Cascade Hall Conference Room

Friday, March 2, 2012

Present: Gideon Alegado, John Block, Sue Borden, Carol Kronstad, Jim Krueger, Tom McClintock Gerry Olson (recorder), Helen Polensek, Susan Poole, Mary Ann Roberts, Kate Sanders,Tom Savage, Terri Tower (presiding)

Absent: David Chilcote, Carroll DeKock, Caitlin Flynn, Erin Haynes

Approval of Minutes - Tom McClintock moved that we accept the February 3rd Board meeting minutesas amended. (The date for the Evergreen tour is Tuesday, April 17 not the 15th; and the amount desired for the Foundation endowment is $100,000.)Tom Savage seconded the motion, and it carried.

Treasurer’s Report –Terri Tower reported for Carroll DeKock. The balance in our OSU fund is $ 2,948, with about $200 outstanding. The balance in the Foundation account is $37,689 with a sum of $165 outstanding; $9,082 in income and $ 7,200 in expenses accrued to date.


(1) Nominations Committee Report -SusanPoole, chair, reported that they have a full slate of Board officers, and all but one committee chair. They are making progress on finding candidates for the four new board member positions, and will report the full slate at the April Board meeting.

(2) Scholarship Endowment Committee Report – Terri Tower distributed the report of the Committee which included Jim Krueger, Susan Poole, Carroll DeKock, Gerry Olson,Tom Savage and Terri Tower. John Block was unable to attend. The committee recommended that an endowment be established by the end of this fiscal year (June 30, 2012).OSURA has the $25,000 minimum needed to begin an endowment in the OSU Foundation, contingent on adjustments in the budget, one of which requires a board vote. Proposed adjustments include:1) reducing the scholarship award budget by $1,000; 2) shifting futureprogram costs from the Foundation Account to the state account, with some reductions in the amounts proposed, and 3) use state dollars to pay for the Annual Meeting, also reducing the amount spent in each category somewhat. A campaign to raise funds for scholarships was also proposed. The campaign would tie to OSURA’s 10th Anniversary, and a celebration of reaching the minimum amount for an awards endowment. Donations could be designated for the endowment or for current giving. Susan Poole noted that our contribution cards are current but could be adjusted for this designation.

It was noted that the Scholarship Award budget would then be $5,000, compared to $4,000 the previous year. The minimum scholarship was raised from $500 to $750 last year. The maximum award is advertised at $1,500. The Scholarship Endowment earnings would be expected to fund only one scholarship at first, but OSURA would plan to add additional dollars from active funds. (NOTE: The foundation generally pays out 4.5% interest, but the amount they would add to principle varies with market gains. If the market drops the amount of return could drop.) The board would decide how the $10 dues for scholarships would be allocated between active giving and the endowment.

Helen Polensek brought the question of support for the Evergreen Tour on April 17th to the Board. The broader question of OSURA subsidizing programs was deferred to our fall retreat. Carol Kronstad moved that we charge each person $25 for the Evergreen bus trip (includes only the cost of bus and admission). Gideon Alegado seconded the motion and it carried. Costs incurred above that amount for bus and admission will be paid by OSURA.

John block moved that we reduce the scholarship budget from $6,000 to $5,000. Gideon Alegado seconded the motion and it carried.

All Board member present agreed to move forward on the endowment and supported the idea of having a Foundation representative present at our April meeting to field questions about best ways to set up an OSURA Endowment for the long run.

(3) Speaker Ideas, Special Events– Kate Sanders strongly suggested we allocate the $2,000 speaker amount in the OSURA Budget this fiscal year. Terri Tower will check into details such as cost and timing for bringing Judith Horstman - to talk about her Scientific American book on the Healthy Aging Brain. Ideas included tying this to our campaign kickoff, and having a book signing. People to contact include Gordon Reistad for Member Services, and perhaps someone from ALL.Susan Poole has a list of speakers and events the Foundation recommends,as opportunities for potential partnering.

(4) Annual Meeting Planning – This discussion was postponed to our April meeting.


* Membership - Tom McClintock presented membership numbers of 332 less 6 honorary (non- dues

paying) members. The only membership recruitment event so far this year is the letter we sent to

those not renewing, andinformation sent with the Newsletter.

* Communication/Newsletter – The deadline for all articles is April 1.

* Member ServicesAbout 20 attended our INTO program. The Pre-retirement workshop is in early

May in the afternoon. State funds can be used to for Speaker transportation costs. The is a good

group from which to actively recruit OSURA members with brochures, giveaways, etc. Carroll

DeKock is ourLiaison to Member Services and could make sure that this is done.

*Program- HelenPolensek reported that 57 attended the Basketball event, with a net cost to OSURA of $165. The OSU Theater program (The Sugar Wife) is March 10,with a pre-snack, speaker (Charlotte Headrick),and perhaps a student costume designer.

* Golf- Carol Kronstad noted their first meeting will be in April and asked about the process for

obtaining a speaker given involvement by the golf committee and the OSURA Board. Kate suggested

inviting ArikoISo, Head Athletic Trainer, recently recruited to OSUfrom the NFL. Terri Tower, Board

President, will attend the April meeting.

*Scholarship - JohnBlock reported that the Scholarship Committee will meet after March 15th, and hopes to have names by the April meeting.Kate reported that there are 12 to15 applications to date.

*Volunteer – Terri Tower noted that there may be a volunteer opportunity coming up,in addition to the spring Career Fair.

*Staff Report - Kate Sanders distributed flyers for Folk Club and Retirement Association registration. . Caitlin Flynn will be assisting with annual meeting registration, dues collection, etc. The Board needs to let Kate Sanders know about budget for annual meeting food. IMPACT 2012 will be the topic for President Ray’s 15 minute speech at the Annual Meeting andKate will clear this with the President.


(1) Volunteer of Year Nominations – Terri Tower requests that names be sent to Sue Borden.

(2) Fall Kick-Off Planning - The date for Fall Kickoff will go into the Newsletter. Further discussion is needed relative to how the Golf Committee and the OSURA need to work together to incorporate both golf and other activities.

(3) Announcement - Tues. March 13 is the AROPE lunch, 12:00 at the Elks Club, with Senator Frank Morse as speaker. Cost is $10. Contact Dorothy Ruff, 541- 929-4629, or y noon 3/9 to register.

This was Gideon Alegado’s last meeting as he heads back to the Philippines until August.

2011-12 MEETINGS - FIRST FRIDAYS, 10 am - 12 noon, Cascade Hall Conference Room. Apr. 6; May 4; and June 1. Annual Meeting Wednesday May 9. Fall Kick-Off and Golf Tournament Tuesday Sept 11, 2012.