1.The name of the Club shall be the HORNSEA RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB
(a) That the object of the Club shall be playing and promotion of AMATURE RUGBY FOOTBALL
(b) That the CLUB shall be affiliated to the RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION and the YORKSHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION.
2.That the club colours shall be Black, Green and White.
3.That the officers of the Club shall consist of the President, Chairman, Vice – Presidents, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretaries, Captain and Vice Captain of the team or teams elected by the Members at the General Meeting of the club at the end of each season.
4.That the management of the affairs, engagements and concerns of the Club shall be entrusted to a Committee, which shall consist of President, Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretaries, Captain and Vice Captain of the team or teams (ex-officio) and seven Committee men selected by the Members at the General Meeting of the Club at the end of each season.
(a) That the Committee shall have power to fill and vacancy which may arise in their numbers during the year, to co-opt any member, non-member or members in an advisory but not executive capacity.
(b) That the Committee shall have power to deal with the funds and property of the Club, and no expenditure of debt shall be occurred except by resolution of the Committee prior to the proposed expenditure. If any debt or any expenditure be incurred by any individual without the authority of the Committee past by resolution, such shall be that individuals own liability, unless the expenditure of the debt be sanctioned by the majority of the Committee and Meeting immediately following such expenditure of debt.
(c) That the Committee shall have power to do all things that may be necessary to carry on the Club, including the election of Members and their expulsion if the their conduct be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, and for this latter object a majority to be binding shall consist of two-thirds of the Committee-men present at such a meeting. Seven days notice shall be given for such a meeting, to be posted to the members of the Committee.
(d) That the quorum of Committee for all purposes shall be five Committee-men present.
(e) That the Hon. Secretary shall keep a record of the affairs of the Club and that the Hon. Treasurer shall submit at the General Meeting at the end of each season a summary of the cash receipts and payments from the beginning of the Club’s financial year, which shall terminate on APRIL 30th each year, that the Hon. Treasurer shall produce a Balance Sheet for the year, duly audited.
(f) That the Committee shall ensure that the interests of the Club do not conflict with those of the Hornsea Sports Association as defined by the Council of the Association.
5.That a Committee be formed for the selection of the team (or teams) and the Committee shall consist of the President, Chairman, Hon. Secretaries, Captain and Vice-Captain of all teams (ex-officio) and two other members to be elected at the General Meeting at the end of each Season. Three shall form a quorum.
6.That any member who shall act in the capacity of Captain if any XV on the field shall attend and vote at the Committee Meeting for the selection of the Corresponding team for the next match.
7.That there shall be one Annual General Meeting of the Club each year and that this should be held within six weeks of the end the financial year. Seven days notice in writing to be given of the meeting.
8. That a copy of these rules shall be affixed to the Membership Card of the club.
9.that the hon. Secretary shall upon request of fifteen Members, setting out their requirements, call a Special General Meetingof the Club, such Meeting to be convened by notice in writing, posted at least seven before the date of such a Meeting, The notice convening such Special General Meeting shall state the business to be dealt with, and no other matter shall be discussed thereat.
10.That these Rules shall be unalterable except at a General Meeting of the Club at the end of each season. That notice of any proposed alteration must eb given in writing to the Hon. Secretary be the 14th April in each current season.
11.That the committee be empowered to deal with any questions arising in connection with the Club, not otherwise provided in the above Rules.