Review all Safety Net StandardsChinle USD
SUBJECT: ReadingGRADE: 4thTIMELINE: 4th Quarter
Strand/Concept: / Performance Obj.-Mastery Level Explanation / Kid FriendlyLearning Objective / Level of
Thinking / Resource Correlation / Academic Vocabulary
Strand 1: Reading Process Concept 4: Vocabulary
Acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts. / PO2: Use context to determine the relevant meaning of a word. M / I will determine the meaning of words based on context clues. / Analysis
Synthesis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Donavan’s Word Jar”
“My name is Maria Isabel”
“Garden of Happiness”
“Sarah, Plain and Tall”
“The Cricket in Time Square”
“Look to the North”
“Red Writing Hood”
“In My Family”
“Stealing Home”
“Fly Traps!”
“The Down and Up Fall”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(18-21)(25-26) / context clues
Strand 1: Reading Process
Concept 4: Vocabulary
Acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts. / PO 4: Identify figurative language, including similes, personification and idioms. / I will recognize similes, personification, and idioms. / Knowledge / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Stealing Home”
“Look to the North”
“Blue Willow”
“Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs. (25)(139-141) / figurative language
Strand 1: Reading process Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies
Employ strategies tocomprehend text. / PO 3: Generate clarifying questions in order to comprehend text. M / I will generate questions that will help me understand what I am reading. / Synthesis Evaluation / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Lou Gerhig”
“Look to the North”
“The Case of Pablo’s Nose”
“I Have Heard of a Land”
“The Down and Up Fall”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(53)(64)(79-80) / generate clarifying questions
Strand 1: The Reading Process
Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies
Employ strategies to comprehend text. / PO 4: Use graphic organizers in order to clarify the meaning of the text. M / I will use graphic organizers to understand what I am reading / Analysis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Lou Gerhig”
“Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride”
“Nights of the Pufflings”
“The Case of Pablo’s Nose”
“In the Days of King Adobe”
“Red Writing Hood”
“Saguaro Cactus”
“The Gold Rush”
“I Have Heard of a Land”
“Fly Traps!”
“The Down and Up Fall”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(42-44)(55-57)(90-91)(100-102) / graphic organizer
Strand 1: The Reading Process
Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies
Employ strategies to comprehend text. / PO 6: Use reading strategies (e.g. drawing conclusions, determining cause and effect, making inferences, sequencing) to comprehend text. M / I will use different reading strategies to understand what I am reading. / Analysis Synthesis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“The Baker’s Neighbor”
“Nights of the Pufflings”
“The Garden of Happiness”
“Sarah, Plain and Tall”
“The Cricket in Times Square”
“The Case of Pablo’s Nose”
“Red Writing Hood”
“Fly Traps!”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs. (43-44)(50)(53-54)(58)(100-102)(111-114) / drawing conclusions cause and effect inferring sequencing
Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text
Concept 1: Elements of Literature
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structures and elements of literature. / PO 2: Identify the resolution of a problem or conflict in a plot. M / I will identify how the characters in a story solve the problems they are facing. / Analysis Synthesis Evaluation / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Donavan’s Word Jar”
“My Name is Maria Isabel”
“The Emperor and the Kite”
“The Case of Pablo’s Nose”
“Red Writing Hood”
“Stealing Home”
“One Grain of Rice”
“The Down and Up Fall”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(81)(102) / resolution problem plot
Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text
Concept 1: Elements of Literature
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structures and elements of literature. / PO 4: Distinguish between major characters and minor characters. M / I will distinguish between major characters and minor characters in a story. / Analysis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“The Gardener”
“The Baker’s Neighbor”
“The Garden of Happiness”
“Red Writing Hood”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(64-65)(67) / major character minor character
Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text
Concept 1: Elements of Literature
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structures and elements of literature. / PO 5: Describe a character’s traits using textual evidence (e.g., dialogue, actions, narrations, illustrations). I / I will describe the character’s traits by using what the character says and does, what others say about the character, and the illustrations. / Application
Analysis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“The Gardener”
“The Baker’s Neighbor”
“The Emperor and the Kite”
“Sarah, Plain and Tall”
“Red Writing Hood”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs. (64-69)(86-87)(89-90) / character traits
textual evidence
Strand 2: Comprehending Literary Text
Concept 1: Elements of Literature
Identify, analyze and applyknowledge of the structures and elements of literature. / PO 10: Identify common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, novel, short story, biography, autobiography, drama) based upon their characteristics. I / I will identify the different types of literature based upon their characteristics. / Knowledge / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Red Writing Hood”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs. (127-130)(136-146)(150-152) / poetry
short story
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 1: Expository Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text. / PO 1: Identify the main idea and supporting details in expository text. I / I will identify the main idea and supporting details in expository text / Knowledge / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“How to Babysit an Orangutan”
“The Kids’ Invention Book”
“A Very Important Day”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs. (30-35)(41-46) / main idea
supporting detail
expository text
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 1: Expository Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text. / PO 2: Distinguish fact from opinion in expository text. I / I will distinguish fact from opinion in expository text / Comprehension
Analysis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Two Lands, One Heart”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs. (123-124) / fact
expository text
Strand 3: Comprehending informational Text
Concept 1: Expository Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, and elements of expository text. / PO 8: Draw valid conclusions based on information gathered from expository text. I-M / I will draw valid conclusions by using information from a non-fiction text. / Synthesis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“A Very Important Day”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(111-114)(120-123) / valid
conclusions expository text
Strand 3:Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 2: Functional Text
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the purpose, structures, clarity, and relevancy of functional text. / PO 2: Interpret details from functional text for a specific purpose (e.g., to follow directions, to solve problems, to perform procedures, to answer questions). M / I will interpret details to complete an activity using information from a functional text. / Analysis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“The Kid’s Invention Book”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(176-185) / functional text
follow directions
solve problems
perform procedures
answer questions
Strand 3: Comprehending Informational Text
Concept 3: Persuasive Text
Explain basic elements of argument in text and their relationship to the author’s purpose and use of persuasive strategies. / PO 2: Identify persuasive vocabulary (e.g., loaded/emotional words, exaggeration, bandwagon) used to influence readers’ opinions. M / I will identify the words the author uses to influence the readers’ opinion. / Application
Analysis / Harcourt Trophies Reading-
“Nights of the Pufflings”
Buckle Down Arizona AIMS 2nd Edition Grade 4 Pgs.(125-126) / persuasive vocabulary
loaded/emotional words
Revised, 06/11/2012Page 1