e-Coupon Pilot
Focus Group for Parents in Schools ProgramNo. of FGDs – 2 or 4
- We are here today to talk about mosquito nets and the schools program
- There are no right or wrong answers
- Please talk freely etc
Current Net Purchase and Use
- How many nets do you own? Did you get them free or did you buy them?
- Is the net actually used? By whom?
- What do you know about your family’s malaria risk?
Promotion of the LLIN e-coupon scheme
- How/where did you hear about the reduced price nets? Probe media source/message…
- What are the benefits of LLIN use for children and benefits of reduced price with e-coupon?
- What are your perceptions of the e-coupon program and child’s participation in it?
- How do you feel about your school participating in this program?
- What do you think about the subsidy? Does the e-coupon make you want to buy a net?
- Did the school communicate with you about the e-coupon program? Detail…..
- What did your children tellyou about the e-coupon program?
- How did you get your e-coupon? Detail….
- Did you have anyproblemsobtaining an e-coupon from the school? e.g. trust, access etc
- What reasons do you have for not participating e.g. perceptions of political associations for voter appeasement, free nets?
- How do you feel about using e-technology?
- How does the e-coupon work?
- Where will you go to redeem your coupon for a net? Location, proximity and outlet type….
- Would you get your own e-coupon on your cell, if you saw it advertised or do you prefer someone you trust to do this for you?
- What do you expect to pay for an LLIN and what is the actual price you paid for LLIN?
- Did the coupon make the net more affordable?
- Were there any problems in obtaining a subsidized LLIN from retailer? E.g. need for ID cards
- What are your reasons for not purchasing? e.g. price, access, no supply, trust e-system, network problem etc
Recommendations to improve program
- Do you have any recommendations that would improve the way the program works for you and your family?