Press release October2013
Aquanale: “Integra 2-13“ A new underfloor roller shutter concept for all RivieraPools
The innovation at the Aquanale trade fairis the new roller shutter system "Integra2-13". A completely new redesigned concept with underfloor roller shutter shaft. Integra 2-13 comes with a folding underwater bench, under which the roller shutter is concealed. Visually, this concept is based on the RivieraPoolinline roller shutter coverwhich was tried and tested for many years. A year ago, the new design was presented to the Riviera ProPartnersand nowthe Integra 2-13 version has gone into serial production.
An important aspect of the development was that the roller shutter cover is no longer visually part of the pool edge but is part of the pool itself.
It has always been a challenge to integrate visually compatible coveringfor such an environment. This has now been improved significantly, as in "Integra 2-13", the roller shutter shaft is designed as a bench seat, which is below the water level. This allows a simplecoping designwhich radiates significantly more calm.
An eye-catcher in this new "bench version“ is the very high water level, now available up to 5 cm below the pool edge. This enhances thepool not only visually, but also brings more enjoyment to swimming.
But in addition to its appearance,the "Integra 2-13" alsoimproves functionality.The new roller shutter shaft is a straight wall, where it is easy to make a good turn in the water.
At the press of a button, the shutter moves over the water surface and covers this safely. Whether with “Thermosafe” PVC solar slats or with the new hail-proof polycarbonate slats, both with a black reverse side to convert solar energy into heat: protection against accidents, loss of water temperature and falling foliage is ensured by the roller shutter.
The proud ownerrecognises quickly the benefits of the “underwater bench“, a small area of shallow water offering total relaxation.
Even for cleaning purposes, the "Integra 2-13" also has major benefits because the seat can be folded down easily into the pool and it is easy to clean the roller shutter slats. Through a slit under the cover dirt can escape and easily be suctioned up by a vacuum cleaner.
The roller shutter "Integra 2-13" increases the water surface andallows an extremely high water level as well as a simple design of the coping stones.
More uses, more enjoyment, more pool.
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Contact person:
Uwe Rengers
Head of Marketing and Communication
Tel.No.: +49 170 9220690 | Email:
RivieraPool Fertigschwimmbad GmbH
Klöcknerstraße 2
49744 Geeste
Tel. +49 5937 – 66-0 | Fax +49 5937 – 8541
Overview of images:
Image 1: Integra_1.jpg
Perfect seat and lounge area.
The complete roller shutter is
concealed underneath.
Photo: RivieraPool
Image2: Integra_2.jpg
An elegant pool.
Linear with Integra 2-13.
Pure and simple.
Photo: RivieraPool
Image3: Integra_3.jpg
Easy maintenance: The complete
roller shutter is concealed underneath
the easily removable cover.
Photo: RivieraPool
Image4: Integra_4.jpg
Shallow water and an extended
water surface. That is what Integra 2-13
looks like.
Photo: RivieraPool