University of Guam Sea Grant
Turtle Education Outreach Internship Application
Complete this 4-page application for the Turtle Education Outreach Internship.Please do not change the format. You can type directly into the application or handwrite your responses. You can attach or include a resume if you have one.
Packet submission
1. Drop off the Application packet to:
Ms. Annie Santos or place it in the mailbox for Sea Grant
UOG College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CNAS), Room 205
Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2. Or, you can email documents to Marie Auyong at . Do not send as a JPEG or other photo file (TIFF, PNG) type.
DUE DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 2017 by 5:00 p.m.
No late packets will be accepted.
List all of the courses you have taken and will be enrolled in for Winter Intersession (if applicable) and Spring 2018. Add more lines to the table if you need more space. If you have a transcript, you can also attach it.
Course Title (List course number if you have it) / Term/Year EnrolledCourse Title (List course number if you have it) / Term/Year Enrolled
List the jobs you have had and are currently working. Add more lines to the table if you need more space.
Position Title / Employer / Duties / Dates EmployedVOLUNTEER OR SERVICE LEARNING EXPERIENCE
List the volunteer work you have done or are currently doing. Add more lines to the table if you need more space.
Position Title / Organization / Duties / DatesSPECIAL CERTIFICATIONS
List any certifications you might have (for example, Emergency First Aid or CPR).
Certification / Certifying Agency / Date CompletedLANGUAGE(S) SKILL
List any language(s) you understand, speak, read, and/or write, and your proficiency. An example is provided below.
Language / Comprehension, Speaking,Reading, or Writing / Proficiency (Low, Medium, High)
Example: Korean / Ex. Comprehension / Ex. High
Example: Korean / Ex. Reading / Ex. Low
List the times you are available under the appropriate day.If you anticipate having a very different schedule for Spring 2018, add another table and indicate the times.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayQUESTIONS
Do not exceed 1 page in writing your responses to all of the questions below.
You can use single spacethe lines but do not use a font smaller than 11 pt
or change the margin size (1 inch all around).
1. Why do you want this specific internship?
2. Do you have skills or other experiences, not covered by this application, that would make you successful in this internship? What are they?
3. It is absolutely critical that people working with teachers in schools are responsible, reliable, and punctual. Please give examples of how you have demonstrated and continue to exercise these qualities.
UOG Sea Grant Internship Application 2017