Political rallies, receptions, and campaign activities are prohibited on the Grounds.
(3) Capitol grounds--The area within the historic cast iron fencing; the area lying between the fencing and city streets that is owned by the state; the esplanade just outside the east entrance to the Capitol between the gateposts and San Jacinto Street; the Old General Land Office Building grounds between 11th and 12th Streets and the Capitol's eastern iron fence and the State Insurance Building; the area bordered by 11th Street to the south, Colorado Street to the east, Lavaca Street to the west, and the Westgate Building property to the north; property north of the Capitol bordered by Colorado Street on the west, San Jacinto Street on the east and 15th Street on the north, which is not occupied with other state buildings, or the Texas Employment Workforce Commission Building property and accompanying terraces. Street right-of-ways within these boundaries include 14th Street and Congress Avenue.
(4) State official sponsor--The Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, a Texas Senator, or a member of the Texas House of Representatives.
(b) Fee for use of Capitol grounds. A fee is required from persons or entities that use the grounds of the Capitol for an event or other scheduled activity. The fee is in an amount set by the office of the State Preservation Board designed to recover the estimated direct and indirect costs to the state of the event or activity, including the costs of labor, materials, and utilities directly or indirectly attributable to the event or activity. The fee is required in the office of the State Preservation Board no later than 24 hours prior to the event.
(c) Criteria for Approval of Grounds Events.
(1) All Capitol grounds events will be approved and scheduled by the office of the State Preservation Board upon the recommendation of a state official sponsor as described in subsection (a)(4) of this section.
(2) All events must have a clear public purpose as described in subsection (a)(2) of this section.
(3) An event of the grounds of the Capitol should not exceed 3 hours in length and should conclude by 9:00 p.m.
(4) Events will not be approved if they:
(A) promote a commercial enterprise;
(B) obstruct entrances or interrupt traffic flow through the building;
(C) obstruct the view of or access to fire fighting equipment, fire alarm pull stations, or fire hydrants;
(D) involve the use of flammable, hazardous or odorous chemicals or materials;
(E) involve use of signs or placards attached to objects that might cause damage to the building or its contents.
(5) Intended use may not interfere with any legislative session or regular use of the grounds of the Capitol for transaction of state business.
(6) Sound equipment, chairs, podiums, tents, or other equipment required for ceremonies, presentations, or performances must be approved by the office of the State Preservation Board, but furnished and installed by the requesting party. Installation approval is subject to inspection.
(7) The State of Texas, the State Preservation Board, or any employee of the State Preservation Board are not liable for any injury which may occur to any person during any event on the Capitol grounds.
(8) Security requirements other than that routinely provided by Capitol police are the responsibility of the organizers; however, the office of the State Preservation Board must approve any additional security arrangements.
(9) Fund-raising on the premises is not allowed unless the fund-raising directly benefits the Capitol or unless it is part of the gubernatorial inaugural, or a similar event approved by the board, and the funds are used to help defray the costs of the event.
(10) With the exception of businesses authorized by the State Preservation Board to operate in the Capitol, vendors and/or the promotion of a commercial enterprise involving the exchange of money are prohibited.
(d) Scheduling events.
(1) No more than two events will be scheduled for the Capitol grounds in one working day.
(2) A written request to schedule an event on the Capitol grounds must be received by the office of the State Preservation Board one week before the date requested.
(3) Requests must be accompanied by the State Preservation Board event agreement form and be accompanied by:
(A) a detailed description of the event, including equipment and props to be used, and anticipated length and scope;
(B) a brief statement of the purpose of the event;
(C) the areas on the Capitol Grounds being requested for the event;
(D) a list of all electrical equipment and power requirements for each piece of equipment;
(E) a recommendation from the state official sponsor as described in subsection (a)(4) of this section.
(4) Incomplete requests will not be considered.
(5) No signs or placards displayed or available for display during the event may be carried into the Capitol building. No signs or placards may be attached to any part of the Capitol, including but not limited to fences, lampposts, trees, etc. except as approved by the board.
(6) A properly approved and signed request to use the grounds for a lawful public purpose shall constitute tacit acceptance by the organizer of all legal and financial liability for any damage to state property, or for any personal injury, caused by the described activity, or occurring as the approximate result of the activity.
(7) Approval shall not be granted when it is determined from the request that physical damage to state property (including but not limited to the Capitol's exterior walls, doors, windows or lighting, monuments, fencing, lampposts, walkways, driveways, curbs, signage, irrigation system, trees, grass, plants, or flower beds) may result from the described activity. No torches, candles, or other open-flame illuminating devices or fires are allowed for use on the grounds.
(8) Upon completion of the event, organizers will be held responsible for clean-up of the area. State Preservation Board will conduct an inspection of the area to determine whether it was adequately cleaned. The organizer(s) will be responsible for the costs of any additional clean-up or damage repair. The organizer(s) may be present at this inspection by contacting the office of the State Preservation Board.
Source Note: The provisions of this §111.20 adopted to be effective March 21, 1989, 14 TexReg 1277; amended to be effective February 5, 1990, 15 TexReg 339; amended to be effective September 6, 1990, 15 TexReg 4897; amended to be effective November 12, 1991, 16 TexReg 6129; amended to be effective April 12, 1994, 19 TexReg 2197; amended to be effective April 30, 2000, 25 TexReg 3526; amended to be effective July 1, 2012, 37 TexReg 4891
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams
A person whose morality is reflected in the willingness to do the right thing is ethical.
Ethics are moral values in action. We strive to be ethical because morality protects life and is respectful of others. It is a lifestyle that is consistent with mankind’s universal values as articulated by the American Founding Fathers — human equality and the inalienable right to life
If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values - that all reality hinges on moral foundations and that all reality has spiritual control. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sept 27 1918 President Woodrow Wilson made a speech to congress called the 5 particulars. I have taken the first two and have made them to apply here as follows.
1 The impartial justice meted out must involve no dicrimination between those to whom we wish to be just to and those to whom we wish not to be just. It must be a justice that plays no favorites and knows no standards but the equal rights of the several peoples concerned.Specifically, the wealthy, the poor, the landowners, and the homeless.
2 No special or separate interest of any single person or any group of people can be made the basis of any part of this settlement which is not consistant with the common interest of all.
The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.~~Ayn Rand
What are them words on the statue of liberty? Give us your poor, your wretched; Well, after about 126 years we still seem to have some living on our streets, let's fullfill our obligation to them.These people are treated badly,. They are human beings, not refuse. Man is a human resource, we just have to learn how to recognize a just and productive application for this particular resource. Instead we broom them from one location with no thought as to where to go.They are then swept from location to location.
Why don't we do like that sheriff in Arizona. and house our homeless in tents? If tents are good enough for our front line soldiers, who are giving the ultimate sacrifice, surely it is acceptable to the downtrodden. Let's not do to our homeless, what Haliburton has done to our soldiers, and our money. The city & private property owners can provide the flatland, and we can find tents for this land and port-a- potties, the churches are already feeding the poor & homeless. Knock out a few details and there ya go.
Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives. Ronald Reagan
The poor have little and the homeless have nothing, yet someone is trying to take from them, the right to sleep. The right to quietly suffer a below human standard of existance. You can outlaw neither. You can only make it worse, or you can make it somewhat more bareable. We already know which one is the morally correct answer, but which will you choose.
Majority rule only works if you're also considering individual rights. You can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what's for dinner.~~??~~
If we can give millions to candidates, we can spring for tents and potties. The difference is, one is for political consideration and the other is for human decency.
In school I learned that in this government, public servants worked for us, the people. We the people realize that the poor have a small voice in your eyes, and as for the homeless, the disenfranchised, they have no voice at all. Well we as your constituency are coming up to the plate and speaking for Lady Liberty's poor and wretched. They will be heard through our collective voices, and as our pubic servants, you must listen to what your constituents has to say and act accordingly. Watching a government trying to squeeze blood out of human turnips is an ugly thing to see.
Somewhere I read, the greatness of America is it's right to protest for right. .--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A skilled boxer is like a lion. Just as a lion is called the “king of the jungle,” a skilled boxer usually reigns supreme in a fistfight. But when a jiu-jitsu practitioner takes a boxer to the ground and applies a submission hold, it is like pulling a lion into a shark tank. A boxer on the ground, like a lion in the water, is out of his element.
When we wage peace, ....we are taking an oppressive system out of its element and dragging it into deep water, ..... because when we are violent is best prepared to smash us... King taught us to confront an oppressive system,,, NOT violently... where it is strongest,.... but in the realm of ,,,moral authority... where it is weakest.
Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, who write oppressive statutes; to turn aside the needy from justice, and to rob the poor of my people of their rights.UNQUOTE ~~That's my BOSS getting on me. Isaiah 10:1 And he is not happy with what you are doing to his children.
JESUS didn't teach us to hate the poor and worship wealth, This is the evil of a greedy world
Supreme Court Decisions
BTW, getting a warrant is indeed nothing new. For example, here is one of the earliest decisions I have found so far:
1. Good v. Dauphin County Social Services (3rdCir. 1989):
A police officer and a social worker may not conduct a warrantless search or seizure in a suspected child abuse case absent exigent circumstances. Defendants must have reason to believe that life or limb is in immediate jeopardy and that the intrusion is reasonable necessary to alleviate the threat.
Google Scholar
Edward E. Knauss, IV (argued), Metzger, Wickersham, KnaussErb, Harrisburg, Pa., for appellees, Dauphin County Social Services for Children and Youth, W.N. Hooper and Eileen O'Neill.
It's 1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA but it's on the "L" Street side of the Capitol, North steps...don't think we'd really need an address though as the people will already be there if they are getting the flyer!!! Make sense?
Other thoughts
I think that is good the way it is...if we put in too much people tend to get overwhelmed and it's an overwhelming subject as it is...the pic of the columnist isn't the right one though, that's the reporter from the news station I believe. But yes, the pics are good and I'd just put the Gov's office information and "please contact Gov Brown and request that this training be enacted State Wide...Mr. McMillian said in another article "Kern County is a beacon of hope for the Children" ALL children deserve to be safe in their homes. " or something similiar. We don't really need to have people contacting kern though they could contact their respective counties and I am notifying county counsel in each county of the new policy by these 4 and requesting they enact the same but it would just be MUCH easier to get it done statewide because then they have to adopt it...
Kathi’s Contact info:
okay, then just that one line needs to be corrected and the pic for columnist could also put at the very end, if you have questions regarding this issue you can email or contact Kathi at 530-903-9121...thanks so much for all this!!
State Govenors Contact
Found a List of State Governors contact info.
As time permits, may even send a quick email like I did to Gov. What's you opinion of Child Protective Agency Staff Warrant Training?
Addresses, Phone Number and E-mail of State Governors
Kathi Duran
is this grandpa chuck from fosterparentallegations yahoo group??
Kathi Duran
and can I steal your cover photo to use? It is gorgemous!!!
Chuck Ferrari
Yes it is, and yes you can steal cover photo, since I go it from someone else.. And is this Kathi Duran?? , Keep care my friend.
Forgot to tell you, a few years ago I moved from CA to FL. Long story short, our home, plus two others burnt down and since my wife and daughter have relatives here, thought it was the best option and for me to once again be close to the ocean.
Kathi Duran
yes and thank you!! Just got back online as I cancelled everything when I went to Sac...could never get yahoo on my phone so haven't even been able to see updates there...yes I thought you said you were in FL, sorry to hear that you had to move from such a beautiful area and hope that everyone is happy and healthy in the new area...have you or the group seen lois henrys reports? AMAZING news and tool for victims of CPS...did a speaking thing with monterey county on the 12th and it stopped the adoption of a womans grandson that was scheduled the next day! In the process of notifying all county counsels in the state and when done here will start on another state!!I'll share the link with you on my page did I send a friend request? think so, if not will do so after glad to see you here!!
Chuck Ferrari
Thanks for the update, and yes I do love it here.
But most of all thanks for taking an active part. Do share links since I don't have to tell you it is a never ending story, but it all starts with an individual assisting another in their time of need.