Date:11/10/2014 / Lesson Plans / Length of Lesson:5days
Stage I – Desired Results
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor):
Choose a National Standard:Software Apps.NBEA- IT III -- Operating Systems & UtililitesNBEA- IT IV --Input TechnologiesNBEA- IT VI --Interactive Multimedia NBEA- IT VIII --Web Development & DesignNBEA- IT XIV --Security, Privacy, & Risk ManageNBEA- IT XVII --Info Tech & Business FunctionsNBEA- Computation I Math FoundationsNBEA- Computation II # Relationships & OperationsBusiness Law:NBEA- Business Law I --Basics of LawNBEA- Business Law II --Contract Law, Law of SalesNBEA- Business Law V Property LawNBEA- Business Law VI Negotiable InstrumentsNBEA- Business Law IX Family LawEntrepreneurship:NBEA- Business Law IV --Business OrganizationsNBEA- Entrepreneurship I -Entrepreneur OpportunityNBEA- Entrepreneurship II --MarketingNBEA- Entrepreneurship IV--FinanceNBEA- Entrepreneurship IX --Business Plans
Choose a National Standard:Software Apps.NBEA- IT III -- Operating Systems & UtililitesNBEA- IT IV --Input TechnologiesNBEA- IT VI --Interactive Multimedia NBEA- IT VIII --Web Development & DesignNBEA- IT XIV --Security, Privacy, & Risk ManageNBEA- IT XVII --Info Tech & Business FunctionsNBEA- Computation I Math FoundationsNBEA- Computation II # Relationships & OperationsBusiness Law:NBEA- Business Law I --Basics of LawNBEA- Business Law II --Contract Law, Law of SalesNBEA- Business Law V Property LawNBEA- Business Law VI Negotiable InstrumentsNBEA- Business Law IX Family LawEntrepreneurship:NBEA- Business Law IV --Business OrganizationsNBEA- Entrepreneurship I -Entrepreneur OpportunityNBEA- Entrepreneurship II --MarketingNBEA- Entrepreneurship IV--FinanceNBEA- Entrepreneurship IX --Business Plans / Choose a PA Standard:Computer Classes:15.4.12.D Evaluate emerging input technologies15.4.12.G Create an advanced digital project15.4.12.H Use programming lanuages15.4.12.J Create a complex computer program15.4.12.K Evaluate advanced multimedia work prods.15.4.12.A Apply creative use of emerging techEntrepreneurship:15.5.12.A Analyze personal choices in preparation 15.5.12.D Create a business plan15.5.12.E Evaluate legal forms of business entitieBusiness Law:15.7.12.E Examine legal requirements of business5.1.C.A Analyze the purposes & functions of lawReading, Writing, Speaking, Listening:I.A.1.1.11A. 1.1.11F, 1.1.11H, 1.2.11A1.5.11B, 1.6.11A, 1.6.11D, 1.8.11A1.8.11B, 3.7.10.D 3.7.10.CChoose a PA Standard:Computer Classes:15.4.12.D Evaluate emerging input technologies15.4.12.G Create an advanced digital project15.4.12.H Use programming lanuages15.4.12.J Create a complex computer program15.4.12.K Evaluate advanced multimedia work prods.15.4.12.A Apply creative use of emerging techEntrepreneurship:15.5.12.A Analyze personal choices in preparation 15.5.12.D Create a business plan15.5.12.E Evaluate legal forms of business entitieBusiness Law:15.7.12.E Examine legal requirements of business5.1.C.A Analyze the purposes & functions of lawReading, Writing, Speaking, Listening:I.A.1.1.11A. 1.1.11F, 1.1.11H, 1.2.11A1.5.11B, 1.6.11A, 1.6.11D, 1.8.11A1.8.11B, 3.7.10.D 3.7.10.C
Choose a PA Standard:Computer Classes:15.4.12.D Evaluate emerging input technologies15.4.12.G Create an advanced digital project15.4.12.H Use programming lanuages15.4.12.J Create a complex computer program15.4.12.K Evaluate advanced multimedia work prods.15.4.12.A Apply creative use of emerging techEntrepreneurship:15.5.12.A Analyze personal choices in preparation 15.5.12.D Create a business plan15.5.12.E Evaluate legal forms of business entitieBusiness Law:15.7.12.E Examine legal requirements of business5.1.C.A Analyze the purposes & functions of lawReading, Writing, Speaking, Listening:I.A.1.1.11A. 1.1.11F, 1.1.11H, 1.2.11A1.5.11B, 1.6.11A, 1.6.11D, 1.8.11A1.8.11B, 3.7.10.D 3.7.10.C / Big Ideas:The role of small business and entrepreneurship in today's multicultural, global economy, current trends that provide domestic and global opportunities,benefits and risk of international trade, Importing and exporting / Understanding Goals (Concepts):
Journal entries as warm-up activity
Saving appropriately & Retrieving files
Comprehending entrepreneurial and business concepts
Research on famous entrepreneurs
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
make journal entries in Microsoft Word as their warm-up activity
Take guided notes as a summary for class concepts
Create an electronic folder, save and retrieve files
Edit a document in Microsoft Word
Write essays about entrepreneurial concepts / Essential Questions:What is global entrepreneurship? What is the difference between importing and exporting? What is a trade barrier:? What is GDP? Why is respecting culture so important to global business? Where can you find Export opportunies? What should you consider before going global? / Vocabulary:Literacy Week 2-3 Vocab
global economy, exporting, importing, trade barrier, tariff, gross domestic product (GDP), interpreter, Standard Industrial Trade Classification (SITC), International Business Exchange (IBEX), trade missions, best prospect list, disposable income, trade intermediary, foreign joint venture, export management company, freight forwarder
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:Guided Notes, Using the computer as a learning resource, Keyboarding Practice, Editing a document in Microsoft Word, Research using internet / Other Evidence:teacher observations
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources: Computers, MicroType software, Syllabus, Parent Letter
CONTENT AREA READING: Select the area being used:Read thru lesson before completing Summarize the key skills learned in the lesson.Hightlight important steps or key termsCurrent event articles on current topic / Formative Assessment(s):
#1. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing key conceptsStudent MonitoringPeer TutoringOnline Lessons
#2.Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring
#3.Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsThink-Pair-ShareThumbs UpResponse CardsBrief in Class Writing PrompPortfoliosSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring / #4.Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing key conceptsStudent MonitoringPeer TutoringOnline Lessons
#5.Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring
#6. Choose assessments:Graphic OrganizersPre-AssessmentOpen Ended QuestionsSummarizing New SkillsSummarizing Key ConceptsOnline LessonsStudent MonitoringPeer Tutoring
Instructional Procedures*: (includes mini-lessons)Self Paced Learning, Individualized InstructionLecture / Guided NotesStudent PresentationsExam
Active Engagements used:
#1. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseProjectsReview GamesStudent Taught Lessons\
#2. Choose Active EngagementsNote-TakingGraphic OrganizersSummarizingHigher Level Thinking SkillsCooperative EducationPartneringWhole Class ResponseProjectsReview GamesStudent Taught Lessons / Others: Using the computer, software and internet as learning resources
Describe usage: / Scaffolding used:
#1. Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingGuided Demos
#2 .Choose Technique:Graphic OrganizersGuided NotesBuild VocabularyBuild on Prior KnowledgeChunkingProvide Visual SupportTeacher PrompingGuided Demos / Others: Build on prior knowledge
Describe usage:
Procedures / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
- DO NOW: Literacy Journal Entry In 3-5 lines discuss why you chose the franchise you did for your project.
- DO NOW: Literacy Journal Entry"In 5 lines explain global economy means."
- Instruct on Section 4.1
- DO NOW: Literacy Journal Entry "Discuss 2 Reasons for the global economy today.
- Review 4.1 PPT
- DO NOW: Literacy Journal Entry "What was the GDP for the US in 2013?"
- Instruct on Section 4.2
- DO NOW: Literacy Journal Entry "In 5 lines, explain why Europe difficult for entrepreneurship."
- Review 4.2 PPT
Assignments /
- Complete Do Now
- Present Franchise Projects
- Complete Do Now: Literacy Vocab Journal Entry"
- Read pages 70-75.
- Complete vocab/guided notes for 4.1
- Complete Do Now: Literacy Vocab Journal Entry"
- complete a Venn Diagram
- Complete Do Now: Literacy Vocab Journal Entry "
- Read Pages 76-83.
- Complete vocab/guided notes for 4.2
- Complete Do Now: Literacy Vocab Journal Entry "
- Complete vocab/guided notes for 4.2
I updated my teacher website. I updated my grades on edline.