South Australia

Chicken Meat Industry Regulations2004

under the Chicken Meat Industry Act2003

[4.7.2008] This version is not published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 XXX

1.7.2008—Chicken Meat Industry Regulations2004


1 Short title

3 Interpretation

4 Fee for Registrar's operations

5 Notice to commence negotiations for growing agreements

Schedule 1—Fees for Registrar's operations

Schedule 2—Notice to commence negotiations for growing agreements

Legislative history

[4.7.2008] This version is not published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 XXX

1.7.2008—Chicken Meat Industry Regulations2004

1—Short title

These regulations may be cited as the Chicken Meat Industry Regulations2004.


In these regulations—

Act means the Chicken Meat Industry Act2003.

4—Fee for Registrar's operations

(1) The prescribed fee that must be paid to the Registrar each financial year is the appropriate fee set out in Schedule 1.

(2) The fee for a financial year must be paid to the Registrar by 1 May of that year.

(3) The penalty for default in payment of the prescribed fee is 10 per cent of the prescribed fee.

5—Notice to commence negotiations for growing agreements

For the purposes of section 17 of the Act, the prescribed form is set out in Schedule 2.

[4.7.2008] This version is not published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 XXX

1.7.2008—Chicken Meat Industry Regulations2004

Fees for Registrar's operations—Schedule 1

Schedule 1—Fees for Registrar's operations

1 / For a processor that—
(a) processes more than 2 million meat chickens each year / $13433
(b) processes between 1 million and 2 million meat chickens each year / $8956
(c) processes less than 1 million meat chickens each year / $4477
2 / For a grower—
(a) with more than 20000 square metres in area of shed space available for growing meat chickens / $1007
(b) with shed space available for growing meat chickens of between 8000 and 20000square metres in area / $672
(c) with less than 8000 square metres in area of shed space available for growing meat chickens / $335

[4.7.2008] This version is not published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 XXX

1.7.2008—Chicken Meat Industry Regulations2004

Notice to commence negotiations for growing agreements—Schedule 2

Schedule 2—Notice to commence negotiations for growing agreements

[4.7.2008] This version is not published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 XXX

1.7.2008—Chicken Meat Industry Regulations2004

Legislative history

Legislative history


• Please note—References in the legislation to other legislation or instruments or to titles of bodies or offices are not automatically updated as part of the program for the revision and publication of legislation and therefore may be obsolete.

• Earlier versions of these regulations (historical versions) are listed at the end of the legislative history.

• For further information relating to the Act and subordinate legislation made under the Act see the Index of South Australian Statutes or

Principal regulations and variations

New entries appear in bold.

Year / No / Reference / Commencement
2004 / 194 / Gazette 2.9.2004 p3578 / 2.9.2004: r2
2006 / 139 / Gazette 15.6.2006 p1874 / 1.7.2006: r2
2007 / 126 / Gazette 7.6.2007 p2483 / 1.7.2007: r2
2008 / 146 / Gazette 5.6.2008 p2193 / 1.7.2008: r2

Provisions varied

New entries appear in bold.

Entries that relate to provisions that have been deleted appear in italics.

Provision / How varied / Commencement
r 2 / omitted under Legislation Revision and Publication Act2002 / 1.7.2006
Sch 1 / substituted by 139/2006 r4 / 1.7.2006
substituted by 126/2007 r4 / 1.7.2007
substituted by 146/2008 r4 / 1.7.2008

Historical versions


[4.7.2008] This version is not published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 XXX