Constitution of the Thai Students Association
of the University of Pennsylvania
- Name
The name of this organization shall be the Thai Students Association (TSA) of the University of Pennsylvania.
- Purpose
The purpose of TSA shall be to:
1. Promote international understanding of the Thai heritage and friendship with Thai people through intellectual, cultural, and social activities among members and the university community.
2. Build a close-knit community for Thai students and others who are interested in Thai culture.
3. Establish a strong alumni network that would provide mentorship for current and prospective Thai students at the university.
4. Improve the welfare of Thailand by organizing and supporting service projects.
- Membership/Membership Fee
There shall be two (2) classes of membership:
Active members are defined as students, faculty, and staff currently employed by the university whose names are registered with the club. Active members whose names are registered with the club thirty (30) days prior to any meeting shall be considered as voting members.
Associate members are defined as people who are affiliated with the active members of the club (i.e. immediate family members and alumni).
To retain membership, each member must attend at least one club meeting per semester.
All active members must pay membership fees (if any) each academic year as specified by the Executive Board. In case of persons who cannot afford to pay the membership fee, he or she may submit a request for exemption to the treasurer; such decision will then be made at the Executive Board Meeting.
- Meetings
General Body Meeting shall be any meeting except for the Electoral Meeting. It shall be scheduled at least once per semester. It may be called by the Executive Board. All members must be given a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice prior to the meeting time. Should there be an issue that requires members to vote on, each voting member present shall have one (1) vote.
Electoral Meeting shall be held for the purpose of the election of Executive Board members. It shall be scheduled at least once a year, the first being held no later than the first two (2) weeks of the spring semester. It shall be called by the President or the Executive Board. All members must be given a minimum of fifteen (15) days notice prior to the meeting time. At least fifty (50) percent of voting members or twenty (20) voting members, whichever is less, must be present in order for the election to occur.
Executive Board Meeting shall be held on a regular basis, as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. The minutes of the meeting shall be made available to all TSA members.
All meetings are open to all university students, faculty, and staff.
- Elections
The Executive Board shall appoint a moderator who does not have any conflict of interest to preside over the Electoral Meeting. The appointed person shall act in accordance with the following procedure:
The nomination of Executive Board candidates may occur prior to or during the Electoral Meeting.
2.Candidate’s speech
Candidates shall make a short speech stating his/her intention to run for the position.
The deliberation shall be a thorough discussion about the candidate(s)’ eligibility for that particular position. The content of the deliberation shall not be discussed and/or disclosed to anyone after the voting for that position ends. The candidates shall not be present during the deliberation.
Each voting member present at the electoral meeting shall have one (1) vote for each position. The candidates shall not be present during the voting.Proxy-voting is not allowed2.
Any two (2) Executive Board members who are not running for the particular position in the election shall count the votes for that position. Under no circumstance shall the number of votes be disclosed.
For any position, the person who receives at least two thirds (2/3) of the votes wins.In the case that a two-third (2/3) consensus cannot be reached, another round of questioning and deliberation shall take place. In the second round of voting, the person who receives the highest number of votes wins.
The legitimacy of the newly elected officers will begin fifteen (15) days after the Electoral Meeting, intended for the purpose of transition between the new and old Executive Boards.
- Executive Board Members and Duties
The Executive Board members of TSA shall be the President, Vice-president (VP) Internal, Vice-president (VP) External, Treasurer, and Community Service Chair.
The Presidentshall formulate goals for TSA and lead the Executive Board to fulfill them. He/She shall represent the Thai student body to external groups and the school’s administration. He/She shall serve as the primary liaison for the Alumni Network.
The VP Internalshall organize events for the members of the club. He/She shall
update members of TSA with current and upcoming agendas set by the Executive Board. He/She shall be responsible for recording the minutes for all meetings and make them available to the club.
The VP Externalshall be responsible for publicizing TSA and its events to the university community. He/She shall work with representatives of other on-campus groups to coordinate any collaborative effort. He/She shall represent TSA in the Asian Pacific Student Coalition (APSC).
The Treasurer shall handle all financial affairs and budgeting for TSA, maintaining all necessary accounting records. He/She shall maintain bank account(s) on behalf of the organization, and be in charge of any disbursement and reimbursement. He/She shall attend Student Activities Council (SAC) meetings. He/She shall be responsible for seeking out sources of funding.
The Community Service Chair shall lead the Community Service committee to organize an annual service project in Thailand. He/She shall work with non-profit organizations in Thailand to see how TSA can help them accomplish their mission. He/She shall provide information and resources for groups and individuals who are interested in community service in Thailand.
- Removal and/or Replacement of Executive Board Member
In the event that an Executive Board member is unable to continue serving in his/her position, the remaining Executive Board shall appoint an interim Executive Board member to fulfill such Executive Board member’s duties.
At least one-third (1/3) of voting members or twenty (20) voting members or seventy-five (75) percent of the Executive Board members, may call for a General Body Meeting to discuss the prospect of the removal of any Executive Board member.
For the removal of an Executive Board member, at least two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present must approve of such removal.
The term of the interim Board member is equal to the remaining term of the Board member he/she replaces.
- Constitution Amendment
Regarding the constitution, at least fifty (50) percent of voting members or twenty (20) voting members or seventy-five (75) percent of the Executive Board members is required to call for the meeting where the amendment will be considered. The proposed amendments must be made available to all voting members at least seven (7) days in advance. To amend the constitution, at least seventy-five (75) percent of voting members present must agree on the amendment.
Amendment 1
Due to structural reformation of the club, a co-presidency shall exist for the calendar year 2010.
2Amendment 2
Proxy-voting is not allowed.