Announcements – Friday, September 22, 2017
Celebrate Freedom Week Announcement
The study of the Declaration of Independence in relation to the rich diversity of our people as a nation immigrants and Veterans Day
Where did Americans come from? When the early explorers landed in the Americas there were people already here, but where did they come from? Americans have come from all walks of life and they have come to the United States for all sorts of reasons. As you look around your classroom, you will see Americans from Asia, Europe, South America, Africa, Mexico, Canada and mix of many ethnicities. We are all Americans for one reason though and that is for the freedoms we celebrate this week. We celebrate the demand for “no taxation without representation.” We celebrate the highest law of the land, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which list the freedoms we enjoy everyday. We celebrate our colorful history and the rich diversity of our people as a nation of immigrants. Most importantly, today we celebrate our veterans, the men and women who gave their lives so that we may celebrate these freedoms. Know that nothing is free and that we ALL must give something to be free and to be an American. Celebrate Freedom Week!
LHS Theatre Announcement
LHS Theatre is presenting August: Osage County in the LHS Main Auditorium this weekend, September 22-24. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for students.
Also, auditions for The Little Mermaid will be held September 25-28 in the LHS Main Auditorium Lobby. You must be available for ALL four days after school. Go to for mandatory sign up form and audition materials. There will be a mandatory Parent Meeting on September 28, at 6:30 pm. Email with any questions!
Latin Dance Club Announcement
The Latin Dance Culture Club meets Fridays during B-Block in the Learning Lounge with Ms. Lerwick. Come and enjoy some salsa, bachata, cumbias, and other Latin music. Dancing is welcomed.
Positive Referral Announcement
- Congratulations to Max Garcia for being a leader in class and helping others!
- Congratulations to Keith Coleman and Antonio Cantoran for being outstanding role models for their peers!
- Congratulations to Emmanuel Acab and Monserrat Garcia for outstanding effort and achievement in their academics!
- Israel Roman recognized by Ms. Vaughan for taking initiative and being helpful by turning in a lost ID he found in the hallway. Thanks for being a great example of Farmer Pride Israel!
NHS Announcement
There will be an informational meeting for National Honor Society on Friday, September 29, during A-block in the Lecture Hall. Information will be provided about applications, service hour requirements, and qualifications.
StuCo Announcements
-Thanks to all that participated in today¹s spirit day of Character Day!
-Happy first day of Fall! Quote from Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina supreme court justice "As you discover what strength you can draw from your community in this world from which it stands apart, look outward as well as inward, build bridges instead of walls."
Here are the freshmen class officer election results:
President-Anna Velazquez
Vice President-KetiaIfulu
Secretary- Mia Espinosa
Treasurer-Oscar Diego
LISD Liaison-Jennifer Montoya
School Service-Brenda Perez
Parliamentarian-Jose Rodriguez
Multicultural-Carl Levy
Community Service-Miguel Herrera
Congratulations and thank you to all that participate. Also, we have an open position for Sophomore School Service. Please grab an application outside room 226 if you are interested in applying. Forms are due back by the end of the day on Tuesday 10/3 and interviews will follow on 10/4 and 10/6.