Dear parents of Senior English students,
As you know, your child has been involved in our semester long Senior English project called the Senior Project. After identifying future career goals and interests, students set out on The Project consisting of four parts:
Physical Project: The physical project requires a minimum of 15 hours from the students in which they job shadow in their community or learn a new skill.
Senior Research Paper: This is a student driven research paper that is 7-10 pages in length and is in some way connected to the student's physical project.
Portfolio: The portfolio is a record of the Senior Project experience which logs time spent on the physical project as well as project proposals and a letter of introduction to the board panelist.
Senior Boards: This oral presentation synthesizes the paper, project, and self growth journey. It allows the student to demonstrate oral communication skills and provides a forum for community participation.
At this point in the semester, students should have already completed their Physical Project and are finishing their Senior Research Paper. Currently, they are preparing to assemble their Portfolio of all their work and preparing their formal Senior Board presentation. In a rehearsed 7-10 minute speech, students will share with group of three community members their Senior Project experiences.
Because of the logistics of assembling multiple three-person panels and the length of each presentation, we will not be able to have more than a few students present during class time. After consulting with the students and our calendar, we have set up the bulk Senior Boards to occur after school on Thurs., June 4th from 2:45 - 5:45pm.
Students will not need to be on campus all this time. Instead, they will merely show up for their ten minute presentation and sit as a judge on the panel following theirs. In all this should take no more than a half hour.
If there is some problem with this schedule, please contact Mr. Fox to discuss an alternate arrangement.
Also, we’d love to have your participation in Senior Boards! If you’d like to volunteer to sit on a panel, please sign below and we’ll get back to you. It should be a wonderful experience to see where our students are headed in life!
Thanks again for all your help this year.
____YES, I’m interested in participating on Senior Boards, Thursday, June 4th from 2:45 - 5:45pm
____NO, I will not be able to volunteer for Senior Boards
By signing below, I acknowledge understanding and approving the above assignment.
PHONE:______(best time to call______)