GCS Middle and High School Athlete of Character Award

The GCS Character Development Department would like to recognize one student-athlete,fromaGCS Middle and High School, who is committed to the true spirit of sports through the district’s seven character traits.The GCS athletic program provides a constructive way for youth to engage in social and emotional learning experiences by learning and demonstrating skills related to achieving personal and academic goals. The “Athlete of Character” award recognizes student-athletes who have exhibited a high level of social awareness, scholarship and sportsmanship. One student-athlete from a middle and high schoolwill be selected each month based on the district’s monthly character trait and commitment to his/her schoolandcommunity.

Winnerswill be announced throughGCS District RelationsDepartment and on the Character Development website. Every nominee, will receive a certificate of recognition and a small tangible gift. All winners will be recognized during the Celebration of Character Ceremony. This nomination form is the primary criterion in the nomination process. Supportmaterials are highly encouraged,however not required. Please also submit an electronic (jpeg format) color action photograph of the nominee(s).

Selection Requirements:

  • Nominations will be accepted from a teacher, coach, athletic director, administrator, trainer, or community leader.

•Student must demonstrate exemplary sportsmanship and/or citizenship.

The deadline to submit all nominations is the first Tuesday of each month.


GCS Middle and High School Athlete of Character Award

Nomination Form


First Name:Last Name:

School: Learning Area:

Sport:Grade Level:

Nominees Future Plans:


Circle One:

Coach Teacher Athletic Director Administrator Trainer Community Leader

First Name: Last Name:


Nominator’s Telephone Number:

Nominator’s Email Address:

Explain in detail how the student-athlete displays the district’s monthly character trait. Provide specific details of how the athlete’s qualities and activities have positively influenced the school’s sports program and school community.

Points Description
0 Points = No mention of specific aspects of positive influence on school sports program or community.
1 Point = Provides at least one aspect of positive influence on school sports program or community.
2 Points = Provides one aspect of positive influence on school sports program and community.
3 Points = Provides multiple aspects of positive influence on school sports program and community.
Points Description
0 Points = No mention of how student-athlete displays the monthly character trait in sports, in the school or in community.
1 Point= Somewhat defines how student-athlete displays the monthly character trait in sports, in the school or in community.
2 Point = Clearly defines how student-athlete displays the monthly character trait in sports, in the school or in community.
3 Points = Somewhat defines how student-athlete displays the monthly character trait in at least two of the three areas (sports, school, and community).
4 Points = Clearly defines how student-athlete displays the monthly character trait in at least two of the three areas (sports, school, and community).
5 Points = Somewhat defines how student-athlete displays the monthly character trait in all three areas (sports, school, and community).
6 Points = Clearly defines how student-athlete displays the monthly character trait in all three areas (sports, school, and community).

The deadline to submit all nominations is the first Tuesday of each month.