CHEM 441
Fall 2010
Instructor:Dr. Jason Bennett
Office:31 Hammermill
Phone: 898-6123
Email: (preferred)
Class Meeting Times:T 2:30 – 5:15 pm
Office Hours:
Prerequisites: Successful completion or concurrent enrollment of CHEM 440
Credits: 1.0
Required Materials: Laboratory notebook, safety glasses
Course Description:
The goals of this course are to understand how instruments operate, gain experience with optimizing experimental methods and to report significant and accurate results. Literature work, instrumental and experimental design, and statistical analysis will be emphasized. Students will be expected to maintain a laboratory notebook containing their results, analysis, and conclusions.
The course is comprised of 3 modules. There will be two modules going on simultaneously to try to minimize instrument back up, but you need to be patient when you need to wait for the instructor or for another group to finish up. You will complete the modules in groups of three, but with the exception of the sales pitch (see below), you will each write your own report.
Module Description:
Module 1: Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
This module is aimed at understanding the fundamentals of flame emission atomic spectroscopy. Students will be expected to develop methods to analyze sodium in two types of soy sauce, and optimize it to obtain the most accurate data.
Module 2: Electronics and Data Acquisition
Students will gain an understanding of basic electronics and data analysis in this module by working with LabView software. They will be expected to understand the statistical methods used to improve data acquisition and analysis.
Module 3: Build an UV/Vis Spectrometer
This module will give students hands-on experience working with the components of an optical system in order to build their own spectrometer in order to collect an UV/Vis spectrum of a dye molecule.
There will be an individual formal lab report due for each module. See my format guide, which is designed for you to prepare a concise lab report suitable for publication. Each report is due two weeks after completing a module (by the time I arrive on the 15th day). Since each module is a different length and you will be doing them in different orders, you will all have different due dates. It is your responsibility to hand in your report on time.
In addition to the report for module 3, you and your partners will be responsible for giving a sales pitch for your newly designed spectrometer. This can be done together and will be worth 20 pts. towards that module’s report. While this won’t be judged on creativity, it will be judged on overall completeness and effectiveness.
Please note that there will be a 10 pts/day penalty assessed for late lab reports. Do not take this lightly as this can severally impact your grade in this course. This means reports will not be accepted more than 2 weeks after the due date. Additionally, depending on when the last module finishes, the last day to hand in reports is Friday December 10th.
Module 1: 30%
Module 2:30%
Module 3: 30%
Lab Assessment:10%
* The lab assessment grade is based on laboratory preparation, attitude, participation, experimental skills, keeping a notebook, and lab cleanliness. You are expected to clean up after yourselves!
Note: To earn a C or better in the course, you must turn in every report
Academic Integrity:
Penn State puts a very high value on integrity, and violations are not tolerated. Any violation of academic integrity will receive academic and possibly disciplinary sanctions, including the possible awarding of an XF grade. All acts of academic dishonesty are recorded so repeat offenders can be sanctioned accordingly. More information on academic integrity can be found at
CHEM 441Syllabus