Plugged Into WVPA—Program Overview

Purpose: The purpose of this program is to educate member system employees/board members by providing key information about the Wabash Valley Power Association and the role we play within the utility industry.

WVPA Contacts: Sherry Rose: 317-409-2962 (cell)

317-481-2800 (office)

Adrienne Lyons: 317-481-2811 (office)

Sections / Content within the Section / Time /
Attire / •  Business casual
•  Closed-toe comfortable shoes and long pants (mandatory for plant tour)
Gather and Breakfast / •  Arrive at Wabash Valley Power Association
•  Have breakfast
•  Get settled and mingle with WVPA employees and other attendees / 7:30 AM
Welcome and Introductions / •  Welcome
•  Discuss the agenda
•  Review purpose of this program, how it was developed
•  Review the introductory video Who Is WVPA?
Overview of the Utility Industry / •  Provide a general overview/history of the power industry
•  Discuss how the industry works
•  Review the role of WVPA and how we fit into the industry
Overview of WVPA / •  Discuss the history of WVPA
•  Tour WVPA
BREAK / approx.. 10:30
Power Production / •  Discuss power production
•  Review environmental issues/concerns
•  Review WVPA power plants
LUNCH BREAK / 12:00 – 12:45
Power Plant Tour (Sg) / •  Travel to power plant via charter bus
•  Tour SgSolutions / 1:00 – 4:00
Dinner / •  Return to Indy
•  Dinner (Stone Creek Dining Company, Avon, IN -
•  Return to hotel / 4:00 – 8:00
Sections / Content within the Section / Time /
Attire / •  Business casual (comfortable)
Gather and Breakfast / •  Arrive at WVPA
•  Have breakfast / 8:00
Recap of Day 1 and Power Plant Tour / •  Review key takeaways from Day 1
Power Supply / •  Power Supply: the Planning Process and Forecasting
Power Supply (continued) / •  Power Supply: the Planning Process and Forecasting
Lunch Break / 11:00-11:30
Tour Midwest ISO/ACES / •  Travel to Midwest ISO
•  Tour
Debrief / •  Debrief key insights from the program
•  Conduct program survey / Adjourn 3:00-3:30

—Session Preparation Work