Regular Village Board Meetings
SolonSpringsCommunityCenterFebruary 23, 2015
11523SBusinessHwy53inSolonSprings,WI 54873
7:00p.m. Michael Blaylock, President calledtheregularmonthlymeetingtoorder.
- RecitalofPledgeofAllegiance
- Kathy Burger, Clerk, called roll ofBoardMembers: Michael Blaylock, Jonathan Brostowitz, Ben Evans, Todd Gilbert, Melissa Johnson, Joshua Little; Thomas Stewart. Others present: Kathy Burger,Clerk; Becky Nordskog, Treasurer, Robert Mock, Douglas County Board Commissioner, Neil Matheson, Chairman of the Airport Commission, John Shupe, Vice Chairman of the Airport Commission, Bob Smith, George Fairfield,Village residents, Kurt Larson, Town of Solon Springs resident.
- Motioned by Gilbert second by Johnsonto approve the agenda with the change of 5.3 Expenditure report date from January 20th to February 20th. Motion Carried.
- BusinessbyPublic
4.1 Sewer Improvement Project - MichaelStoffel – not present. Blaylock reported we are still waiting on the E&M manuals that were suppose do be delivered before the holidays. The DNR new requirement is to have more documentation/equipment to stay compliant. More information will be provided at the next meeting.
4.2Peoplesigneduptospeak:Bob Smith was present to ask questions regarding the airport project.
- ConsentAgenda – MotionedbyLittlesecondbyBrostowitzto approve the consent agenda.Motioncarried.
5.1Approvalofminutesfor02/034etter fo /15(January meeting) regular board meeting minutes.
5.2(r/f) Treasurer'sreportJanuary (ProfitandLoss,andReconciliationDetail).
5.3ApprovalofpaymentsforGeneralfundcheckingandSewerfundchecking;alllistedontheExpenditurereportdated February 20, 2015. (Pleasesee02/20/15 expenditurereportfordetails.)
5.4(r/f)CorrespondencereceivedsincetheFebruary 3, 2015regularmeetingtobeacknowledgedandplacedonfile:none
5.5ApprovalofZoningpermitapplications: none
5.5ApprovalofOperatorsLicensesissued: Catherine Forrest, Rebecca Rummel and Nell Forrest for The Little Gift House.
5.6ApprovalLiquorLicenseapplications: none
- Business by the Board
a)Update on Farmer property & bid openings for contractor razing of outbuildings: Blaylock open the 3 bids received. Lake Effect @ $2,250, Harvey Construction, Inc. for $2,500 and Jay Morris for $2,198. Motion by Brostowitz, second by Little to accept the lowest bid of $2,198 to Jay Morris. Motion carried unanimously. Little will relay to Morris that Farmer has until 3/15/15 to remove the outbuildings and fencing himself.
b)Budget Vs. Actual 2014 – tabled.
c)Insurance update – the Governor has chosen to eliminate the Municipal Insurance Fund as of 12/31/16.
d)Solon Springs Airport – more discussion took place on the airport project. Stewart and Little are withdrawing their motion made previously from the February 3, 2015 board meeting. Motion by Blaylock second by Little to fund the Village portion up to $20,000 under the stipulation that 37% will be paid back to the Village via the airport commission or reduce the airport budget. Motion carried unanimously.
e)Douglas County Forestry/DNR Floodplain Ordinance for Park Creek Dam – Blaylock reported he spoke with Frank Dallam, the Dam Safety Engineer on what specifically is needed from the Village for our ordinances. Basically it is just boilerplate language needed to be added into our flood plain ordinances to be compliant with the DNR.
NewBusiness: none
6.1 AdministrativeCommittee–working on finalizing the ability to accept credit/debit card payment for sewer. There would be no monthly fees to the Village.
6.2 BuildingsandGroundCommittee– -no updates
6.3PublicWorks/SanitarySewerCommittee– Clerk reported $2,275 in late fees for the 4th quarter 2014.
6.4 FirewiseCommittee–The dates for the cleanup/chipping will be May 13-15. Will incorporate a Village-wide cleanup into it. Letter will be presented at March meeting for mailings the first week of April to residents.
6.5Public Safety–Stewart will contact Sheriff Dalbec to schedule a public meeting on safety issues.
7. ReportsbyLocalorCountyDepartmentsorCommissions
7.1 DouglasCountyBoardCommissioner – gave an update on County business.
7.2 UpperStCroixLakeAssociation – no updates
7.3 FireCommission/FireDepartment–no updates
7.4. Community CenterCommission – no updates
7.5 Airport Commission – no updates
7.6 DevelopmentCommission–two different job projects for the development park in the Village and working with DNR and ICECOR – waiting for a meeting to be scheduled.
7.7 Planning Commission – everyone should have revised set of ordinance plans. Blaylock will keep everyone posted on the status of this.
a)The Planning Commission – Theien said they still waiting for the attorney to finish reviewing the updates to the new zoning ordinances. Blaylock would also like to start looking at Village ordinances for the handling of nuisance properties.
7.8 Solon SpringsRecyclingCommission–Blaylock informed the board he is organizing a Spaghetti Benefit for Gina & Gary for their house fire for March 15th.
8. Motioned byJohnson, second by Gilbertto adjournthemeetingat8:33p.m. Motioncarried.
K. Burger,Clerk
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