E. Ann Matter Curriculum vitae
Personal Data
date of birth: December 29, 1949
home address: 941 Annin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147
(215) 463-2663
work address:Department of Religious Studies, University of Pennsylvania
Claudia Cohen Hall, 249 S. 36th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6304
(215) 898-8614
Oberlin College, 1967-1971 A.B. (Religion)
Catholic University of America, Medieval Academy of America
Institute in the Basic Disciplines, summer, 1974 (textual editing)
Yale University, 1972-1976 (Religious Studies)
M.A. 1975
M. Phil. 1975
Ph.D. 1976
thesis topic:
The De partu Virginis of Paschasius Radbertus: Text and Monographic Study
advisor: Jaroslav Pelikan
Professional Positions Held
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Religious Studies
Assistant Professor: 1976-1982
Associate Professor: 1982-1990
Professor: 1990-1995
R. Jean Brownlee Term Professor: 1996-2001
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor: 2005-
University of Pennsylvania, Department of History
Secondary Appointment: 1996-
Weston School of Theology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Visiting Scholar: spring/summer, 1979
Haverford College, Visiting Associate Professor of Religious Studies:
fall, 1983; spring, 1986; fall, 1987; spring 1990
Swarthmore College,Honors Examiner in Early Christianity: 1977,81,84,86
Honors Examiner in Medieval Philosophy: 1981,84,86
Honors Examiner in Medieval Christianity: 1994
Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy:
Visiting Professor, May, 1993
Awards and Honors
Phi Beta Kappa, 1971
Florence A. Frew Prize (Greek and Latin) Oberlin College, 1971
University Fellowship, Yale University, 1972-1975
Whiting Fellowship for the Humanities, Yale University, 1975-1976
American Philosophical Society Grant, summer 1977
(for research in France, Germany, Austria)
American Council of Learned Societies, Grant-in-Aid for Recent Recipients of the Ph.D., summer, 1978 (for research in Leningrad, U.S.S.R.)
University of Pennsylvania Summer Faculty Grant, 1978
(for research at the Archabbey of Beuron, West Germany)
National Endowment for the Humanities, Research Fellowship, spring, 1979
American Philosophical Society Grant, summer, 1980 (for research in Italy)
University of Pennsylvania Summer Faculty Grant, 1983 (for research in Italy)
American Philosophical Society Grant, April, 1984 (for research in Paris)
University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation Grants, 1986, 89, 90, 92
National Endowment for the Humanities, Research Fellowship, 1988
(for research in Italy)
Annenberg Research Institute, Philadelphia, Fellow, fall, 1992
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1996
R. Jean Brownlee Term Professorship, 1996-2001
Leonore H. Williams Award, Association of Women Faculty and Administrators, University of Pennsylvania, April, 1999
Elected Fellow of the Medieval Academy if America, 2004
William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, University of Pennsylvania, 2006-
Teaching Awards:
Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1981
Outstanding Teaching Award, College Alumni Society, Penn, 1995
Areas of Teaching and Research
History of Christian thought and culture in medieval and early modern Europe; religion and literature; history of biblical exegesis, spirituality, and mysticism; women's history and spirituality; music and Christianity; text editing
Selected University and Professional Service
Undergraduate Chair, Religious Studies, 1977-81; 1982-83, 1997-2001.
Chair of Graduate Group in Religious Studies, 1984-87
Chair of the Department of Religious Studies, 1989-1995, 2001-
School of Arts and Sciences:
Director of Women's Studies, 1981-83; Acting Director, 1998-99;
Women’s Studies Advisory Committee, 1985-2003
Committee on Medieval Studies, 1981-; chair, 1990-1995
Faculty Advisory Board, Center for Italian Studies, 1987-
Committee on Undergraduate Academic Standing, 1989-91, chair, 1993-94
Center for Judaic Studies, Faculty Advisory Board, 1995-
Convener, Faculty Seminar on The Power of Sight, 1998-99
Affirmative Action Officer, 1998-99
Personnel Committee, 2000-2002
Committee on Teaching and Learning, chair, 2002-
Penn Humanities Forum Advisory Board, 2002-
Policy and Priorities Committee, 2002-2010
Associate Dean for Arts and Letters, 2006-2010
Faculty Resident, Van Pelt College House, 1981-86
Faculty Senate Executive Committee, 1985-87; 1989-91
University Council, constituency member, 1985-87; 1989-91
University Council, Steering Committee, 1986-87, 1990-91
Lindback Society Governing Board, 1990-92, 1994 chair, 1991-92
Council Committee on Libraries, 1991-93
Faculty Senate Committee on the Administration, chair, 1994-95
Vice Provost for University Life Search Committee, summer, 1995Humanities Panel, Research Foundation, 1989-92, 1993-95, chair, 1991-92.
Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility, 1997-98
Faculty Liaison to the Board of Trustees, 2000-2003
University Council Committee on Honorary Degrees, chair, 2001-2004
University President Search Committee, 2003-2004
University Museum Director Search Committee, spring, 2007
President, Delaware Valley Medieval Association, 1990-91
Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship, Advisory Board, 1992-
president 2002-2004
Collegium: Institutes on Catholicism and the Intellectual Life, Board, 1994-97
Outside Reviewer, Religion Department, Oberlin College, February, 1996
Outside Reviewer, Religious Studies, University of Oregon, May, 1997
Outside Reviewer, Religion Studies, Lehigh University, March, 2000
Outside Reviewer, Philosophy and Religion, Colgate University, October, 2001
Outside Reviewer, Medieval Institute, Notre Dame University, October, 2004
International Reviewer for Research Projects submitted to the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research, 1998, 99, 2000, 2005, 2011
Editorial Board Memberships
University of Pennsylvania Press, Faculty Editorial Board, 1991-95, 2006-2010
TEAMS Editorial Board 1991- (editor of Commentary Series)
GLQ Advisory Board, 1993-1996
Recentiores Advisory Board (University of Michigan Press) 1993-1998
Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions (Macmillan) Christianity Editor
Junior Dictionary of the Middle Ages Advisory Board
The Journal of Medieval Latin, General Editor
Medieval Feminist Forum Editorial Board
Sacris Erudiri: A Journal on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity Advisory Board, 2004-
Commentaria series, Brill Press, editorial board, 2006-
Professional Memberships
The Medieval Academy of America
Delaware Valley Medieval Association
The American Academy of Religion
The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship
The Society for the Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages
American Association of University Women
American Association of University Professors
Modern Languages Association
Co-Editor (with Richard Marsden) of The New Cambridge History of the Bible vol. 2, The Middle Ages, projected for 2012.
Critical Editions
1.Paschasii Radberti, De partu Virginis, Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, continuatio medievalis 56C (Turnhout, Belgium, 1985) (Latin).
2.Lucia Brocadelli da Narni, “Liber” (Seven Revelations) text and introduction in Archivum fratrum Praedicatorum LXXI (2001) 311-344 (with Maiju Lehmijoki-Gardner and Armando Maggi) (Italian).
3.La Vita di Lucia Brocadelli da Narni ( 1476-1544) tra agiografia e > autobiografia. Testo a cura di E.Ann Matter e Gabriella Zarri. (Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2011) (Italian).
4.Education, Civic Virtue, and Colonialism in Fifteenth-Century Italy: The Ogdoas of Alberto Alfieri, edition and translation with introduction, forthcoming (2011 – in press) from Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona,(with Carla P. Weinberg) (Latin).
5.Alcuin, De fide Sanctae Trinitatis et De Incarnatione Christi, Libri Tres, for the Corpus Christianorum series, Turnhout, Belgium, forthcoming, 2011 (with Eric Knibbs) (Latin).
1.The Voice of My Beloved: The Song of Songs in Western Medieval Christianity (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990, paper edition, 1992).
2.Creative Women in Medieval and Early Modern Italy: A Religious and Artistic Renaissance, co-editor with John Coakley (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994).
3.The Liturgy of the Medieval Church, co-editor with Thomas Heffernan (Kalamazoo, MI: The Medieval Institute Press, for TEAMS, 2001; second revised edition, 2005).
4.Law and the Illicit in Medieval Society, ed. Ruth Mazo Karras, Joe Kaye, E. Ann Matter (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2008).
5.Mind Matters: Studies of Medieval and Early Modern Intellectual History in Honour of Marcia Colish, ed, Cary J. Nederman, Nancy Van Deusen, and E. Ann Matter (Tournout: Brepols, 2009)
6.From Knowledge to Beatitude, St. Victor, Twelfth-Century Scholars, and Beyond, ed. Lesley Smith and E. Ann Matter(U of Notre Dame Press,forthcoming, 2012)
In Progress
Monographic study of Suor Maria Domitilla Galluzzi (d. 1671), mystic author of the Capuchin community of Pavia, Italy.
Translations from Italian
1."Factory Poems by Cornelia Noseda," Hurricane Alice (Summer/Fall, 1989) pp. 6-7 (edition and translation of worker poems in Comasco dialect).
2.Mariateresa Fumagalli Beonio-Brocchieri, “The Feminine Mind in Medieval Mysticism,” in Creative Women in Medieval and Early Modern Italy: A Religious and Artistic Renaissance (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994) pp. 19-33.
3.Grazia Deledda, La chiesa della solitudine (1936), in the Women Writers in Translation Series, SUNY Press, as The Church of Solitude, with Afterword (2002).
7.Lucia Brocadelli da Narni, “Revelationes” (Seven Revelations) for Dominican Penitent Women, ed. Maiju Lehmijoki-Gardner (New York: Paulist Press, 2005) pp. 212-243.
Articles and Chapters (* = peer-reviewed publications)
1."Innocent III and the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven," Women Priests: A Catholic Response to the Vatican Declaration, ed. L. and A. Swidler (New York: Paulist, 1977) #16, pp. 145-151.
* 2. "The Pseudo-Alcuinian De septem sigillis: An Early Latin Apocalypse Exegesis," Traditio 36 (1980) 111-137.
* 3. "The Revelatio Esdrae in Latin and English Traditions," Revue bènèdictine 92 (1982) 376-392.
* 4. "The Lamentations Commentaries of Hrabanus Maurus and Paschasius Radbertus," Traditio 38 (1982) 137-163.
5. "The Virgin Mary: A Goddess?" in The Book of the Goddess Past and Present, ed. Carl Olson (New York: Crossroad, 1983) pp. 80-96; reprinted, 2000.
6. "Exegesis and Christian Education: The Carolingian Model," in Teaching and Learning the Christian Tradition: Essays on Schools of Christian Thought in Honor of Jaroslav Pelikan, ed. Patrick Henry (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984) pp. 90-105.
* 7. "The Eulogium sponsi de sponsa: Monks, Canons, and the Song of Songs," The Thomist 40 (1985) 551-574 (in honor of M.D. Chenu).
8. "Theological Freedom in the Carolingian Age: The Case of Claudius of Turin," La notion de liberté au Moyen Age Islam, Byzance, Occident: Penn-Paris-Dumbarton Oaks Colloquia, ed. G. Makdisi, D. Sourdel, J. Sourdel-Thomine (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1985) pp. 51-60.
* 9. "My Sister, My Spouse: Woman-Identified Women in Medieval Christianity," Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 2 (1986) 81-93;
Reprinted in Weaving the Visions: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality, ed. Judith Plaskow and Carol P. Christ (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1989) pp. 51-62.
* 10. "Buxtehude and Pietism? A Reappraisal," The American Organist 21,5 (May, 1987) 81-83.
* 11. "Il Cantico dei Cantici nel contesto del Cristianesimo medievale: l'eredità di Origene," Aevum 61,2 (1987) 303-312 (in Italian).
12. "Per la morte di Suor Maria Domitilla Galluzzi: Una poesia anonima del seicento Pavese," Poesia: Mensile di cultura politica 2,12 (1989) 11-14 (in Italian).
* 13. "Discourses of Desire: Sexuality and Christian Women's Visionary Narratives," Journal of Homosexuality 18 (1990) 119-31; also published in Homosexuality and Religion, ed. Richard Hasbany (New York: The Hawthorne Press, 1989) 119-31, and in Que(e)rying Religion: A Critical Anthology, ed. Gary David Comstock and Susan E. Henking (New York: Continuum, 1997) pp. 107-115.
*14. "Conversions in the Confessions," Collectanea Augustiniana, Augustine: "Second Founder of the Faith," ed. Joseph C. Schnaubelt, O.S.A. and Frederick Van Fleteren (New York: Peter Lang, 1990) pp. 21-28.
* 15. "The Song of Songs in the Exercitia spiritualia of Gertrude the Great of Helfta," in Il femminile in Chiara d'Assisi, ed. Davide Covi, Rome: Laurentianum 31 (1990) 39-49.
16. "Alcuin's Question-and-Answer Texts," Rivista di storia della filosofia, 4 (1990) 645-56
17. "The Bible in All Ages?" Review essay of Bible de tous les temps, 8 volumes (Paris: Éditions Beauschesne, 1984-1989) for The Journal of Religion, 71 (1991) 79-90
18. "Joseph Hall and the Tradition of Christian Interpretation of the Song of Songs," preface for a facsimile edition of Joseph Hall's Open and Plaine Paraphrase upon the Song of Songs (London, 1609), ed. Gerald T. Sheppard (New York: Pilgrim Press, 1991) pp. 58-66.
19. "The Personal and the Paradigm: The Spiritual Autobiography of Maria Domitilla Galluzzi," in The Crannied Wall: Women, Religion, and the Arts in Early Modern Europe, ed. Craig Monson (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1992) pp. 87-103.
20. Commentary Column for Medieval Feminist Newsletter, Gay and Lesbian Issue, No. 13, Spring, 1992, pp. 2-3.
21. "Love Between Monastic Women," Open Hands 8,1 (summer, 1992) 12-14.
* 22. "The Apocalypse in Early Medieval Exegesis," in The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages, ed. Richard K. Emmerson and Bernard McGinn (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992) pp. 38-50.
23. "Interior Maps of an Eternal External: The Spiritual Rhetoric of Maria Domitilla Galluzzi d'Acqui," in Maps of Flesh and Light: Aspects of the Religious Experience of Medieval Women Mystics, ed. Ulrike Wiethaus (Syracuse, N.Y.:Syracuse University Press, 1993) pp. 60-73.
* 24. "Anselm and the Tradition of the Song of Songs," Rivista di storia della filosofia 3 (1993) 551-560.
* 25. "The Future of the Study of Medieval Christianity," in The Past and Future of Medieval Studies, ed. John Van Engen (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994) pp. 167-179.
26. "The Commentary on the Rule of Saint Clare by Maria Domitilla Galluzzi," in Creative Women in Medieval and Early Modern Italy: A Religious and Artistic Renaissance, ed. E. Ann Matter and John Coakley (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994) pp. 201-211.
27. "The High Stakes of Medieval Literary Theory: A Historical Comparison," in Les enjeux de la critique: metodi a confronto, ed. Anna Dolfi and Carla Locatelli (Florence: Bulzoni, 1994) pp. 147-158.
28. "Il matrimonio mistico," in Donne e Fede: Santità e vita religiosa, ed. Lucetta Scaraffia and Gabriella Zarri (Bari and Rome: Laterza Editore, 1994) pp. 43-60 (in Italian); translated as “Mystical Marriage,” in Women and Faith: Catholic Religious Life in Italy from Late Antiquity to the Present (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1999) pp. 31-41.
* 29. "Ecclesiastical Violence: Witches and Heretics," Concilium 1994-252, pp. 83-90 (published in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch). Reprinted in The Power of Naming: A "Concilium" Reader in Feminist Liberation Theology, ed. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis books, 1996) pp. 216-223.
* 30. "Political Prophecy as Repression: Lucia Brocadelli da Narni and Ercole d'Este," in Christendom and its Discontents, ed. Scott Waugh (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995) pp. 168-176.
31. "Silence as Place in the Christian Mystical Tradition," in I silenzi dei testi, i silenzi dei critici, ed. Carla Locatelli and Giovanna Covi (Trento: Casa Editrice Universitaria, 1995) pp. 1-15.
32. "The Academic Culture of Disbelief: Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania," for Method and Theory in the Study of Religion 7 (1995) 389-398 (special issue on the crisis in Religious Studies).
33. Memoir of Margaret Templeton Gibson, Speculum 70 (1995) 734-736 (with Marcia Colish and Paul Meyvaert.
34. " Monastic Women and Spiritual Autobiography: Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, and Visionary Experience," Response to Elizabeth A. Castelli, Visions and Voyeurism: Holy Women and the Politics of Sight in Early Christianity ed. Christopher Ocker. Protocol of the Colloquy of the Center for Hermeneutical Studies, new series 2 (Berkeley, CA: Graduate Theological Union and University of California at Berkeley, 1995) pp. 38-45.
*35. "A Carolingian Schoolbook? The Manuscript Tradition of Alcuin's De fide and Related Treatises," in The Whole Book: Miscellany and Order in the Medieval Manuscript, edited by Stephen G. Nichols and Siegfried Wenzel (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1996) pp. 145-152.
36. "The Bible in the Center: The Glossa ordinaria," in The Unbounded Community: Conversations Across Times and Disciplines, ed. Duncan Fisher (Hamden, CT: Garland Publishing, 1996) pp. 33-42.
*37. "Gregory the Great in the Twelfth Century: The Glossa ordinaria," in Gregory the Great: A Symposium, ed. John C. Cavadini (Notre Dame and London: University of Notre Dame Press, 1996) pp. 216-226.
*38. "The Church Fathers and the Glossa ordinaria," for The Reception of the Church Fathers in the West, ed. Irena Backus (Leiden: Brill, 1997) vol. 1, pp. 83-111.
39."The Love Between the Bride and the Bridegroom in Cantata 140 'Wachet
auf!' from the Twelfth Century to Bach's Day" for Die Quellen Johann Sebastian Bachs: Bachs Musik im Gottesdienst, ed. Renate Steiger (Heidelberg: Manutius Verlag, 1998) pp. 107-117.
40. co-editor with Ralph Ciampa of Janet Stokes, “Ministry of Presence and Presence of the Spirit in Pastoral Visitation,” The Journal of Pastoral Care 53 (1999) 191-199.
41. "La chiesa della solitudine," introductory essay for a new reprinting of the Italian novel of Grazia Deledda (1936) (Milano: Mondadori, 1999) (in Italian).
42. “Christ, God, and Woman in the Thought of St. Augustine,” in Augustine and His Critics: Essays in Honor of Gerald Bonner, ed. Robert Dodaro and George Lawless (London: Routledge, 2000) pp. 164-175.
43. “Barnabas Redux: The Medieval Fortunes of a Latin Apocryphon,” in A Multiform Heritage: Studies in Early Judaism and Christianity in Honor of Robert A. Kraft, ed. Benjamin G. Wright (Atlanta: Scholar’s Press, 2000) pp. 263-274.
44. “Biblical Co(n)texts and Twentieth-Century Fiction: Three Models,” in Testie Co(n)testi ed. Carla Locatelli (Trent, Italy: University of Trent Press, 2000) pp. 107-129.
45. “Le Rivelazioni di Lucia Brocadelli da Narni,” Bollettino della Società Pavese di Storia Patria 100 (2000) (with Armando Maggi, Maiju Lehmijoki-Gardner, Gabriella Zarri) pp. 173-199. (in Italian).
46. “Preface” for Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi: Selected Revelations, trans. Armando Maggi in the series The Classics of Western Spirituality (New York: Paulist Press, 2000) pp. 1-4.
47. “Cesaria Evora: The Barefoot Diva,” The Women’s Review of Books 18/3 (December, 2000) p. 3
48. “Habemus Corpus: Women's Embodiment, Feminist Spirituality, and Catholic Theology: An Essay in Memory of Kevin Gordon,” Theology & Sexuality 14 (2001) 43-58.
*49. "The Manuscripts of the Liturgy,” with Jeanne Krochalis, in The Medieval Liturgy: Essays for Teachers, edited by Thomas Heffernan and E. Ann Matter (Kalamazoo, MI: The Medieval Institute Press, for TEAMS, 2001) pp. 433-472.
*50. "Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the Late Twentieth Century:
Apocalyptic, Representation, Politics" Religion 31 (2001) pp. 125-153.
*51. “Theories of the Passions and the Ecstasies of Late Medieval Women,” in Essays in Medieval Studies 18 (2001) ed. Allen J. Frantzen, pp. 1-16, reprinted in Women’s Emotions in the Middle Ages, ed. Lisa Perfetti (Tallahassee: University Press of Florida, 2005) pp. 23-42.
52. “Exegesis of the Apocalypse in the Early Middle Ages,” in The Year 1000, ed. Michael Frassetto (New York: Palgrave, 2002) pp. 29-40.
*53. “The Undebated Debate: Gender and the Image of God in Medieval Theology” for Gender in Debate, ed. Clare Lees and Thelma Fenster (New York: Palgrave, 2002) pp. 41-55.
54. “The Bible in Early Medieval Saints’ Lives,” for The Bible in the Early Middle Ages, ed. Celia Chazele and Burton Van Name Edwards (Turnholt: Brepols, 2003) pp. 155-165.
55.“Bible and Rule in the Clarissan Tradition,” Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History 8 (2002), pp. 77-83.
56. “Lourdes: A Pilgrim After All,” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 3 (2003) 68-85.
57. “Marcia Colish, Intellectual Historian, 1937-“ for Women Medievalists in the Academy, ed. Jane Chance (University of Michigan Press, 2005) pp.
*58. “The Canon of the Religious Life: Maria Domitilla Galluzzi and the Rule of St Clare of Assisi,” Strong Voices, Weak History ed. Victorian Kirkham and Pamela Benson (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005) pp. 78-98.
59. “Le Cappuccine di Pavia: povertà, potere, e patrocinio,” for I monasteri femminili come centri di cultura fra Rinascimento e Barocco, ed. Gianna Pomata and Gabriella Zarri (Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2005) pp. 313-330.
*60. “De cura feminarum: Augustine the Bishop, North African Women, and the Development of a Theology of Female Nature,” Augustinian Studies 36 (2005) 87-98.
*61. “Religious Dissidence and the Bible in Sixteenth-Century Italy: The Idiosyncratic Bible of Lucia Brocadelli da Narni,” for Scripture and Pluralism: Reading the Bible in the Religiously Plural Worlds of the MiddleAges and Renaissance, ed. Thomas J. Heffernan and Thomas E. Burman (Leiden: Brill, 2005) pp. 193-207.