“Civil War Battlefields, Pt.4 – Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Atlanta and Surrender”Glue onto pg. ______
- Name the various races which participated in the Civil War.
- Explain why Lincoln relieved McClellan of his position and replaced him with Burnside.
- Comment on the following aspects of the Battle of Fredericksburg:
- The effect of Burnside’s decision to wait for Army engineers:
- Mary’s Heights:
- The role of Richard Kirkland:
- Winner/Casualties of Both Sides:
- List two facts about General Robert E. Lee.
- Fill this in: “During the first _____ months of ______, the Confederacy enjoyed ______after ______.”
- Describe the effect of Stonewall Jackson’s accidental death on the Confederate effort.
- Why did Lee determine that a second invasion of the North was so important?
- Explain why Lee lacked information about the Union forces in the North.
- What resource did Gettysburg provide that the Confederate troops desperately needed?
- By the end of the first day, where did Lee have his men positioned? Where did Mead have his?
- Why was the high ground of Little Round Top so important for the Union to keep? What will happen if they lose it?
- List two facts about the Battle at Little Round Top:
- By the end of the second day, who controls Cemetery Hill?
- By 11:00 AM of the last day, had the Confederates gained ground on the Union?
- Why was the Union decision to stop firing their cannons such an important tactic at this point in the battle?
- Describe the charge of Confederate men at “the little clump of trees.”
- Fill this in: “Of Pickett’s ______men, only ______survive.”
- Why did Mead decide not to pursue Lee?
- How many men died or were wounded at Gettysburg?
- Comment on the following aspects of the election of 1864:
- The role of Copperheads:
- “Fine Northern Ladies:
- Riots in New York City:
- Why do Lincoln and the War Party need a “smashing victory?”
- Why does Confederate general Albert Sydney Johnston refuse to engage the Union’s William Tecumseh Sherman?
- How does Confederate president Jefferson Davis respond to Johnston’s unwillingness to fight?
- Comment on the following aspects of the Battle of Atlanta:
- Southern Casualties on the first day:
- Reasons for the bombardment of Atlanta:
- The final battle of Atlanta:
- What is the result of the Election of 1864?
- What is Sherman’s strategy for his “earth-scorching march?”
- What role did “bummers” play during this time?
- Summarize Sherman’s ‘Total War’ plan for Savannah.
- Comment on the final phases of the War:
- The cost of basic foods and the value of Southern money:
- The evacuation of Richmond:
- Wilbur McLean:
- The Meeting at Appomattox Courthouse:
- The Fate of Abraham Lincoln:
- The Fate of Robert E. Lee:
- The Fate of Ulysses S. Grant:
Civil War Video Qs #4