Tier III -County Cultural Councils
The 7 county cultural councils are made up of volunteer appointees who manage the SCFD Tier III grant application process for their respective counties. Council members should adhere to the concepts of stewardship of public funds and seek to create a fair, ethical, respectful, open and objective evaluation process through which these public funds are distributed. Councils make funding recommendations to the county commissioners or city councils in their respective counties as to how SCFD Tier III funds should be allocated. Their central activities may include:
· Develop and revise county grant guidelines, criteria and assessment protocol
· Review grant applications and report forms and interview applicants for funding
· Develop funding recommendations to submit to the county commissioners or city council
· Refer eligibility and district policy questions to the SCFD office
· Participate in District-wide Grant Workshops to explain the application process and county guidelines to eligible applicants
· Evaluate the grant making process and council procedures and implement improvements
The specific duties and time commitment required by county cultural council members can vary widely by county. Contact the county council staff representative for more information on specific duties or information on how to apply for a council. Council member volunteers dedicate a significant amount of time during the application review period, generally February through May of each year. In addition to regular meetings, the 7 county cultural councils meet for approximately 5 to 12 interview sessions or additional meetings in order to complete allocation recommendations. These sessions average three hours each. These meetings averaged 15-36 volunteer hours per council member plus additional personal time to review each grant application. In 2013 individual county cultural councils received (and reviewed) anywhere from 33 to 87 grant requests, depending on the county. All county cultural council meetings are open to the public.
For information about serving in your county, please contact the appropriate county council administrator:
Adams County –contact Jodi Neal 720.523.6319
Arapahoe County –contact Pam DeBoth 303.738.7926
Boulder County –contact Carrie Haverfield 303.441.1688
Broomfield, City and County –contact Karen Gerrity 303.464.5835
Denver, City and County –contact Tariana Navas-Nieves 720.865.4312
Douglas County –contact Dan Dertz 303.814.4399
Jefferson County –contact Tracy Emerson 303.271.8166