Rev. 2017-02-24
TEAM PRAHA 2017 Application
(As this is simply a Word document, please feel free to type your answers onto the application without concern for changes in the formatting.)
Personal Data
Name (exactly as it appears, or will appear, on your passport):
Date of Birth:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Home Phone #:Cell#:
T-shirt size:
Do you have a passport?
Passport #: and expiration date:
(If not, it would be good for you to begin the process now)
Photograph: Please include a nice, focused, full-size resolution, head and shoulders photo with this application. No silly selfies Please!
Emergency Contact’s Name:
Relationship to you
Phone #: Email address:
Where did/do you attend school/college/post-grad?
Current Grade Level:
Work Experience:
Church - Name and location of the church where you are a communicant member:
Pastoral Reference - List the email address and phone number of your pastor or a ruling elder who knows you well, and ask him to send a letter of reference on your behalf to .
Please answer the Following Questions Briefly:
1.)Are your parents supportive of your participation with TEAM PRAHA?
2.)What are your reasons for wanting to be part of TEAM PRAHA?
3.)Please describe what it means to you to have Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
4.)Please describe your walk with the Lord during the past few years.
5.)Please list ways in which you have served in your local church.
6.)Sharing your faith will be an important part of the TEAM PRAHA experience. Have you had opportunities to witness to non-Christians?
If “yes”, describe briefly.
If “not yet”, are you willing to prepare yourself to share your faith while serving with the Team?
7.)List skills you have that you think might be helpful to TEAM PRAHA (sports, singing, musical instruments, arts & crafts, etc.):
8.)Describe any cross-cultural exposure or experience you have had (overseas or in the US):
9.)Team Praha will require vigorous day hikes during the second week. Are you physically and spiritually prepared to participate cheerfully in this activity?
10.)Are you willing to submit wholeheartedly to the team leaders and the Farniks as they guide the team’s ministry?
11.)Do you have any physical or medical conditions about which we should know?
12.)TEAM PRAHA costs are estimated at $2500: $800 Team registration fee plus airfare ($1500-1800), (plus up to $200 for personal spending money). Is your Session willing to encourage your church to support you financially in this ministry?
13.)If you receive no financial assistance from your church, are you and your family able to cover your trip expenses?
- Application Due: As soon as possible starting 12-1-2016 up until 2-28-2017. Don’t delay.
- Team Chosen & Notified: Team members will be chosen by3-1-2017 but the goal is sooner rather than later so don’t delay your application!
- Team Confirmed: When you are notified of your selection to the team$400is due immediately payable to “OPC Youth Committee”.
- You (and your parents) will be responsible to purchase your airline ticket according to an itinerary approved by the team leaders.
- June 1, 2017the remaining $400 of the team registration fee is due.
- All payments payable to “OPC Youth Committee” and mailed to
Please email your completed application to as soon as possible and no later than 2/28/2017.
The team $800 registration fee is non-refundable unless we find another person to take your place on the team.
If you have questions, call Dave Crum at 619-952-4703, or use the above email.