Title: / Exciting design competition for young people - deadline 15th January 2016
Summary: / Opportunity for the competition winner to work with design agency 101 London and see their logo for the new Partnership for Young People brought to life. Entries deadline: Friday 15th January 2016.
Target school(s): / Secondary, Special
Specific schools
For attention of: / PSHE leads. Office Managers. Arts, graphics and design leads.
Author: / Lucy Pennie, Children’s Commissioning Officer
Contact: / Lucy Pennie
Email: /
Date: / 4th January 2016
Action required/
due date: / Please raise awareness of this competition within your school. The deadline for entries is Friday 15th January 2016.

We have an exciting competition open to young people aged 13 – 19 years (up to 25 years for young people with a disability) who are resident or schooled within the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. We’d very much appreciate your help in raising awareness of the competition with the young people in your school.

The challenge is to design a logo for the new Partnership for Young People in Hammersmith and Fulham. The winner will have the unique opportunity to work with the team at design agency 101 London to bring their logo to life for use across print (posters, leaflets) and digital (websites, emails, apps) promotional materials. The deadline for entries is Friday 15th January 2016. Please see attached flyer.

To provide some context, Hammersmith and Fulham Council is working with young people, youth providers, businesses and funders to set up a Partnership for Young People. This youth-led Partnership will connect all those that are committed to the future of young people in Hammersmith and Fulham. By working together with the expertise of everyone who cares about young people, the Partnership will aim to further improve the services and activities on offer for children and young people.

Please do get in touch if you have any queries with regards this competition.

Many thanks for your help.

Lucy Pennie

Children’s Commissioning Officer

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