IEAA Fall Association Meeting
Nauvoo, Il
Sept. 17, 2003
Meeting called to order at 9:07am by president Dennis Bowman at the Nauvoo Firehouse. Members in attendance included: Chris Doll, Rick Keim, Bill Brink, Ed Ballard, Pete Fandel, Jay Solomon, Stu Ellis, Sean Evans, Rhonda Ferree, Charles Willman, Dennis Epplin, Mark Hoard, Marion Shier, Gary Bretthauer, Jim Morrison, Bill Lindenmeier, Ruth Hambleton, Elizabeth Wahle, Lynn Weis, Mike Plumer, Paul Wirth, Larry Casey, Ellen Trainor, Stuart Hawbaker, Dean Oswald, Robert Bellm, Dale Baird, Dennis Bowman and Mike Roegge.
Minutes from the spring meeting were read by Mike Roegge, secretary. Stu Ellis moved to approve minutes and Gary Bretthauer seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurers report was presented by Rhonda Ferree. $725.98 balance in checking account. 1991 Funds account has $78,965.12 which is in a CD that comes due on Oct. 28th. Motion to approve treasurers report made by Robert Bellm and seconded by Dean Oswald. Motion passed. Point was made that a replacement needs to be made for Terry Griffin on the ’91 committee (which is also the scholarship committee). The board will discuss this at next meeting.
Introductions of past presidents and life members.
Ed Ballard presented the new member oath to Bill Lindenmeier.
Bill Saxer, Region 3 Illinois Farm Bureau director presented Marion Shier with the IAA 25 Year Service pin.
Dennis Thompson, Illinois Crop Improvement Assn. presented the IEAA Communication Awards to the following award winners:
Stu Ellis- radio, personal column and individual newsletter
Dennis Bowman- slide set
Rhonda Ferree- direct mail, feature story and published photo
Jim Morrison- group newsletter
Dean Oswald- fact sheet
Dave Robson- educational notebook, publication
Susan Meeker- web page
NC NACAA Director Mike Christian reported on several matters, including: urging us to consider regional NACAA offices; congratulations to Dennis Bowman, DSA winner and Jay Solomon, AA winner; NACAA Scholarship program will provide up to $2000 per individual, with $25,000 awarded last year (Illinois had no applicants); NACAA is now a co sponsor of the Outstanding Young Farmer Award, and applications are due now.
Mike provided an update on Galaxy Conference discussion at the Green Bay meeting. At the delegate session, after much discussion, a motion was made and passed to allow the 3 options to be voted upon by the delegates. The south region basically voted as a block, and since they have the majority of delegates, they determined that there would be no participation by NACAA in the Galaxy Conference.
Mike discussed declining membership in NACAA. Numbers of agents are correlated to the economic strengths of the state extension service. And since the south has had relatively few problems, their membership has not declined as has other regions, especially the West and Northeast.
Standing Committee Reports
Program Recognition Council- Ruth Hambleton reported applications for DSA, AA and Achievement Award due in December. Ellen Trainor will move to chair and Elizabeth Wahle will be vice chair.
Professional Improvement Council- Rhonda Ferree asked those who attend the AM/PIC to take advantage of the pre and post tours. Rhonda will remain chair and Jay Solomon will be vice chair.
Extension Development Council- Dennis Epplin encouraged us to take advantage of programs offered. Dennis will remain chair and Dennis Bowman will serve as vice chair.
Resource and Development Council- Jim Morrison asked how to proceed with the discussions on cost recovery from the previous morning’s discussion.
Life Member- Larry Casey brought the group up to date with latest activities. There are currently more life members than there are members in IEAA.
Old Business
Friend of Ag (Peggy Kaye and Judith Joy) and Hall of Fame (Gilbert Hollis and Gary Ricketts) winners will be awarded on Oct. 22 luncheon during Annual Conference.
IEAA will set up display during annual conference to encourage new membership.
Stu Ellis asked the group to identify those potential new members within each district and make effort to include them in activities. District directors are asked to identify those members and make necessary arrangements.
Review of Green Bay- Dennis and Rhonda attended membership meeting. Illinois saw a 13% increase in membership. Breakfast went well. Delegate session discussion on national dues increase of $10, which was approved. We discussed how to react to the national dues increase as costs for IEAA continue to rise. Ruth Hambleton moved and Gary Bretthauer seconded that IEAA keep dues at current level and review it’s impact on our budget, and report at spring meeting. Motion passed.
New Business
Robert Bellm will be needing names of committee chairs.
Stu Hawbaker reported on Extension Partners. A membership list was distributed. Still in need of maintaining members. The goal is 10 members per county.
Dennis Bowman reported IEAA will be helping with the soils judging at Farm Progress Show, and needs volunteers to help with the event.
Gary Bretthauer suggested IEAA provide a polo shirt to each new member as a token of thanks. Gary moved to have Pete Fandel investigate the purchase of an IEAA logo shirt for new members. Jim Morrison seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Marion Shier reported on membership database for NACAA. He passed out info to each in attendance. Please look these over and report changes to Marion as soon as possible.
Discussion on the previous morning’s topic of Cost Recovery. After discussion, it was decided to proceed with developing ideas and proposals to pass on to administration to consider. The committee will add a few unit leaders from our membership.
Advisory Member Reports
Corn Growers- Mike Plumer- seed purity (non GMO) is major concern.
Corn Marketing Board- Pete Fandel- research on add on’s to make dry mill ethanol more efficient.
FBFM- Ruth Hambleton- Annual conference of FBFM is in October.
Forage and Grassland- Ruth Hambleton- 2005 National meeting will be in Illinois, in conjunction with Ill. Forage Expo, at a site near Bloomington.
Beef Assn.- Ed Ballard- Beef Assn. Received an Agri First grant to hire “educators” to work with their members. Educators receive $150 for each farm visit.
Wheat Assn.- Suzanne Bissonette reported via Dennis Bowman that current research is on insecticide treated wheat.
Discussion on the Illinois Animal Ag Initiative- little Extension representation.
District Director Reports
East Central- will have a short meeting at conclusion of fall meeting.
West Central- held tour of organic farms in Woodford County.
South- last meeting was at John Pikes. Next meeting will be with Missouri.
District directors- West Central- Aaron Dufelmeier and Sean Evans; East Central- Ellen Trainor and Steve Ayers; North- Russ Higgins and Gary Bretthauer; South- John Pike and Elizabeth Wahle.
Officer Reports
Dennis Bowman offered his thanks for the opportunity to serve the past year as president.
Additional Reports
Robert Bellm requested all districts to send to him updates and activities to include in newsletter. There were many positive comments from members as to the professional qualities of the newsletter. Also cudo’s to Jay Solomon and Jeff West on the IEAA web page.
Pete Fandel asked if we had any items to bring up at Field Staff that we contact him. Dennis Bowman will begin his term on the committee as Pete moves off.
The Illinois JCEP spring meeting will be in Springfield on March 4-5.
Other Items
Elizabeth Wahle informed the membership of an upcoming Fruit and Vege survey. All growers are attempting to be contacted. If you have any that you know of (regardless of size) please forward names and addresses to her.
Fall 2004 IEAA meeting is scheduled for northern Illinois.
Installation of officers and directors was made.
Meeting concluded at 12:05pm.