East Pennine HECA Forum Meeting

The Marriott Room, York Central Library

Friday 24th June 2005

Chair – Paul Maplethorpe

Vice Chair – Alan Jones

Secretariat – Clare Fitzpatrick


Philip Addy PA Bradford MDC

Andrew Amato AA EST

Tanya Christensen TC The Sunrise Project

Nick Coakley NC Ryedale District Council

Ruth Collins RC York EEAC

Andrew Cooper AC Yorkshire and Humber Assembly

Colin Eastwood CE York EEAC

Andrew Ellis AE Harrogate

Nichola Elvin NE Scottish Power

Clare Fitzpatrick CF Kirklees Energy Services

Robina Fogg RF Calderdale MBC

Ian Johnson IJ Kirklees Energy Services

Paul Maplethorpe PM Rotherham MBC

David Parkin DP Calderdale MBC

Richard Smith RS Doncaster MBC

Heather Stewart HS Sheffield CC

David Ward DW Powergen

Heather Watts HW Scottish Power

Alison Webb AW Wakefield MDC

Karen Worthington KW Npower

Agenda Item 1 – Minutes of Previous meeting

1.1  AC notes that in agenda item 6.0 the figure reads 42.9 but it should be 49.9

Agenda Item 2 – Nominations for the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretariat for the East Pennine HECA Forum.

2.1 PM announces the nominations for this year

Chair – Paul Maplethorpe

Vice Chair – Alan Jones

Secretariat – Clare Fitzpatrick

As there are no other nominations challenging the current positions PM suggests to the Forum that if there is no objections the forum will continue with the same bodies.

All Agreed

Agenda Item 3 – 2004/2005 Finance of the East Pennine HECA Forum

CF provides the meeting with a spreadsheet (attached) to show the allocation of 2004/2005 budget. PM thanks Npower for the sponsorship for 2004/2005.

PM announces to the forum that Npower have provided sponsorship of the same amount for 2005/2006. PM thanks Npower fortheir continued support.

Agenda Item 4 – HEED Database – Andrew Amasto – EST

4.1 Andrew Amasto provides the forum with a presentation on the EST’s Home Energy Efficiency Database. The EST have been developing this over the last few years to provide data at individual household level. (see presentation attached).


4.2 PM queries if demolished properties will be removed from the database

AA states that the database will be updated monthly and demolished properties will be removed

4.3 AC questions the boundary changes for wards and if these will be taken into account. AA states that Royal Mail provide the address data for the database. The data goes in at address level so ward changes will not have and affect on reports.

4.4 DP enquires when all of the data will be input. AA states that the EEC 1 data will be first but suggests to the forum that it is important to keep visiting the database once access is given, as information will be added all the time.

4.5 AC queries if ‘Clearskies’ and PV data will be involved. AA confirms that it is a case of building on the database at the moment as it is an Energy Efficiency database.

4.6 NC questions if the database will contain tariff data. AA confirms that it will have heating fuel type but not the supplier or tariff.

4.7 CE queries if the EEAC’s will have access to information in their area. AA confirms that EEACS will also receive an agreement for the use of the database.

4.8  PA questions why LA’s would want to use this database when they have

their own databases set up for their own area. AA states that the EST wanted to create a database that everyone can access. PA queries what use it would be to a Local Authority. AA states that it is a supplementary data set for use by LA’s.

4.9  AC queries if there are any plans to feed information through that will

provide SAP level data. AA states that after discussions the company used, they will not let EST provide this information as a free service.

AC states that the EST holds detailed information that could be used but they cannot provide us with it. AA states that individual address level data cannot be provided but hopes that the database will provide assistance.

AC queries if data could be provided using maybe an EST version of comparative analysis?

4.10 PA queries if for example Bradford provided lower figures (e.g. those of Warmfront) would these be used to represent figures for Bradford, what would the data actually be used for. AA states that the figures will be in percentages and this will be highlighted. This does occur with any data.

4.11 AC states that it will be interesting to find a way to work out the comparative analysis and compare different levels of fuel poverty. AA acknowledges that there is a lot of data out there but bringing it together is important.

4.12 HW queries the length of time that it will take for data to be input. AA confirms that it will state on the database exactly what coverage of data is on there.

4.13  AA states that agreements for use of the HEED database will be sent

out via CF, these will need to be completed and returned before access to the database is provided.

4.14  AA is happy to receive any further queries by telephone or email.

Agenda Item 5 – The Sunrise Project – Tanya Christensen

5.1 Tanya Christensen provides the forum with a presentation on Phase 1 of the Sunrise Project and the targets for phase 2.

For copies of this presentation please contact CF


5.2 NC queries the use of PV in other European countries. TC states that due to the availability of grants PV is much more popular in other countries compares to the UK.

NC suggest that it could also be due to the cost of installation TC agrees and states that in Germany PV is mass manufactured bringing the installation costs down. PM suggests that the prejudice against English weather and the use of PV is also still a problem TC agrees.

5.3 AC queries the regional spatial strategy and asks if in the next couple of months if there will be the opportunity to suggest that 10% of LA’s target should be embedded generation. TC states that the technologies are there.

Agenda Item 6 – Report from the HECA chairs meeting

6.1 PM informs the forum that the current position of the Limited Company is that procedures are at the finishing stage. The UK Secretariat is arranging solicitors and accountants. From a legal point of view this is so that the EST can continue funding. It is important to remember that with these changes we are the only people who have control and can make decisions. The changes have been made to secure the future of the forum and carry on the network.

6.2 PM reports back to the forum regarding the conference. Good reports were received from delegates and next years conference will be held in Blackpool. The forum would like to hold the conference in Ireland in 2007.

The hotel in Blackpool is designed to hold more presentation stands to hopefully there will be more exhibitions.

6.3  With regards to enact and the sponsorship of the HECA conference PM is

in agreement that their sole sponsorship of the conference is wrong. Next year sponsorship may be shared out with other companies.

6.4 PM also brings the forums attention to the 9th HECA progress report, information on this was sent to the group via CF. There have been changes to the form to make it easier to work through, the deadline with DEFRA is 30th September. 7 LA’s did not submit reports last year. PA announces that he handed in Bradford’s report last year and DEFRA actually mislaid it. DEFRA will send out reports shortly region by region.

Agenda Item 7 – The Regional Housing Strategy – Andrew Cooper

7.1 Key messages of the pilot and the draft regional housing strategy - Attached

7.2 AC is currently looking at existing strategies. AC would like to note that with regards to the Energy White Paper there is reference to this on page 1 of the strategy.

7.3 AC is interested in the HECA forum developing a common methodology for measuring progress. CE suggests that there is a need for maybe 6 members of the forum to meet regarding this. AC to forward email regarding meetings.

7.4 AC is looking into a ‘how to’ document to assist in achieving the targets outlined in the strategy. There is a briefing meeting for this on 26th July. There will be a presentation on the revised HECA report at this meeting too.

Agenda Item 8 - Warmfront

8.1 AC has recently emailed members of the Forum to establish a Warmfront 2 contact group. AC wants to ensure that a contact group is created that people will find useful. There was a previous contact group that Powergen were in control of, this was undemocratic in process although the meetings were useful, Powergen could decide who attended.

8.2 Concentrating on the Local Authorities AC wants 4 HECA officers from each sub region who are nominated by the forum to represent the opinions of others at the working group meetings. Previous comments were made by AJ stating that every HECA officer should be invited to attend. PM disagreed with this and suggests that the working group would operate better if a few HECA officers attended and reported back to the forum.

8.3 AC proposes the first meeting group to be help on Friday 1st July.

PM adds that EAGA have now taken over in the area and we need to work with them to solve problems. We need an agreement to decide who will attend these meetings. PM has already had one member of the East Pennine HECA Forum showing an interest is been part of the working group.

8.4 RC is concerned about the representation of rural areas.

CE states that we need to do the best for the region.

8.5 PA states that he had previously sent an email to LA HECA officers to collect views. PA also contacted Chris Leek from EAGA who have no pre-conceived ideas of what the group should entail, PA has had no responses from this email.

8.6 PA states that AJ had previously queries why it is Yorkshire Forward that

are taking this on. AC states that this is not a plot to undermine LA’s but a plan to strengthen them. PA queries if people agree with this. NC states that as the Yorkshire and Humber are already set up it would be foolish not to use them. PA understands this but grieves that LA’s regarding energy matters will disappear and LA’s will have less input in their areas. TC agrees that it is time for a cohesive group.

8.7 NC agrees that it has to be a regional function but is concerned about the

lack of representation if HECA officers are not responding to these concerns.

8.8 PM states that EAGA may not even be willing to work with individuals,

there needs to be an organised and focussed group. We will not make an impact with EAGA unless it is regional. Yorkshire and Humber have taken the lead, which is a good starting point. PM asks the forum to decide who should attend on the basis of 4 LA officers and 2 representatives from EEAC’s.

Suggestions as follows:

1.  Jane Mears

2.  Heather Stewart

3.  Rachael Collins

4.  Representative from West Yorkshire possibly Alan Jones or Lee Cattermole.

Colin Eastwood will be a representative of the EEAC and another representative will be decided from West and South Yorkshire EEAC’s.

8.9 AC requests for the East Pennine HECA Forum to agree that the working

group is a good way forward. PA believes that the ethos of regionalisation is wrong; things should be done on a local level. TC states the regional is a collective voice not a threat. AC also states that there is specific interest for a PCT representative. CE suggests that discussions with the strategic health authority will be better. AC will look into this.

8.10  PM would like to take the consensus forward that the forum agrees

with the mechanism of the ‘Warmfront 2 Working Group’.

All Agreed

Agenda Item 9 – Yorkshire and Humber Assembly Minutes

9.1 AE informs the forum that the last meeting of the Yorkshire and Humber Assemble was 13th June. The meeting viewed the future of the forum and how it would develop and the relationship with the DTI. SB updated the group on the work of the regional energy group. AC also adds that the regional housing strategy should be accepted in the next few weeks.

Agenda Item 10 – General Information

10.1 PM announces that Janet Harrison will be leaving British Gas on 29th July. A replacement will hopefully be in place for the next forum meeting.

10.2  PM announces a call for entries for the 2005 Green Apple Awards.

10.3  The NEF are holding a renewable energy in your building seminar in

Milton Keynes.

Agenda Item 11 – Feedback From Partners

11.1  Rotherham – Paul Maplethorpe

Rotherham will soon be moving into an energy advice shop

11.2  York EEAC – Colin Eastwood

The York EEAC is continuing with their usual EEAC programme.

11.3  Npower – Karen Worthington

KW reports that there are no new schemes at the moment. The £109 insulation scheme is still continuing.

11.4  Doncaster Council – Richard Smith

Doncaster Council is currently undergoing major reconstruction.

11.5  Scottish Power – Nichola Elvin

Newly appointed to the area and is catching up with the role.

11.6  Sheffield Council – Heather Stewart