Who may conduct a Raffle?
· Only a bona-fide non-profit organization that meets the licensing requirements for a Game of Chance may conduct a Raffle (Licensed or Unlicensed). An individual or business (that does not meet the licensing criteria) may not conduct a raffle in which a person provides something of value for a chance to enter the raffle.
I am an officer of a non-profit organization that has not done any previous raffles or Games of Chance and I am not sure if the organization meets the licensing requirements?
· There are several variables and the best answer would be to contact the Gaming section and speak to an Inspector at 624-7210
Do I need a license to conduct a Raffle?
· A license is required for prizes that are more than $10,000 in value. If the prizes are less than $10,000 in value a license is not required.
Who may sell Raffle tickets?
· For a licensed Raffle only members and non-compensated volunteers (previously identified in writing to the Gaming Office) may sell the raffle tickets.
· For an unlicensed Raffle only members of the non-profit may sell the raffle tickets.
Can children sell or buy Raffle tickets?
· No one under the age of 18 can buy tickets.
· A person under 18 years of age may sell chances in relation to recognized youth associations. For example members of the class of 2014 may sell raffle tickets, even though they are not 18 years of age or older.
Is there a maximum value of prizes that may be raffled?
· Prizes may not exceed $75,000. In addition, cash prizes may not exceed $10,000.
What may not be used as prizes in a Raffle?
· Alcoholic beverages or live animals.
What is required to be on a Raffle ticket?
· For a licensed raffle the tickets must be sequentially numbered and have printed on the face of the ticket the following information;
· The name of the organization licensed to conduct the raffle.
· A description of the prize or prizes.
· The date, time and place of the drawing.
· For an unlicensed raffle the tickets must be differentiated by a number.
How can an organization obtain raffle tickets?
· For a licensed Raffle, the tickets must be purchased from a licensed distributor or printer, or the organization can print them themselves. For a list of licensed distributors or printers you can contact the Gaming and Weapons Section.
How many times a year may an organization conduct a Raffle?
· An organization may conduct one licensed raffle per year.