Ardess Roadside
contributed by John Cunningham
AIKEN, Parkhill. In the sweet by and by we shall meet.
AIKEN. In loving memory Margaret Jane Black wife of James Aiken, Kesh, who died 5th March 1914 aged 76 years also of the above James Aiken died 11th May 1920 aged 84 years. Ye shall find rest unto your souls. Also their son James Alexander who died 23rd June 1922 aged 40 years also James Cyril Alexander son of the above James Alexander Aiken who died 6th June 1922 aged 6 years and 7 months also Margaret wife of James Alexander Aiken who died 4th August 1935 aged 55 years and their eldest daughter Martha Ann who died 7th December 1991 aged 82 years.
ALLEN. In loving memory of Mary Allen, Ferney, died 1st April 1942 aged 81 years. Peace, Perfect Peace.
ARCHDALL. To the memory of Edward Q. Archdall eldest son of Captain Hugh Montgomery and Elizabeth Archdall died 29th August 1917. Erected by his children.
ARMSTRONG. In loving memory of Jane wife of Augustus Armstrong, Kesh who died 21st May 1934 aged 60 years. Augustus Armstrong who died 16th March 1949 aged 95 years their son Edmund George who died 3rd Aug. 1984 aged 65 years his wife Alice May who died 6th Jan. 1985 aged 83 years. Laid to rest.
ARMSTRONG. Margaret Armstrong died 24th June 1913 aged 84 yrs. Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through Lord Jesus Christ.
ASQUITH. Helen Audley Asquith 1896 to 1979 loving and cherished wife of John Asquith, M.B.E. for 5 yrs. Grandson of Edward Atthill, Ardvarney.
ATTHILL. Edward Eyre Atthill born 1819 died 1893 son of the Reverend William Atthill M.A. Rector of this parish for 30 years and Jane his wife born 1822 died 1903 daughter of Lowther Brien of Ardvarney also their daughter Matilda Jane Atthill born Feb. 3rd, 1853 died October 10, 1931. Faithful unto death. I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall he live.
ASQUITH. Helen Audley Asquith 1896 to 1979 loving and cherished wife of John Asquith, M.B.E. for 5 yrs. Grandson of Edward Atthill, Ardvarney.
BEACOM. Gubbaroo. Peace Perfect Peace. Daddy. (nothing else)
BEACOM. In loving memory of Mary Beacom, Claireview, died 26th March 1941 aged 71 years also her son William Ernest died 19th Feb. 1936 aged 28 years and her husband William John died 20th Sep. 1949 aged 77 years also her son Bertie died 17th June 1974 aged 69 years also her son Cecil died 26th June 1974 aged 66 years also Elizabeth wife of Bertie died 30th Sept. 1976 aged ?? years.
ATTHILL. Edward Eyre Atthill born 1819 died 1893 son of the Reverend William Atthill M.A. Rector of this parish for 30 years and Jane his wife born 1822 died 1903 daughter of Lowther Brien of Ardvarney also their daughter Matilda Jane Atthill born Feb. 3rd, 1853 died October 10, 1931. Faithful unto death. I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall he live.
LOWIS. Sacred to the beloved memory of Lt. Colonel Robert Montresor Lowis of Drumard died 19th May 1938 aged 71 also of Helen his wife died 20th October 1954 aged 78 and her brother Lt. Colonel Richard Cliffard of Dromard died 24th Sep. 1970 aged 98.
CROZIER. In loving memory of Christopher Crozier of Clareview who died 20th Sept. 1906 aged 80 years. Also his wife Anne died 7th Jan. 1924aged 90 years.
DUNDAS. In loving memory of Edward Noah died 22nd January 1926 aged 21 months. At rest.
ELLIOTT. In loving memory of Jane Elliott, Kesh, died 25th June 1899 aged 56 years. Also her husband Richard died 27th Dec. 1904 aged 74 years and their son James died 20th April 1925 aged 61 years.
ATTHILL. Edward Eyre Atthill born 1819 died 1893 son of the Reverend William Atthill M.A. Rector of this parish for 30 years and Jane his wife born 1822 died 1903 daughter of Lowther Brien of Ardvarney also their daughter Matilda Jane Atthill born Feb. 3rd, 1853 died October 10, 1931. Faithful unto death. I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall he live.
FRAZER. In loving memory of her son James Henry Frazer who died 25th November 1917 aged 21 years also her husband Henry Frazer who died 16th August 1935 aged 82 years also Eliza Jane Frazer who died 16th March 1947. Peace Perfect Peace. Erected by his wife.
GIBSON. In memory of William Gibson died 3rd April 1911 and Catherine his wife died 24th January 1918 and of their family .
GIBSON. To the memory of William John Gibson died 22nd September 1923.
GUY. In loving memory of Henry Guy, constable R.U.C. died 1st January 1925 aged 30 years. Also his wife Margaret Jane died 3rd June 1950 aged 58 years and mother-in-law Margaret Henderson died 10th January 1942 aged 89 years. Thy Will be done.
GUY. In loving memory of Molly aged 8 years Margaret Melinda aged 17 months Muriel Rose aged 18 years their father Frederick Guy died 29th Oct. 1982 aged 90 years their mother Mary Jane Guy died 17th Aug. 1984 aged 86.
HENRY. Erected by Adam Henry in memory of his father William Henry died 23rd January 1953 aged 79 years and his mother Margaret died 30th August 1943 aged 71 years also the above named Adam Henry died 24th December 1975 aged 74 years. Peace Perfect Peace.
GUY. In loving memory of Henry Guy, constable R.U.C. died 1st January 1925 aged 30 years. Also his wife Margaret Jane died 3rd June 1950 aged 58 years and mother-in-law Margaret Henderson died 10th January 1942 aged 89 years. Thy Will be done.
HUNTER. Erected by William Hunter in memory of his wife Anne Hunter who died Dec. 8th 1899 aged 74 years. The above William Hunter died 18th Oct. 1910 aged 83? years. John Hunter son of the above died Jan. 20th 1915 aged 70 years.
INGRAM. In loving memory of Irvine Ingram of Ederney who died 6th January 1933 aged 76 years also his wife Annie Louisa who died 14th November 1943 aged 70 years and their son Herbert James who died 13 May 1947 aged 55 years also his wife Florence Elizabeth who died 4th December 1997 aged 82 years. Until the day break and the shadows flee away.
JOHNSTON. In loving memory of Christopher Johnston died 27th February 1914 aged 68 years also his daughter Mary died 30th June 1920 aged 27 years and his wife Elizabeth died 20th August 1928 aged 72 years his daughter in law Rebecca died 23rd April 1935 aged 23 years and his son William died 13th April 1968 aged 82 years and his son John husband of Rebecca died 12th October 1985 aged 95 years.
KNOX (nothing else).
KNOX. Drumgivery. Abide with me. (Nothing else).
KNOX. In loving memory of Joseph Knox, Shanmullagh, who departed this life 15th June 1936 and his wife Margaret Jane Knox born 2nd May 1881died 1st May 1969 their son Joseph died 17th April 1987 their son George Herbert died 26th February 1993. Peace Perfect Peace. And his son Thomas James Royal Marines killed in action 22nd May 1941. And also their son Richard Alfred died 31st July 2000.
KNOX. In loving memory of Lizzie, dear daughter of Thomas Knox, N.S.T. Ardess, whom the Lord took 6th June, 1894 aged 10 years and of his dear little son Andrew Williamson who died 4th September 1867 aged 3 months.
LAW. Erected by Irvine Law in loving remembrance of Margaret Law born 12th May 1874 died 20th March 1901. Irvine Nobel born 19th March 1888 died 9th October 1971.
LAW. In loving memory of James Law, Drumduff, Ederney, died 2nd Nov. 1955 aged 71 years also his wife Mary died 19th Oct. 1964 aged 70 years and their son Robert died in infancy 29th May 1936, son Joseph James died 8th November 1987aged 66 years. Safe in the arms of Jesus.
LAW. In loving memory of Robert Law died 8th June 1936 his daughter Georgina died 7th Nov. 1939 and his son James died 8th Dec. 1947 also his wife Elizabeth died 20th Feb. 1950 his son Richard Andrew died 19th Jan. 1958 his son Thomas John died 28th March 1974 his son Mervyn died 26th April 1974.
LEGGETT. Erected by his wife in loving memory of William Leggett who entered into rest on the 27th August 1909 aged 69. Peace, Perfect Peace. Also his wife May Hastings Leggett who died 10th June 1935 aged 85 years. Christus Jesu meus est omnia.
LITTLE. In loving memory of our dear parents John died 23rd March 1959 aged 68 years. Elizabeth died 25th Sept. 1981 aged 78. At rest.
LOANE. In memory of Andrew Loane, Sydney, Australia, died 11th August 1916 aged 78 years also his wife Martha Loane died 17th June 1937 aged 71 years.
ATTHILL. Edward Eyre Atthill born 1819 died 1893 son of the Reverend William Atthill M.A. Rector of this parish for 30 years and Jane his wife born 1822 died 1903 daughter of Lowther Brien of Ardvarney also their daughter Matilda Jane Atthill born Feb. 3rd, 1853 died October 10, 1931. Faithful unto death. I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth on me though he were dead yet shall he live.
LOWIS. Sacred to the beloved memory of Lt. Colonel Robert Montresor Lowis of Drumard died 19th May 1938 aged 71 also of Helen his wife died 20th October 1954 aged 78 and her brother Lt. Colonel Richard Cliffard of Dromard died 24th Sep. 1970 aged 98.
MAXWELL. William Maxwell in loving memory of his wife Ellen Bleakley who died 6th July 1916 aged 60 years and the above William Maxwell who died 1st May 1939 aged 87 years also their daughter Harriett Lucinda who died 26th March 1952.
MC CLINTOCK. In loving memory of William Mc Clintock died 6th May 1915 aged 77 years. Also his son Robert A. Mc Clintock killed in action 1st July 1916 aged 32 years. Also his wife Annie Mc Clintock died 9th May 1932 aged 72 years. Also George Alexander died 20th March 1942 aged 54 years.
MC FARLAND. (nothing else).
MC GREGOR. In loving memory of Mary beloved wife of William J. Mc Gregor, Manoo, who died 31st January 1918 aged 70 years and her beloved husband William J. Mc Gregor who died 3rd March 1921 aged 65 years also their sons Thomas N. Mc Gregor died 25th Feb. 1957 aged 70 years William John died 21st Dec. 1962 aged 81 years. Peace perfect peace with loved ones far away, In Jesus keeping we are safe and they. Also his wife Mary Margaret died 3rd Oct. 1962 aged 68 years and their son Thomas Ronald George died 25th Oct. 1980 aged 52 years.
MCGIRR. With thanks to the Lord for David who served God in Thailand and Vietnam with Y.W.A.M. drowned at Boranup, W. Australia, 17th March 1996 aged 19 years. Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone: but if it dies it bears much fruit.
MILLIGAN. In loving memory of Charlotte Milligan died 4th August 1913 aged 74 years.
MOFFITT. In loving memory of William Moffitt, Barnalacken, died 9th March 1915 aged 77 years also of his son James Arthur Moffitt, sergeant Australian Imperial Forces killed in action at Ypres, Belgium, in the Great War 1914-18 on 5th September 1916 aged 25 years also Eliza Jane Moffitt who died 1st August 1945 aged 82 years and Ann died 19th May 1955 and his son William died 23rd February 1977 aged 82 years and his wife Dorothy who died 14th January 1976 aged 58 years.
ARCHDALL. To the memory of Edward Q. Archdall eldest son of Captain Hugh Montgomery and Elizabeth Archdall died 29th August 1917. Erected by his children.
MOORE. In loving memory of Archie died 14th Feb. 1942 aged 32 years. Also their mother Sarah Jane. Alexander died 18th March 1945. William died 14th October 1950. In loving memory of John died 31st March 1977 aged 78 years.
MORRISON. In loving memory of Annie Elizabeth beloved wife of Alexander Morrison called home 20th July 1943.
MULDOON. Erected by Rebecca Muldoon, Fargrim, in memory of her husband Christopher Muldoon died March 3rd 1905 aged 81 years and of their daughter Isabella who died March 7th 1914 aged 33 years and the above Rebecca A. Muldoon who died March 3rd 1931 aged 88 years. Thy will be done.
MULDOON. In loving memory of Henry Muldoon died 27th December 1970 aged 73 years also his wife Anne Jane died 18th March 1986 aged 75 years.
LAW. Erected by Irvine Law in loving remembrance of Margaret Law born 12th May 1874 died 20th March 1901. Irvine Nobel born 19th March 1888 died 9th October 1971.
PRATT. Erected by his wife in loving memory of Joseph Pratt who fell asleep in Jesus 11th Jan. 1913 aged 58 years. Also her son Wm. John Oliver who died Aug 2nd 1890 aged 9 months. Also James Young of Letterboy died 20th June 1926 aged 69 years. Also Mary Jane wife of the above James Young died Sept. 16th, 1928 aged 78 years and their son William J. Young died 24th Jan. 1943 aged 52 years.
ROGER. Peace Perfect Peace. Our future all unknown. Jesus we know and he is on the throne. In loving memory of Rachel Helen Roger who died June 28th 1900 in her 39th year.
ROPER. Sacred to the memory of Emily Roper died 6th Novr. 1896. To be with Christ which is far better.
RUTHERFORD. In loving memory of Thomas Rutherford who died 6th June 1919 aged 70 years also his daughter Lena who died 4th Feb. 1920 aged 27 years also his son William who died 11th Jan 1921 aged 30 years. He giveth his beloved sleep.
SIMPSON. In loving memory of William Simpson, Aghaleague, who died 26th March 1937 aged 71 years also his wife Esther Simpson who died 29th July 1945 aged 82 years also their son Thomas who died 16th Feb. 1972 aged 75 years and Sydney wife of Thomas who died 20th April 1978 aged 62 years. Thy will be done. Erected by his wife and family.
SIMPSON. The Simpson Family, Gargrim. Erected 1984. At rest. (Nothing else).
SMITH. (nothing else).
VANCE. In loving memory of Mary Elizabeth Jane Vance (Molly) died 10th July 1923 aged 16 years and her mother Mary Jane who died 20th Sept. 1955 aged 80 years also her father John who died 21st Aug. 1957 aged 75 years. Nearer my God to thee.
WALMSLEY. In loving memory of Hamilton Walmsley, Mulanasagart, died 12th Nov. 1990? aged 77 years and his wife Charlotte Walmsley died 24th Feby. 1980 aged 86 years also their daughters Catherine died 25th Feb. 1910 aged 50 years and Mary Jane died 11th March 1941 aged 61 years and of Matilda died 8th Nov. 1949 aged 65 years also their son James died 4th February 1945 aged 65 years. (Check)
WALMSLEY. In loving memory of John Walmsley, Tulnaglug, who died 29th Dec. 1933 aged 86 years also his wife Annabella died 2nd March 1939 aged 72 years and their daughters Florence died 25th June 1918 aged 12 years. Maud died 11th May 1928 aged 14 years. Also their sons Andrew died 26th Nov. 1946 aged 39 years. Robert died 20th Dec. 1975 aged 77 years. Edward died 15th March 1983 aged 77 years.
WALMSLEY. In loving memory of Robert Walmsley, Tullycaldrick, who died 8th Aug. 1915 aged 65 years. Also his son Thomas Oliver died 14th Feb. 1915 aged 24 and his wife Mary Ann died 26th April 1922 aged 72 years also son George died 28th March 1966 aged 84 years and his wife Isobella died 31st October 1983 aged 84 years.
WALMSLEY. In loving memory of William Walmsley, Fargrim, died 15th March 1895 aged 67 years his wife Mary Jane died 8th Feb. 1914 aged 93 years.
WATSON. (to be done).
WOOD. In loving memory of Albert Alexander Paxton Wood who died 1st November 1935 and Alice Elizabeth Stokes who died 10th Nov. 1955.
PRATT. Erected by his wife in loving memory of Joseph Pratt who fell asleep in Jesus 11th Jan. 1913 aged 58 years. Also her son Wm. John Oliver who died Aug 2nd 1890 aged 9 months. Also James Young of Letterboy died 20th June 1926 aged 69 years. Also Mary Jane wife of the above James Young died Sept. 16th, 1928 aged 78 years and their son William J. Young died 24th Jan. 1943 aged 52 years.