ENGR 1181 | MATLAB 6: Input OutputMAT_06D_Input_Output_Assignment

Follow the format that you’ve been doing for previous problems.

·  Do the entire problem in one script file.

·  Your script file should include comment statements to help organize your script file.

·  Make sure the Command Window displays your name, the assignment name, and your group number.

·  Submit based on your instructor’s guidelines.


One of the growing segments in the area of renewable energy is energy generated by wind power. Wind turbines require the expertise of, among others, electrical, structural, mechanical, and aeronautical engineers.

Define – Problem Statement

You are an electrical engineer working with renewable energy. The file Watts.txt has the maximum power required in a house for each day for the month of March. You want to make sure the amount of power needed does not fluctuate greatly over the month.

You have designed three wind turbines. You need to specify the appropriately sized wind turbine to select to power a home. The wind turbine must be able to produce power at least equal to one standard deviation above the average required for the home for wind speeds between 5 m/s and 13 m/s.

Compute the average and standard deviation of the power requirements for a home. Perform these calculations making use of MATLAB’s built-in ability to work with vectors. You MAY use the MATLAB built-in functions mean() and std().

The wind turbines have different blade sizes and thus capture different cross sectional areas of the wind.

WT #1 / A=10 m2
WT #2 / A=100 m2
WT #3 / A=200 m2

The power that is available in the wind is given by:

Pwind=12ρAV3 (1)

where: P is power (W)

ρ is density of the air (kg/m3)

Using sea level conditions for this calculation: ρ = 1.225kg/m3

A is the cross sectional area of the wind being examined (m2)

V is the velocity of the wind (m/s)

However, wind turbines are unable to capture 100% of the wind. Assume that these wind turbines can capture 30% of the available wind power so the power equation becomes:

Pwind turbine=(0.3)12ρAV3 (2)



·  Consider (not required but recommended) creating an algorithm to represent your solution process and the steps you need to take for this assignment.


·  Create a script file

·  Add comment statements to include your name, the assignment name, and your group number.

·  Display to the command window your name, the assignment name, and your group number.

·  Add comment statements to help organize your script file.


·  In the script file, perform the following tasks:

·  Part 1

-  Read in the power data from Watts.txt using load().

-  Calculate the average of the home power requirements.

-  Calculate the standard deviation of the home power requirements.

-  Determine the amount of power that satisfies the power requirement of 1 standard deviation above the average.

-  Using fprintf(), print to the command window the average power, the standard deviation, and the amount of power that satisfies the requirement of being one standard deviation above the average, properly labeled and with proper units.

-  Print the script file and command window to a pdf. Combine pdfs and submit to the Carmen Dropbox. Then, continue on to Part 2.

·  Part 2

-  Create a vector of wind velocities using the vector notation V = [start: step: stop] such that your velocity vector V = [5, 7, 9, 11, 13] m/s.

-  Create a vector of the cross sectional area of each wind turbine. Have the user input these three values from the command window using the input() command.

-  Determine the amount of power that each wind turbine can produce for a given wind speed.

Use vector arithmetic/notation.

-  Using fprintf(), print to the command window the power vector that each wind turbine can produce. Make sure it is properly labeled and with proper units.

-  Look at the results printed to the command window and identify which wind turbines would meet the requirements for powering the household. Add an fprintf() statement displaying which wind turbines meet the requirements.


-  Using the Excel file from the course website, verify the mean, standard deviation, power requirements, and power produced by each wind turbine. Plot the power produced by each wind turbine over the range 5m/s and 13m/s. Verify by examining the graph which wind turbines will produce enough power for the household between 5m/s and 13m/s. Use good graphing practices.


·  Print (paper or pdf depending on instructor preference) the final version of your script file.

·  Print (paper or pdf depending on instructor preference) the command window output.

·  Print (paper or pdf depending on instructor preference) the Excel table and plot for the evaluate step.

·  If paper: Staple the planning documentation, script file, output, and verification together and turn it in.

·  If pdf: Combine pdf files together and submit to Carmen Dropbox.