Face 2 Face (Advanced)
Unit 1=9
Focus on Grammar:
Present Simple and Present Progressive
Past Simple and Past Progressive
Future Simple and Future Progressive
Exercise 1.Study the following examples and explain the use of the tense forms (Present Simple or Present Progressive). See Grammar Reference first.
- Mike always watches TV while he is having breakfast.
- Most days Pamela has lunch at her desk, but today she is eating out.
- Mary and John have split up, so now Mary is living at her parents’ place.
- John lives with his parents but he is thinking of buying a flat of his own.
- Why are you always interfering in other people’s affairs?
- Old people always interfere in their children’s affairs. It’s a fact that should be taken for granted.
- Don’t pay any attention at the boy. He is just being funny.
- What do you see over there? Why are you so surprised?
- I’m seeing a dentist about my bad tooth tomorrow.
Exercise 2.Supply the correct form of the verbs given inbrackets (Present Simple or Present Progressive).
- Mr Roberts will see you in ten minutes. Shall I give you a magazine to read while you ______(to wait)?
- How can you listen to music while you ______(to do) your homework?
- We mustn’t disturb Alison now. She ______(to revise) for her exams.
- Where’s Jeff? We haven’t been in touch with him for ages. – Don’t you know? He ______(to travel) in South Africa.
- I adore my job. I ______(to do) a lot of travelling and ______(to meet) a lot of interesting people.
- Has Martin moved house yet? – No, he ______(to move) next week.
- Mr Goldberg is rather mean. How come that he has given so much money to charity? – He ______(to be) generous because he wants a tax relief.
- Why Mark ______(to tell) all those silly jokes? Doesn’t he see he ______(to be) stupid?
- Wherever I go I always ______(to run) into my neighbour. It looks as if she were following me on purpose.
- When I come to my native town I always ______(to meet) my old friends.
- Jessica is crazy about cleanliness. She constantly ______(to wash) something or ______(to tidy up).
- Mary’s children are terribly untidy. She ______(to clean) up nearly every day, but still her apartment is a mess.
- I can’t stand the old man. He constantly ______(to grumble and complain).
- Why Clara ______(to try) to be so friendly with you? She ______(to be) so sweet that it ______(to be) unpleasant. – It can mean only one thing: she wants me to do her a favour.
- I ______(to feel) the situation gradually ______(to get) out of control.
- I ______(to think) I must have a holiday. I ______(to feel) rather run down at present.
- Where you ______(to go) for the weekend? – I ______(to think) of going to see my parents.
- How does Grace feel after her illness? – She ______(to recover) quickly now, though she ______(not to look) quite her old self yet.
- The baby ______(to look) just like his father. – You really ______(to think) so?
- Don’t listen to Robert. He just ______(to be) sarcastic again. – He ______(to overdo) it as usual. I ______(to think) he ______(to ask) for trouble.
- Where you ______(to go)? – To the theatre. Sorry, I’m in a hurry. The show ______(to start) at 7.
- Who ______(to meet) Mr Douglas? – Gerald. – He must get going. The plane ______(to arrive) at 12.23.
- How is Miles? – Fine. He’s got to pay my overdraft, so I ____ (to be) nice to him.
Exercise 3. Vocabulary 1.
Study the meaning of the following words and translate the sentences into English. Use the active vocabulary to translate the words and word combinations given in italics.
I. SB p.86
price – цена (What’s the price of this? – Сколькоэтостоит?)
cost – стоимость, цена (The cost of production is rather high. – Стоимостьпроизводствадовольнавысокая.)
value– цена, ценность (What’sthevalueofhumanlife? – Каковаценажизничеловека?)
to price – назначатьцену(The house is priced at $200,000. – Домоцениваетсяв 200.000.)
to cost – стоить(The book costs $9.26. – Книгастоит 9,26.)
to value – (I value your friendship. – Яценютвоюдружбу.)
- Лестер очень разборчив в том, на что он тратит деньги, и он всегда хочет все купить за полцены.
- Почему они не могут снизить цену этих машин? – Это потому, что стоимость производства очень высока. По-видимому, оно нерентабельно.
- Новая машина Роберта стоит целое состояние. Почему он потратилтак много денег на вещь, которая ему в действительности не нужна? – Он не знает цену деньгам, потому что у него большие деньги в банке.
- Прожиточный минимум в этом городе очень высок. – Ну, я бы этого не сказал. Это все относительно. Есть места, где он гораздо выше.
- Часто так случается, что дети в богатых семьях не знают цену ничему.
- Я знаю, что ты сейчас проводишь какое-то важное исследование. Тебе нужна помощь? – Я ценю твою заботу, но в этом нет необходимости.
toraisesth – поднимать что-то
to rise (rose, risen) –подниматься
- Статья поднимает вопрос современных тенденций в обществе.
- Стоимость жизни в стране постоянно поднимается. Первоочереднаязадача для правительства – остановить эту тенденцию.
- Не откладывай покупку дома. Цена может подняться, и ты не сможешь себе этого позволить.
- Не откладывай покупку дома. Владелец может поднять цену.
experience– (неисчисляемое существительное) опыт
anexperience – (исчисляемое сущ.) случай, приключение, событие
- Мартин сможет провести это исследование. У него много опыта.
- Если у тебя мало опыта, ты не можешь найти хорошую работу. Работодатели становятся все более и более разборчивыми в этом.
- Джеральд счастлив по поводу своей поездки в Кению. По-видимому, это было очень интересное событие.
- Маргарет очень надоедлива. Вечно она всем рассказывает о своих детских приключениях.
Exercise 4. Grammar in speech.
Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets and do the role play given below.
To Gilbert Booth, Headmaster of WestreachSecondary School
Dear Mr Booth,
I am a pensioner and I (1) ______(to live) opposite your school for a considerable length of time. Although I have many happy memories of your former pupils, at present I (2) ______(to become) increasingly upset by the appalling manners of your current pupils. The situation is no longer tolerable, so I (3) _____ (to write) to you in the hope that you will deal with the problem.
Before school and at lunchtime, gangs of teenagers constantly (4) ______(to gather) outside my front gate. They continually (5) ______(to smoke) cigarettes and always (6) ______(to throw) their drinks cans and half-eaten sandwiches into my garden. I have to inform you that the language they (7) ______(to use) is quite shocking. Why should I listen to torrents of rude words while I (8) ______(to eat) my breakfast and lunch? I (9) ______(to find) it very unfair.
If your school (10) ______(to represent) the younger generation of today, there is no hope for the future. I (11) _____ (to urge) you to do something to improve matters.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Ada Smart
(From “Advanced Masterclass CAE” WB by T.Aspinall)
Роль 1. Вы – Ада Смарт. С тех пор, как вы написали письмо директору школы, прошло 2 недели, но ничего не изменилось. Ситуация даже ухудшилась. Сейчас школьники не только ругаются и бросают мусор в ваш сад, они теперь громко кричат и включают музыку. Когда же вы просите их вести себя тихо, они вас постоянно оскорбляют (toabuse). Вы решили поговорить с г-ном Бутом лично.
Роль 2 (3, 4). Вы – Маргарет Браун (Роберт(а) Адамс, Майкл O’Коннор). Вы соседи Ады Смарт. У вас такие же проблемы, как и у нее. Пожалуйтесь директору школы.
Роль 5. Вы – директор школы г-н Бут. По какой-то непонятной причине вы не получили письмо Ады Смарт. Выясните у нее, чем она не довольна.
Роль 6 (7). Вы – Марвин Джоунз (Джози Смит). Вы учителя школы. Ваша задача – оправдать своих учеников.
Inhuman Nature
Rolanda Smith
I (1) ______(to try) to be the best person I can be, but I constantly (2) ______(to let) myself down. Human nature is largely something that has to be overcome. Lots of little things in life that (3) ______(to give) me pleasure are connected with someone else’s misfortunes. Not big misfortunes, more inconveniences; little victories in life that (4) ______(to keep) me going. Before you start to hate me, let me give you a few examples and see if they (5) ______(to sound) familiar.
- I (6) ______(to stay) in a hotel, and while I (7) _____ (to walk) down the corridor I always (8) ______(to peek) in other people’s hotel rooms to see if they are nicer than mine.
- Sometimes, when I am in an elevator and someone (9) _____ (to run) toward it, I (10) ______(to pretend) I can’t find the Open Door button. It has nothing to do with the character of the person who wants to come in. I don’t even particularly want to be alone. I just don’t want to press that button.
- When I (11) ______(to drive) down the street and someone else (12) ______(to fix) a flat tire, I (13) ______(to sit) a little taller. I know some day that will be me out there, but it (14) ______(not to happen) yet, so I’m still able to chuckle.
- In traffic there is only one rule that is constant. The lane of traffic that you are in is the lane of traffic that (15) ______(not to move). If I am in the lane of traffic that (16) ______(to move) I (17) ______(to feel) sarcastic. Sarcasm can be dangerous, though. You can easily upset or annoy people. Your attempt to be humorous may be misunderstood and people may think you (18) ______(to be) nasty. But you need to be aware if someone (19) ______(to be) sarcastic to you.
- I am in the movie theatre. A woman with an enormous hat (20) ______(to sit) directly in front of the person who (21) ______(to sit) next to me. I am amused, but only for a few seconds before she (22) ______(to change her mind and sit) directly in front of me.
There are more things that I am ashamed of but I’m going to stop here, just in case it’s not really human nature … and I’m the only one.
Do you think what Rolanda is speaking about is true foreverybody?
Can you give similar examples about yourself?
(From “New Cambridge Advanced English” by Leo Jones)
Exercise 5.Study the following examples and explain the use of the tense forms (Past Simple and Past Progressive). SeeGrammar Reference first.
- John is awfully stubborn. We spent last holiday together and argued about different things for hours. It was impossible to convince him.
- My neighbours don’t get on well. They were arguing the whole day yesterday.
- We often discussed political issues when we were students.
- We were discussing some problems with the manager yesterday and he mentioned your project. It seems he is going to reject it.
- I think Gerald was in love with May. He was always giving her flowers.
- The girl was intolerable. She was always saying a wrong thing at a wrong time.
- I phoned Jack yesterday. He said he was coming soon.
Exercise 6. SeeWorkBookp. 44 №2 (a, b). Проведите беседу в следующей ситуации.
Предположим, вы не послали письмо родителям, а решили им позвонить. Сообщитеимсвоиновости.
Exercise 7.Supply the correct form of the verbs given inbrackets (Past Simple or Past Progressive).
- Amanda ______(to live) in Amsterdam when she ______(to meet) the man who was to become her husband.
- You ______(to work) at McDonald’s when they ______(to have) that scandal over spoilt meat?
- The phone ______(to ring) just as I ______(to go) to sleep.
- When the fire alarm ______(to go) off, everybody ______(to leave) the office building as quickly as possible.
- At the place where we ______(to live) before, our neighbours always ______(to have) violent rows late at night.
- I ______(to talk) to Mike yesterday and he ______(to say) he ______(not to come) to our party tomorrow.
- Violet ______(to work) for ‘The Times’ when that article ______(to publish).
- The manager was terribly annoyed because you always ______(to get) to work late on Monday mornings.
- When James was a little boy, they always ______(to go) to Scotland for their summer holidays. He really ______(to love) the place though it often ______(to rain).
- While the others ______(to lie) on the beach, poor old Gary ______(to work) in the office as usual.
- We ______(to wait) for you the whole evening. Why you ______(not to come)?
- We ______(to wait) for Martin for half and hour and then we ______(to decide) to start the party without him.
- Sheila ______(to work) in a fast-food restaurant for 2 months before she ______(to find) a proper job.
- I ______(to watch) TV yesterday and was surprised to learn that the police ______(to look) for a man who ______(to look) exactly like our new tenant.
- Everybody knew Jeff wasn’t going to work after leaving school. He ______(to take) a year off to travel round the world.
- Mr Jackson told me he ______(to appreciate) our efforts to start the project. – Don’t believe him, he just _____ (to be) kind.
- We ______(to have) a wonderful time when we were students. We always ______(to have) parties.
- My father was a keen football fan. He ______(to talk) about his favourite team for hours.
- I decided to buy Jessica a pen because she constantly ______(to borrow) mine.
- When the phone ______(to ring), she ______(to pick) it up and ______(to put) it down again. She knew everybody ______(to watch) her.
- I could never trust Fred. When he ______(not to be) brave, he ______(to be) a coward.
Exercise 8.Translate the sentences into English. Use the active vocabulary to translate the words and word combinations given in italics.
- Я слышал, Джеральд покупает дом. – Да, но он думает, что цена не совсем разумная. – Вечно у него сомнения по поводу чего-нибудь. А ты что думаешь об этом? – Ну, я должен признать, что дом стоит целое состояние, но я думаю, что он так много не стоит. – Как я это понимаю, когда ты покупаешь дом, ты не тратишь на него деньги, ты их вкладываешь.
- Сколько людей участвует в завтрашней конференции? – О, очень много. – Ты случайно не знаешь, профессор Браун приезжает? – Да, я его встречаю сегодня вечером. Ты хочешь с ним встретиться? – Мне бы хотелось послушать его доклад. Он всегда поднимает важные вопросы в своих исследованиях.
- О чем Марвин спорит с продавцом? – Он пытается получить скидку. – Я вижу, он опять скупится. – Не совсем. Он просто не может себепозволить вещь, которую пытается купить.
Exercise 9.Supply the correct form of the verbs given inbrackets (Future forms).
- Judging by the rate of inflation, prices ______(to rise) dramatically.
- The problem of refugees is on the agenda at last. MPs ______(to discuss) it at the next meeting.
- There was a terrible fire in our city last night. I think it _____ (to make) headlines.
- As the economic situation in Africa is getting worse more and more immigrants ______(to come) to Europe.
- In 50 years’ time, children ______(not to use) books to study, they ______(to learn) everything from computers.
- What kind of job do you think you ______(to do) in a few years’ time?
- OK. I promise I ______(to phone) you next week when the contract ______(to be) ready. – I’m afraid, I ______(to be) away. I ______(to take) things easy for a while. – Where you ______(to go)? – To Italy.
- I expect to have the news in 2 or 3 hours. – I don’t think we ______(to have) any information so soon. The police still ______(to question) the witnesses.
- Mr Jackson ______(to start) his business next year and he ______(to employ) moreimmigrants to build his plant. – I’m not sure it ______(to work). The authorities ______(to want) him to create jobs and employ locals.
- Who are you waiting for? – For Mike. He’s half an hour late already. – Don’t you see he ______(not to show up)?
- So what do we do next? We ______(to call) the talks off or we ______(to take) a risk and start them even if we are not properly prepared?
- Every reasonable person realises that once again the USA ______(to solve) disputes in the region by gunboat diplomacy.
- We ______(to stay) home tonight. Some friends ______(to come) round for dinner. – Oh, we ______(to listen) to gossip again!
- Immigration quotas are practically exhausted. They ______(not to admit) immigrants any more in the near future.
- Nuclear weapons are a powerful deterrence, so more and more states ______(to try) to gain access to them.
- The talks between the two countries are at a standstill. Analysts predict that they ______(not to resolve) the dispute by peaceful means.
Exercise 10. Grammar in speech.
Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets and do the role play given below.
Marvin Smith (1) ______(to mend) his sails one day when James Steel, a man he had worked with before, (2) ______(to walk) in and (3) ______(to ask)if he would like to have a drink. Marvin (4) ______(to think) he probably (5) ______(to have) more in mind than just a friendly drink, so he (6) ______(to stop) what he (7) ______(to do), (8) ______(to wipe) off his hands and (9) ______(to follow) him to the local pub. It (10) ______(to be) there that he (11) ______(to find) out that James (12) ______(to recruit) people to work on Nacho’s project. Nowadays everybody knows about that project, but then it (13) ______(to sound) a bit strange.
At first Marvin (14) ______(to think) James (15) ______(to try) to play a trick on him. But the more he (16) ______(to talk), the better it (17) ______(to sound) – a real adventure. Marvin (18) ______(to get) tired of the same sea routes year after year. Besides he (19) ______(to think) it would be a great trading opportunity; the route to Carthage, across Greek waters, (20) ______(to become) more and more dangerous.
It (21) ______(to take) Marvin just a few minutes to decide; he (22) ______(to sit) there in the pub with a glass in his hand, and he (23) ______(to make) a decision that would change his life – and lots of other people’s lives as well.
There were times on the journey when Marvin (24) ______(to have) doubts about his decision. Once while they (25) ______(to push) south-west by monsoon winds, he nearly (26) ______(to wash) off deck by a big wave. And another day during the long sail south, one of the men (27) ______(to try) to convince the rest of them that they (28) ______(to be) under a magic spell when a dead blackbird (29) ______(to fall) on deck; they (30) ______(to be) really scared.
But there were some good times, too: they had to stop and collect supplies on the west coast of Africa, and they (31) ______(to stay) there for a long time, in one of the most beautiful places in the world. One morning while Marvin (32) ______(to sit) under a tree with the wind in his face and a big mango to eat, he almost (33) ______(to decide) to stay there for the rest of his life. But of course he (34) ______(not to stay); he (35) ______(to know) that he would get tired of it soon enough, and besides, his wife and children (36) ______(to wait) for him in England. They (37) ______(to see) thousands of birds at Gibraltar: they (38) ______(to fly) over, on their way south for the winter.
In December, when Marvin (39) ______(to get) home, he (40) ______(to make) sure that no one (41) ______(to tell) his family before he (42) ______(to arrive). When he (43) ______(to walk) in the door, his wife (44) ______(to put) supper on the table, and his son and daughter, whom he hardly (45) ______(to recognize), (46) ______(to play) by the fireplace. He knew when he saw them that he had done the right thing not to stay under that tree.
(From ‘The New Cambridge English Course’ by M. Swan)
Роль 1. Вы – Кевин Дуглас. Вы собираетесь написать сценарий фильма о путешествии Марвина Смита. Проведите беседу с персонажами будущего фильма и попросите их описать сцены, связанные с их путешествием. Узнайте как можно больше подробностей. Помните, что для сценария вам необходимо иметь представление не только о развитии сюжета, но и том, чем были заняты и что делали участники каждой сцены в определенные моменты. (См. роли 2 – 5).
Роль 2. Вы – Марвин Смит. Опишите Кевину Дугласу следующие сцены:
1)К вам обратился Джеймс Стил;
2)Вы приняли решение об участии в путешествии;
3)Шторм, когда вас чуть не смыло в море;
4)Сцена в Африке, когда вы там хотели остаться;
5)Ваше возвращение домой.
Роль 3. Вы Джеймс Стил. Опишите сцену вашей встречи с Марвином Смитом.
Роль 4. Вы – Джон Браун. Опишите сцену на корабле, когда на палубу упал черный дрозд. Скажите, где вы плыли в это время, какая была погода, что вы делали в этот момент и что вы почувствовали, когда это произошло.
Роль 5. Вы – Мэри Смит, жена Марвина Смита. Опишите следующие сцены:
1)Марвин приходит домой и сообщает вам о своем намерении отправиться в путешествие. Скажите, что вы делали, когда он пришел домой, чем занимались ваши дети, что вы почувствовали, услышав новость;
2)Возвращение Марвина домой после путешествия.
B.Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets and do the role play given below.
Harry grant went back to the camp the following morning, but it was in some confusion. Soldiers (1) ______(to wander) around carrying equipment from one place to another, but there didn’t seem any purpose in what they (2) ______(to do). Harry (3) ______(to feel) disappointed. It was his bad luck. All the things that could make a story always (4) ______(to happen) elsewhere. He (5) ______(to try) to phone the newspaper, but something (6) ______(to be) wrong with the telephone line. Suddenly he (7) ______(to spot) George Grey, an officer who never (8) ______(to refuse) an interview. When Harry (9) ______(to come) up to George he (10) ______(to load) something into his army jeep. “Hi, George! What (11) ______(to go on) here?” asked Harry. “Hey, man! This is no place for you! I (12) ______(to talk) to the colonel just an hour ago and he said we (13) ______(to retreat) along the whole front.” Harry (14) ______(to look) around. A few officers (15) ______(to get) into a jeep. It (16) ______(not to take) a genius to realize that they (17) ______(to take) an opportunity to abandon their men and head for safety. Harry (18) ______(to try) to find out what (19) ______(to go on) when the first plane (20) ______(to fly) over the camp. A wooden building suddenly (21) ______(to disappear) in an explosion of flame. Not before long bombs (22) ______(to explode) all around him, and then the planes (23) (to vanish) and everything (24) ______(to go) quiet. Smoke (25) ______(to rise) from the burning building. A dead man (26) ______(to lie) next to Harry, the first dead person he had ever seen. And then he (27) ______(to hear) the roar of tanks. The enemy troops (28) ______(to come)
Роль 1. Вы – военный корреспондент Ричард Нельсон, друг Гарри Гранта. Вы собираетесь написать статью об атаке, в которую попал Гарри Грант. Гарри был ранен и сейчас находится в госпитале. Узнайте у Гарри и Джорджа Грея (см. роли 2, 3) как можно больше подробностей.
Роль 2. Вы –Гарри Грант. Расскажите Ричарду Нельсону, что вы увидели, когда пришли в лагерь, и что происходило, когда началась атака.
Роль 3. Вы – Джордж Грей. Расскажите Ричардy Нельсону, что происходило в лагере, когда началась атака. Вы вынесли раненого Гарри Гранта с поля боя. Опишите, как вы его нашли после бомбардировки.
Exercise 11.Supply the correct form of the verbs given inbrackets.
A: When you (1) ______(to get) changed? The taxi (2) ______(to arrive) any minute, and you aren’t ready yet!
B: Don’t worry. We’ve got ages. What time the play (3) ______(to start)? At 7.00? If the traffic (4) ______(not to be) too bad, we (5) ______(to get) to the theatre by 6.30 and then we (6) ______(to have) time for a quick drink.
A: And what we (7) ______(to do) about eating tonight?
B: Keith (8) ______(to take) us out to a Chinese restaurant afterwards. Have you forgotten?
A: Oh, yes. What time we (9) ______(to get) back? I (10) ______(to have) to tell the babysitter.
B: About midnight, I should think.
(From “Headway Advanced” WB by John and Liz Soars)
Imagine saying to a friend, “Sorry! I can’t come over this afternoon. I (1) ______(to take) part in the Formula One Grand Prix and the big race (2) ______(to start) in five minutes’ time!” What you would be referring to, of course, is not a real race, but a Virtual Reality session!