Example – Self Appraisal Verbiage for B3 or C Band Manager/Text Bulleted

2008 Annual Self-Appraisal
Name: / Marcia Franklin
Organizational Role: / Managerial
Section 1: What Was Accomplished? (Business Goals)
2008 Accomplishments are outlined below and are categorized by business goal.
1) Manage departmental budget of $1.3M
·  Budget actuals were $1.14M, which was under by $160,000.
·  Supported development of a 2008 plan with improved efficiency through the use of Continuous Improvement initiatives.
·  Worked with management team to identify and operationalize efficiencies for 12% reduction in 2008 expenditures.
2) Establish structured methodology for resource planning, tracking and reporting
·  Ensured that staff reported time accurately in WMS on a daily basis.
·  Consistently updated resource plan in alignment with staffing/hiring plan.
·  Ensured that data in the new capacity system was kept current by key managers throughout the organization.
3) Focus on Quality Improvement
·  Championed Global End to End process by assigning team members to requirements, developing, testing and support initiatives.
·  Team developed and deployed project and configuration management processes throughout the BU. This process identifies best practices and ensures consistencies in current departmental initiatives.
4) Managerial responsibilities
·  Supported ongoing development of direct reports by ensuring that all members of my team documented and acted on personal development goals. Additionally, I provided on-the-job experiences to my team members in the form of new or different assignments of responsibility as appropriate.
·  Held bi-weekly coaching sessions with each direct report.
·  Mentored two employees who were not on my team.
·  Coaching Index - Target of 4.0 was exceeded; I received a 4.3 in this category. I consistently hold one-on-one meetings with my direct reports to ensure that they are provided with the level of support necessary for success in their jobs.
Section 2: How Was It Accomplished?
Provides Thought Leadership
Rating: / Highly Skilled
Strength Comments: / I continuously seek best practices from internal sources and I network with others both internally and externally. Some specific examples include the use of tools from the CI SharePoint Site, and experiences with the team in implementing project management rigor.
Opportunity Comments: / I want to be sure to keep an open mind when receiving bad news. I want to be able to respond by looking at what can be done to correct problems rather than focusing or dwelling immediately on negative impacts to the business.
Achieves Extraordinary Results
Rating: / Highly Skilled
Strength Comments: / I have been with Convergys for 7 years, and I have consistently produced outstanding results in my work as evidenced by past appraisal ratings. All business goals for 2008 have been met or exceeded except two.
Opportunity Comments: / Need to set deadlines more effectively with consideration to all available resources. I don’t always allow time for unexpected challenges that can impact the ability to deliver the end product as promised.
Drives Change
Rating: / Role Model
Strength Comments: / 2008 brought significant challenges as we embarked on increased organizational changes, along with project and budget changes. Throughout these transitions, my focus has been to increase value and consistently exceed the expectations of my clients. The success of the Portal Project deployment is evidence of this. Despite last minute implementation deadlines imposed by the client, feedback from our customer service indicators shows high marks for overall project satisfaction.
·  Implemented two significant quality improvement processes and established new methodology for resource tracking.
·  Peers often come to me for advice on continuous improvement initiatives.
Opportunity Comments: / I would like to have more patience with myself as it relates to getting things accomplished while remembering that some things not within my control.
Leadership Presence
Rating: / Proficient
Strength Comments: / Despite challenges this year with gaps in resources, I maintained a positive perspective and encouraged the team to push on towards success. I find ways to recognize team members who have done an outstanding job.
Opportunity Comments: / Enter opportunity for improvement comments (optional)
Builds and Leverages External Relationships
Rating: / Highly Skilled
Strength Comments: / ·  I was effective with client negotiations due to skills gained from Business Consulting courses in the PDC.
·  I believe this training has also been helpful in my work with our Portal Project vendor. As a customer, I have tried to make reasonable requests and show understanding and flexibility regarding issues that are not of the highest priority.
Opportunity Comments: / Enter opportunity for improvement comments (optional)
Collaborates to Achieve Company Goals
Rating: / Highly Skilled
Strength Comments: / Since becoming a member of the Technical Manager’s Network, I have been exposed to leading-edge information that I have shared with peers and client contacts. I have gotten feedback indicating that the information was helpful to others.
Opportunity Comments: / Continue to make improvements in delegating the workload as appropriate.
Section 3: What Is Next?
·  Personal Development
- Attended and completed the diversity course called Operating in a Global Environment.
- Completed Business Consulting courses online in PDC.
-  Became a member of the local Technical Manager’s Network, and attended several meetings which have
provided information helpful in my work.
-  Complete further Business Consulting learning events.
-  Feedback from the 2008 Coaching Index indicated that I have solid ability in this area. I will work on a development plan to further strengthen my coaching skills.
·  I enjoy a good working relationship with my manager. I believe we are both committed to working together even though we are not located in the same country.

November 2008

S. Covington