7:55 / Pick up students from the playground.
Morning meeting:
Breakfast/lunch count, breakfast, calendar, agenda, number talks activity,Daily Fix It (Reading Street).
(DOK 1, 2, 3)
8:35 / Shared Reading:
Introduce and read poem/big book. Discuss meaning of unknown words.
I Love Fall
(RL.1.4, RF.1.4, SL.2.1, L.2.4)
(DOK 1, 2) / Election Day
Professional Development
No School / Shared Reading:
Reread poem as a class. Students will highlight HFW.
(RL.1.4, RF.1.4, SL.2.1, L.2.4)
(DOK 1, 2) / Shared Reading:
The class will reread the poem several times becoming more fluent each time. Students will add poem to their binders, circle HFW and reread all poems.
(RL.1.4, RF.1.4, SL.2.1, L.2.4)
(DOK 1, 2) / Shared Reading:
The class will reread the poem several times becoming more fluent each time. Students will cut up poem, glue in poem journal, illustrate and, circle HFW and reread all poems.
(RL.1.4, RF.1.4, SL.2.1, L.2.4)
(DOK 1, 2)
9:00 / Read Aloud – Leaf Man to go with Art Center activity
Introduce six new centers. / Election Day
Professional Development
No School / RS: - Content Knowledge – How Do Animals Help People?
Create content map with students using picture on pg 66.
Teacher will read aloud A Perfect Visit (p. 71b)
Students will describe characters, settings, and major events in the story using key details.
DOK 1, 2 / RS: – Teacher will read aloudThe Big Blue Ox
Students will describe characters, settings, and major events in the story using key details
DOK 1,2 / Teacher will read aloudAwesome Autumn
DOK 1, 2
9:15 / Choice Centers/Guided Reading:
- Teacher will conduct guided reading lessons with students grouped by ability level.
- Students will make choices from the following centers
- Independent reading from their book bags (leveled readers)(DOK 3)
- Read the room – students will read print that is hung on the walls, shelves, cubbies, etc. (DOK 3)
- Word work – students will practice spelling word wall words by making the following choices (rainbow writing, white boards, magnetic letters) (DOK 2)
- Write the Room – Students will write words based on a rule (i.e., words with short a)
- Read from the classroom library (DOK 3)
- Handwriting – Students will practice penmanship on ABC dry-erase boards. (DOK 1)
- Read Big Books (DOK 3)
- Read books from the Dr. Seuss library (DOK 3)
- iPad – Students will complete educational activities approved by the teacher.
- Math – Scrabble sheet – students will add the amount of each tile for the letters in the HFW (am, A=1 M=2, 1+2=3)(DOK 2)
- Science – Students will complete an activity based on the week’s science theme. (DOK 1, 2)
- Puzzles – Students will put together jigsaw puzzles.
- Poetry – Students will read poems from the poetry chart. (DOK 1, 2, 3)
- Computer – Students will complete activities on teacher-approved educational websites.
- Pocket Chart – The week’s Shared Reading poem will be written on sentence strips. Students will put poem in order. (DOK 1, 2)
- Art – Students will independently complete an art project by following step-by-step directions.
- AR – Students will take AR tests on classroom computers.
- Listening Center – Students will listen to a story on CD and complete a Listening Center Response page. (DOK 1, 2, 3)
- Paired Reading – students will read and respond to books read by a classmate. (DOK 1, 2, 3)
10:15 / Art– Ms. Powell will complete an art project with the class based on NV Art Standards
Clean up and line up at 10:55 / Election Day
Professional Development
No School / Music – Ms. Stephanie will teach music to the students based on the NV music standards.
Clean up and line up at 10:55 / Common Planning Time (Townsend)
Mrs. Townsend will help students with AR reading and testing.
Clean up and line up at 10:55 / Common Planning Time (Hyde)
Mrs. Hyde will help students with AR reading and testing.
Clean up and line up at 10:55
11:00 / Recess/Lunch
12:00 / Read Aloud – Teacher will read aloud The Cricket in Times Square.
This title is from the CCSS Read Aloud Exemplar list for 1st/2nd grade.
(RL.1.1, RL.2.1)
(DOK 1,2) / Election Day
Professional Development
No School / Read Aloud – Teacher will read aloud The Cricket in Times Square.
This title is from the CCSS Read Aloud Exemplar list for 1st/2nd grade.
(RL.1.1, RL.2.1)
(DOK 1,2) / Read Aloud – Teacher will read aloud The Cricket in Times Square.
This title is from the CCSS Read Aloud Exemplar list for 1st/2nd grade.
(RL.1.1, RL.2.1)
(DOK 1,2) / Read Aloud – Teacher will read aloud The Cricket in Times Square.
This title is from the CCSS Read Aloud Exemplar list for 1st/2nd grade.
(RL.1.1, RL.2.1)
(DOK 1,2)
12:15 / Student of the Day
Teacher picks name from basket. With direction from teacher, students discuss attributes of child’s name. They compare it to names already chosen. Teacher “writes for students” a Student of the Day poster. Included are answers to questions about the student. Students chorally read poster. All students then draw a picture of student and write the student of the day’s name.
DOK 1, 2
12:35 / Word Work/
Introduce 5-7 HFW to add to the word wall. Words will be introduced one at a time. Students will chant the spelling and practice writing each word on their whiteboards.
(RF.1.3, Rf.2.3)
DOK 1,2 / Election Day
Professional Development
No School / Word Work/Phonics:
Review 7-10 words from the word wall. I Spy Game - Students will find words on the whiteboard based on clues given by the teacher. Words will be chanted and written on whiteboards.
(RF.1.3, Rf.2.3)
DOK 1,2 / Word Work/Phonics:
Review 7-10 words from the word wall. I Spy Game - Students will find words on the whiteboard based on clues given by the teacher. Words will be chanted and written on whiteboards.
(RF.1.3, Rf.2.3)
DOK 1,2 / Word Work/Phonics:
Lesson - Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use–Students will use letter tiles to make words as instructed by teacher. Students will record words made on recording sheet.
(RF.1.3, FR.2.3)
DOK 1,2
1:00 / Interactive Science
2nd grade – Chapter 6, Lesson 1 - What is the sun? Students will explain that the sun is a star that gives off light and heat, and that the Earth’s daily rotation makes the sun appear to be moving across the sky.
DOK 1, 2, 3 / Election Day
Professional Development
No School / Interactive Science
2nd grade – Chapter 6, Lesson 2 -
Students will explain what stars are and describe the moon.
DOK 1, 2, 3 / Interactive Science
2nd grade – Chapter 6, Lesson 3 –Students will demonstrate the understanding of the objects that make up the solar system.
DOK 1, 2, 3 / Interactive Science
2nd grade – Chapter 6 Review
(DOK 1, 2, 3)
Note / While 1st grade writes, 2nd grade will begin their math lesson. When math lesson is over for 2nd grade, 1st grade will begin their math lesson. When 2nd graders have finished their math work, they will begin their writing lesson.
1:30 / Envision Math:
1st grade – 4-4 – Students will use a ten-frame to write addition facts with 5. (1.OA.6)
2nd grade – 5-5- Students will identify and write numbers that are 10 more and 10 less than given numbers. (2.NBT.5)
DOK 1, 2 / Election Day
Professional Development
No School / Envision Math:
1st grade – 4-5 - Students will use two ten-frames to model addition facts. (1.OA.6)
2nd grade – 5-6 – Students will learn to identify even and odd numbers. (2.OA.3)
DOK 1, 2 / Envision Math:
1st Grade – 4-6 – Students will master concepts of 0 less than, 1 less than, and 2 less than when subtracting 0, 1, or 2. (1.OA.5)
2nd grade – 5-7 – Students will use data from a chart to solve problems.
DOK 1, 2
2:30 / Pack backpacks, homework folders, stack chairs, clean floor for dismissal
2:45 / Dismissal