Southern California Gas Company Test Year 2012 GRC
Date: March 15, 2011
Responses Due: March 29, 2011
To: Ronald van der Leeden
(213) 244-2009
From: Truman Burns, Project Coordinator
Donna Fay Bower, Assistant Project Coordinator
Division of Ratepayer Advocates
505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 4205
San Francisco, CA 94102
Originated by: Dao Phan
Phone: 415-703-5249
Data Request No: DRA-SCG-056-DAO
Exhibit Reference: SCG-4, Underground Storage
Subject: Underground Storage
Please provide the following:
1. On page JDM-14 of the testimony, and on page 5 of the workpapers, SCG forecasts an incremental change of $2,264,000 for TY2012 above the recorded 2009 level. However, on page 10 of the workpapers, SCG’s calculations show a total increase of $1,628,000 for TY2012. Please provide a step-by-step showing of how SCG derived the incremental change of $2,264,000 for TY2012 and include a copy of all supportive documents.
2. On page 20 of the workpapers SCG presents the GO 95 expense forecast for 2010-2012. Please provide the 2005-2010 recorded expenses for each of the items in the table on page 20, beginning with Compliance Inspection and ending with Engineering Support.
3. For each year from 2005-2010, please provide the number of poles inspected and the number of red flag events.
4. Page 21 of the workpapers discusses the incremental costs related to Rule 317 fees. Please provide the annual NOx and VOC emissions for Aliso Canyon, Honor Rancho, and PDR, for 2005-2010.
5. DRA understands that the new SCAQMD proposed Rule 317 establishes a “fee equivalent” approach.
a. Did SCG consider alternative sources of funding from federal, state, and/or local sources to offset the fees estimated by SCAQMD in preparing the 2012 forecast?
b. Did SCG consider alternative sources of funding from federal, state, and/or local sources to replace the fees estimated by SCAQMD in preparing the 2012 forecast?
c. Please explain how the new “fee equivalent” approach will or will not affect SCG’s estimated SCAQMD fees for NOx and VOC emissions. Please provide supporting workpapers.
6. With regard to SCG’s request of $100,000 for the incremental costs related to La Goleta as a result of the SBCAPCD Rule 333 revisions, as stated on page 23 of the workpapers, please provide a copy of the revisions and include citations to the Rule, and explain in detail how the 2012 forecast of 7 additional catalyst changeouts per year and 15 additional onsite emissions test days will enable SCG to be in compliance.
7. Referring to page JDM-17, please provide the 2005-2010 annual expenses for the SBCAPCD Rule 333 compliance for La Goleta station.
Provide two copies of the above information as it becomes available but no later than the due date identified above. If you are unable to provide the information by this date, please provide a written explanation to the data request Originator seven calendar days before the due date as to why the response date cannot be met and your best estimate of when the information can be provided. Please identify the person who provides the response and his (her) phone number.
Provide electronic responses if possible, and set of hard copy responses with your submittal to the data request originator and the DRA Project Coordinator(s). All data responses need to have each page numbered, referenced, and indexed so worksheets can be followed. If any number is calculated, include a copy of all electronic files so the formula and their sources can be reviewed.
If you have any questions regarding this data request, please call the originator at the above phone number.
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