Lesson Plan
Level: / 3 / Semester: / 1Name: / Email: / School:
Course Name: / ACCOUNTING / Week Number: / 9-10
Topic: / q Posting to General and Subsidiary ledgers (C) (p.291-307)
At the completion of level B, the student will be able to:
q Post from sales journal to accounts receivable ledger
q Post from cash receipts journal to an accounts receivable ledger
Level B Procedures
1 / Preview the following terms and definitions: subsidiary ledger, accounts payable ledger, accounts receivable ledger, controlling accounts and Schedule of accounts payable. (use flash cards).
2 / Explain and demonstrate posting from the general amount columns of cash payments Journal to a general Ledger. Page 292 (use transparency 12-18)
3 / Explain and demonstrate posting a debit entry from a general Journal to a general ledger page 293. (Use transparency 12-9)
4 / Explain and demonstrate posting a credit entry from a general Journal to a general ledger. Page 294
5 / Students to attempt to work together. P. 295 in groups (using working papers p. 247) and individually attempt on your own p. 295 (working paper p. 248)
6 / Explain and demonstrate posting totals of a sales Journal to a general ledger page 296 (use trans potency 12-10)
7 / Explain and demonstrate posting the total of a Purchases Journal to a general ledger. Page 297 (use transparency 12-11)
8 / Explain and demonstrate posting totals of the Special amount columns of a cash receipts journal to a general ledger. Page 298 (use transparency 12-12)
9 / Explain and demonstrate posting totals of the special amount columns of a cash payments journal to a general ledger. Page 300 (use transparency 12-13)
10 / Students to attempt to work together page 302 in groups (using working papers p. 249) and individually attempt on your own p. 302 (working paper p. 250)
Level A Procedures
1 / For which columns of a special journal are the column totals posted to the general ledger?
2 / In what order should special journals be posted to the general ledger?
3 / Student by themselves attempt Challenge Problem 12-8 p. 306
Required Syllabus Test Assessment
Week Number / Description
10 / Chapter 12 p.306 (12.7)
q Posting to general and subsidiary ledgers