For:8e6 Internet Security Product
From:Department of Forestry Procurement Unit
Analyst/Procurement Specialist: Norm Clark
Designated Procurement Officer: Richard Arnaz
Re: Sole Source Determination pursuant to Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 279B.075 and Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 125-247-0275,to procure anInternet Security Hardware and Software system.
Authority to enter into a Sole-Source Contract: OAR 125-246-0170(2)(c)(H)
The State of Oregon, acting by and through the Department of Forestry, intends to enter into a sole source contract with FORTNET Security for the purchase of the 8e6 Internet Security product. This product is the only Internet Security appliance currently endorsed and supported by the StateDataCenter, which means the SDC Security team will perform the installation, setup and initial configuration for ODF.
Per an email Procurement Request dated December 20, 2007, Sandy Jefferson, ODF IT Program Director stated, “The 8e6 product is currently being used by the Department of Human Services, Employment, Department of Corrections and the Housing Department.” Further Paraphrased:Utilizing another product would cause additional delay and higher costs, and the project is time sensitive per the recent release of DAS #107-004-110 Acceptable Use Policy, dated October 16, 2007.
OAR 125-247-0275 (2)(A): “Compatibility. The efficient utilization of existing Supplies and Services requires the acquisition of compatible Supplies and Services from only one source.”
OAR 125-247-0275 (2)(B): “Exchange of software or data. Specific Supplies and Services, which are available from only one source, may be required for the exchange of software or data with other public or private agencies.”
Market Research Overall finding:
Per a telephone call on 12/21/2007 by Norm Clark to Derek Elrod, Inside Sales Person for the West Coast Region of 8e6, FORTNET Security is a Channel Partner with 8e6 Internet Security, and as such, is authorized to market the 8e6 Internet Security product in the Western United States Region. The 8e6 Corporate Headquarters (USA) is located in Orange, California and FORTNET’s Western Regional Office is located in Gilroy, California. The FORTNET Regional Sales Manager is Louis Bisbiglia, who provided ODF with a Price Quotation for 800 Licenses as well as the R3000ir Internet Filtering and Reporting Appliance and the Threat Analysis Reporter hardware device, both with 2nd and 3rd year warranties.
From the documentation, and per the Rules and Statutes cited above, it is ODF’s intent to enter into a sole source procurement of the 8e6 Internet Security Product, per the Price Quotation dated 12/07/2007 from FORTNET Security.