Bennett County School District

Professional Development Plan


This professional development plan encompasses all professional development provided by the district or school using ANY source of funds. This plan will be reviewed and updated annually.

Bennett County School District

Martin Grade

Bennett County Junior

Bennett County High

Bennett County School

District receiving federal funds MUST hire HQT staff and provide training to enable teachers to:

1 Retain HQT status in all core academic classes being taught.

2. Improve student achievement in the classroom, teach, and address the needs of students withdifferent learning needs

(particularlystudents with disabilities, students who are giftedand talented, and students with limited English proficiency.)

Planning Team Members and Titles:

Jennifer MayParentKim VanderMayParaprofessional

Amie KuxhausMGS PrincipalAshley KasnerMGS InterventionTeacher

Jeanene FuchsBCJH Reading TeacherSunny PiersonSPED Staff

Belinda ReadyBCJH Principal / Federal ProgramsCarol RisseMGS Teacher

Carrie LarsonBCHS TeacherTodd AlexanderSchool Board

Nick ReddenBCHS PrincipalTiffany PetrakSchool Board


Section 1: Professional Development

How was the staff Professional Development (PD) needs assessment conducted?

May 2017 Professional Development Team Meeting
May 2017 Staff Survey
Academic and Behavior Data
May Data Retreats (Staff and Public)

What data was collected and analyze to determine PD needs?

The Current Professional Development Plan
May Professional Development Survey to ALL certified and classified staff
Student Achievement Data
Student Behavior Data
SLO Information

What PD needswere identified?

1. Vertically and Horizontally Aligned Viable Curriculum Across the District
  1. Meeting the Needs of ALL Students – WHOLE student – Academic and Classroom Management
  2. School Culture
Curriculum Maps – Live Binders
Speaker in August and February on the topic of classroom management / behavior / building culture
Reading and Math instructional strategies / Learning Targets
Technology integration and usage / Google / Help with the programs and applications that we currently have
Attendance, dropout prevention, poverty / Behavior and Discipline (This came from the parents as well.)
Break Out Sessions at In-service Days on TOPICS CHOSEN and PRESENTED by STAFF in AREAS of THEIR CHOICE

Section 2: Student Achievement

How was an analysis of student achievement data conducted? When?

Data Retreat May 22 and 23, 2017
Public Data Retreat June 1, 2017
Data Rollout August 25, 2017

What student achievement data was collected and analyzed?

K-11th –AIMSweb (MCAP, MCOMP, MAZE, CBM and K/1st Assessments)
K-8th – Reading and Math Enterprise
7th-8th – SMI and SRI
Smarter Balance
Report Cards

What student achievement needs were identified?

On average over 30% of the students across the district have not met proficiency in reading or math using multiple measures.
Students have not been meeting math targets consistently across the district over the past six years.
ELA has fluctuated but has remained below 50% on the average across the district.
District Report Card – Remain at FOCUS level.

NEED ONE: Vertically and horizontally aligned viable curriculum across the district

GOAL ONE: Bennett County staff will complete curriculum units P-12 in all content areas that

will be vertically and horizontally aligned by 2019.

Please indicate in BOLD those activities addressing academic progress and/or HQT issues.

Strategy/Activity / Evidence of Implementation / Timeline / Persons Responsible / Evaluation / Estimated Costs / Funding / Progress
What evidence-based strategy/activity will be implemented? / How will you determine (know) and monitor that the strategy/activity was implemented? / Timeline for completing the activity / Who will provide oversight for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the strategy/activity? / How will you measure the effectiveness of the strategy/activity to: improve the student learning, and to narrow the student achievement gap? / What are the anticipated costs? Provide Object Codes as listed on budget summary page. / What is the source? Title I, II-A, II-D, III, IV, V, State, Local, SPED, Grants? / Indicate Progress using 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
All staff will complete curriculum units for each subject/course they teach. / MGS and BCJH(READING) teachers will have P-8 READING curriculum units completed.
*NEW Reading CORE at MGS 2017-2018.
*Change of staff / Spring 2018 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials / General Fund
SPED / 3
MGS and BCJH (MATH) teachers will have MATH curriculum units completed
*NEW Math CORE at MGS 2015-2016.
*Change of staff / Spring 2017 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials / General Fund
SPED / 2
BCJH and BCHS teachers will have three subject /grade level curriculum units completed.
*Change of staff and curriculum taught / Spring 2019 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials / General Fund
SPED / 3
All teachers will have completed curriculum units for all classes taught.
MGS has only completed MATH as of spring 2017. / Spring 2018 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials / NONE
Work can be completed during prep and in-service time. / 3
Live Binders / All Curriculum will be placed on the DISTRICT Live Binders site as VIEWABLE, / ONGOING / Administrative Team
Curriculum Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments / Teacher work time
Curriculum Materials
Live Binder / NONE
Work can be completed during prep and work time.
Live Binder Subscription $99 / 3
All curriculum units will be aligned horizontally and vertically. / LANGUAGE ARTS
(reading, speaking, listening and foreign language) curriculum units will be aligned P-12
Vocational, PE, music, and art curriculum will be aligned P-12 / Spring 2018 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials
Alignment Day Stipends / General Fund
Title I – PD
$125/teacher / 4
Technologyand Writing – ALL TEACHERScurriculum will be aligned P-12 / Spring 2019 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials
Alignment Day Stipends / General Fund
Title I – PD
$125/teacher / 4
MATH curriculum units will be aligned P-12.
MATH teachers need to meet to review alignment to see what next steps are with gaps and overlaps / Spring 2017
2017-2018 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials / General Fund
Title I – PD
$2400 / 3
Science and Social Studies curriculum units will be aligned P-12. / Spring 2019 / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials
Alignment Day Stipends / General Fund
Title I – PD
$125/teacher / 3
Revisions will be made as curriculum teams meet annually. / Ongoing / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time
Curriculum materials / General Fund
SPED / 3
South Dakota Assessment Portal, Digital Library, and Smarter Balanced will be used as a resource for assessments. / Ongoing / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / Teacher work time / NONE / 3
Training will be provided to staff as needed.
M Torgrude contracted with TIE / Ongoing / Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments. / In-service
Resource materials
TIE Contract / Title I – PD
$2400 / 2
Each building leadership team will review data and surveys to prioritize PD needs SPECIFIC to their staff and students / Teachers will participate in training based on individual or small group needs (student or curriculum) / Ongoing / Leadership Teams
Administrative Team / Increase in number of students meeting proficiency on the Smarter Balanced assessment and/or local assessments / Work Time
Resource materials / NONE / 3

Evaluation Progress Review Key: 1. Accomplished; 2.Considerable Progress; 3.Some Progress; 4. No Progress; 5. Discontinued

Comments / Notes:

NEED TWOMeet the needs of ALL students – the WHOLE CHILD.

GOAL TWO: Teachers will be trained to provide instruction to meet the needs of all students.

Please indicate in BOLD those activities addressing academic progress and/or HQT issues.

Strategy/Activity / Evidence of Implementation / Timeline / Persons Responsible / Evaluation / Estimated Costs / Funding / Progress
What evidence-based strategy/activity will be implemented? / How will you determine (know) and monitor that the strategy/activity was implemented? / Timeline for completing the activity / Who will provide oversight for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the strategy/activity? / How will you measure the effectiveness of the strategy/activity to: improve the student learning, and to narrow the student achievement gap? / What are the anticipated costs? Provide Object Codes as listed on budget summary page. / What is the source? Title I, II-A, II-D, III, IV, V, State, Local, SPED, Grants? / Indicate Progress using 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
MTSS will be implemented across the district. / Aligned assessments, tiers for instruction, and PBIS K-12
RTI P-8 / 2015-2020 / Administrative Team / Student Achievement and attendance will show an increase.
Behavior referrals and the number of dropouts will decrease. / Training
Stipends / MTSS Grant
Title I
SPED / 3
Reading strategies will be enhanced across all grade levels. / 2018-2019 / All Staff / Student Achievement and attendance will show an increase.
Behavior referrals and the number of dropouts will decrease. / 3
Math strategies will be enhanced across all grade levels / 2018-2019 / All Staff / Student Achievement and attendance will show an increase.
Behavior referrals and the number of dropouts will decrease. / Marcia Torgrude – TIE
$2400 / TIE Consult / 3
Teachers will be trained in emotional and mental behavior. / Training sign in sheets and completed evaluations / 2018-2019 / Belinda Ready / Trained staff will share strategies with colleagues. / $750 Materials
$2500 Stipends / Title I PD
Teachers will be trained in behavior and classroom management strategies along with working with parents. / Training evaluations
Behavior referral data
Parent Logs / Ongoing / Administrators / Decrease in behavior referrals
Increase in parent contacts for positive behavior / $12000 Trainer $1000 Materials / Title I / 4
BCSD will provide membership to professional organizations (EX. ASCD, TIE) / Membership lists / Ongoing / Belinda Ready
Business Office / Use of membership materials / $2,000 / Title I
General Fund / 1
Professional Memberships / Ongoing / Belinda Ready / Resources used by staff / ASCD
Learning Forward / Title I PD
Title I Admin
Teachers will meet for collaboration time (grade level and subject area) to discuss curriculum, data, writing, engagement, etc. / Minutes and agendas / Ongoing / Administrative Team / Assessment Data will show student growth. / (in-service days) / NONE / 3
Paraprofessionals will attend training as pertinent and a ONE day training BER seminar specific to PARA needs / Minutes and agendas / Ongoing / Administrative
Team / Paraprofessional Logs / Build into current contracts
$1250 Stipends / NONE
Title I PD / 3

Evaluation Progress Review Key: 1. Accomplished; 2.Considerable Progress; 3.Some Progress; 4. No Progress; 5. Discontinued

Comments / Notes: