December 14, 2016
PRESENT: President Heather Bagshaw
Vice-President Rich Paolino
Trustee Vincent Seeley
Trustee Stanley Dushane
Trustee James Chewens
Motion made by Chewens, seconded by Seeley, to approve payment of audited bills. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Dushane, to approve submitted department reports. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Chewens, to approve the appointment of Louise Schwartz of 1 Hop-O-Nose, Catskill, to the Board of Commissioners for the Catskill Housing Authority, filling Ms. Gladys Lee’s unexpired seat ending on May 1, 2017. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Paolino, to accept Sarah Pilatich’s resignation from her position as part-time Communications Specialist as of December 6, 2016, and hire her as part-time Court Clerk starting December 9, 2016. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by Chewens, seconded by Seeley, to approve Requests for Proposals (RFP) for Grant Administration for the CDBG Grant awarded to Crossroads Brewery. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by Chewens, seconded by Paolino, to approve the new Fire Chief election results: Chief – Ed Dolan; 1st Asst. Chief – Patrick McCulloch; and 2nd Asst. Chief – John Holt. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Robert Hoven and Cultivate Catskill made a presentation to the Board with regard to the projects done by them this past year. The swags on the Uncle Sam bridge were placed there by Cultivate at Catskill, and received a gift of $500 from Catskill LDC for blue lights throughout the parks; and the concentration this year was on Leggio Park. There were 4 large raised beds installed for teaching kids about gardening and worked with the Community Center for this; and received an award from America in Bloom (AIB). Cultivate Catskill has been working for 4 years with AIB to make improvements around the Village. They are going to continue working on the arborvitae at the STP and are looking for someone to partner with them and are looking for another $1000 to complete said job. The Bank of Greene County is adopting the old Garden Club island at Dutchman’s Landing and will maintain said island. Cultivate Catskill also thanked the Board for the watering that the DPW did this past year; and are looking for assistance in this regard again. DPW informed them that they could only do 3 days a week, and no weekends. Cultivate Catskill also asked to be part of the Black Bridge renovation project. They were also going to look into having prisoners come and assist with the work needed to be done at Dutchman’s Landing. The Board thanked Cultivate Catskill for their dedicated time and energy to improving Catskill.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Chewens, to approve the WFP filter media replacement, as presented by Mike McGrath. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Paolino, to allow John Gjergji to annex his property off of Fairview Avenue in the Town, to the Village. AYES: Seeley, Bagshaw, Chewens, Paolino. NAYS: Dushane. Motion carried. Gjergji stated that he was hoping to ‘swap’ parts of his property with Goldstein, or may merge both properties to come up with a right-of-way.
President Bagshaw read the Code Enforcement Officer’s Inspection Report for St. Patrick’s Church. Report concludes that the Church is ‘not in danger of collapse not is it deteriorated to a point of collapse.’ Said report can be obtained in the Code office.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Paolino, to approve forgiving sewer portion of bill for 71 W. Bridge Street, as the water seeped into the ground and did not go down the sewer. AYES: Seeley, Bagshaw, Chewens, Paolino. NAYS: Dushane. Motion carried.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Chewens, to approve bonding $596,000 for the 20% of the Black Bridge project, which is the Village’s share of said project. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Motion made by Seeley, seconded by Dushane, to adjourn the meeting. AYES: All Trustees present. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,