This is just one example that may be useful – you should consult with a licensed attorney in your own jurisdiction before adopting this skeleton.
University of xxxxx
Address and Phone
Name of Investigator/s:
Date of Report:
This report addresses allegations of violations of the Student Conduct Code: Policies and Procedures, 2011-2012 (“Student Conduct Code”) of the University of xxxxx, including possible violation of the University’s Administrative Policy Statement entitled, “Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures.” xxxxx conducted the investigation into these allegations. This report will determine whether it is more likely than not that there has been a violation of the Student Conduct Code or University policy.
Involved Parties:
Complainant is…..(a first year undergraduate female residing in the residence halls)
Respondent is…..(a male graduate student and a Residence Advisor in the residence halls)
Witness 1 is…..( a first year undergraduate female residing in the residence halls and Complainant’s roommate)
Date of Reported Incident: date of incident and date reported, and to whom (generally)
History of the Case:
On xxxxx, Complainant met with me in the Office of Victim Assistance along with…..
and reported…(general allegations). Complainant has not reported this to law enforcement at this time.
Alleged Violations:
A Notice of Investigation (NOI) was sent to Respondent on xxxxx. The NOI informed Respondent that an investigation was being conducted pursuant to….. The NOI contained the following allegations: xxxxx
The investigation looked into possible violations of the following provisions of the Student Conduct Code:
F4. Sexual Misconduct.
a. Non-consensual sexual intercourse: Non-consensual sexual intercourse is any sexual intercourse (anal, oral or vaginal), including sexual intercourse with an object, however slight, by one person upon another without consent.
F9a. Violating the University’s Administrative Policy Statement entitled, “Sexual
Harassment Policy and Procedures.”
F24. Possessing or using alcoholic beverages in violation of law or university policies.
(if you have a jurisdictional statement, add it here)
Standard of Proof:
In order to determine that a student has violated the Code of Conduct or the University’s Administrative Policy Statement entitled, “Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures” the standard of proof required is a preponderance of evidence, i.e., the evidence demonstrates that it is more likely than not that the conduct occurred. This standard is often referred to as “50% plus a feather.”
Interview/s with Complainant:
Additional Information Provided By Complainant:
(such as written statements, relevant emails, texts and voice mails)
Interview/s with Respondent:
Additional Information Provided By Respondent:
(such as written statements, relevant emails, texts and voice mails)
Summary of Information Provided By Witnesses:
Other Information:
(Residence Life Information, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Exam, Campus Security or Police Report, Information from experts)
Credibility Assessment:
Findings of Fact and Analysis:
xxxxx (State your policy and apply the facts as you find them to the policy)
Based on the totality of the circumstances and the information obtained pursuant to this investigation, and based on a more likely than not standard of proof, I conclude that it is/is not more likely than not that Respondent violated xxxxx.
Xxxxx (your name and position)