Wine2030 Small Grants Application*

Wine2030 calls for proposals for grants for small projects.

  • These projects might be used to undertake a new project or finalise existing work that leads to a peer-reviewed publication. They might be used for basic research that provides the foundation for a larger proposal for funding to external bodies, such as GWRDC. Or they might be use as matching funds in an application to external bodies.
  • Once-off awards are typically for between $10,000 and $20,000.
  • Funds must be used by the end of 2012.
  • The projects must be relevant to current industry issues, such as but not only consumer trends, new products and markets responding to competition in world markets or climate change.
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE – Monday 30 January 2012

Project Title______

Start Date______End Date______

Chief Investigator Contact Details

The Chief Investigator is the person performing the research under the supervision of the Project Supervisor.

Title ______Name ______

Research Organisation ______


Phone ______Mobile______Email ______

Administration Contact Details

The Administration Contact is the person responsible for all administrative matters relating to the project.

Title ______Name ______

Research Organisation ______


Phone ______Fax______Email ______

Summary of Project

In 100 words or less provide a synopsisof the project including how you believe this project will contribute tothe objectives laid out in the call for proposals.


In 100words or less, outline the objectives of the project including plans for leveraging of funding, publications, etc.


In 250 words or less summarise the background to the project and the background to the problem or opportunity that indicated the need for this research.

In 100 words or less,identify the key points arising from the literature survey you have conducted for this project and the significance of the work proposed.

In 100 words or less, describe the magnitude of this issue to industry.

Project Design and Methods

In 250 words or less, describe the project design and method.

Research Capability and Experience

In 250 words or less, describe the capability and experience of the organisation, the Chief Investigator and any project collaborators.

Proposed Budget

Please provide a table showing a breakdown of the budget in terms of salaries, other operating expenses, travel, and capital. Other items may be added but with details provided under the next item.

Budget Justification

In 100 words or less, for each section below:

Please provide an explanation for the amount requested (e.g. describe the equipment included under Capital).

Please identify your co-contributors (if any)as listed in your budget request.

Signed CI ______Date______

Application Submission

Please email to

Enquiries to Barry Burgan (8303 4756) or Vladimir Jiranek (8303 6651)

* With thanks to GWRDC for the framework for this application form.