Williston School District 29

Annual Performance Review (APR) for Support Staff Employees WE 40b

Name of employee______Position______

Location______Date employee hired______Date of Review__________

Check One: ______Annual Review ______Probationary Review


1. All items evaluated as Needs Improvement should include comments to explain reason, and outline plans to

improve in the Individual Improvement Plan (IIP) and follow-up on WE 40c.

2. Comments are optional for items evaluated as Satisfactory.

3. The job description should be available during the performance interview.

4. One Annual Performance Review (APR) is to be completed by the end of the 90-day probationary period. The

“annual” APR must be completed by April 30 and forwarded to the Superintendent’s Office.

CODE (Evaluator must check one item)

E --- Exceeds standards

S --- Satisfactory --- Meets standards

NI --- Needs Improvement --- Does not meet minimum standards of position

A. Productivity: Uses time well; stays on task,
efficient and productive.
B. Quality of work: Is neat and completes task
in an accurate, well-done manner.
C. Attitude: Cooperates, helps, and interacts
well with other employees, supervisors, and
others associated with the job to achieve
common goals (teamwork, tactful, courteous,
D. Dependability:
Attendance: Is absent from work a minimal
amount of time.
Punctuality: Arrives on time for work and
other activities.
E. Adaptability: Complies with regulations and
adjusts to changes in systems and
F. Appearance: Meets minimum dress and
grooming standards for job.
G. Initiative:
Assumes responsibility: Is willing to be
responsible for carrying out a task. Does not
have to be constantly reminded to get work
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Alert to improvements: Completes job
assignments and suggests methods to
improvejob activities.
Displays self-motivation and discipline:
Does not require constant and regular follow-
up to see that jobs are being completed.
Completes routine and special assigned
taskswith minimum supervision.
H. Professionalism:
Displays the behavior generally associated
with the assigned position.
Works effectively and cooperatively with
others to improve job knowledge and
I. Job knowledge:
Demonstrates awareness and understanding
of all related matters required for successful
job performance.
J. Technical competencies:
Demonstrates the skills necessary to perform
the essential functions as defined in the job
description. Evaluator should identify the
technical skills as appropriate to the position.
Use as many lines as needed, or add a sheet.

Evaluator should list below the essential functions that are at a Needs Improvement level:


Evaluator should attach plan of improvement on WE 40c if there are two or more essential functions listed as

Needs Improvement.


Employee’s signature______Date______

Supervisor/ Other Evaluator’s Input______Date______

Principal’s signature______Date______

The signatures acknowledge that procedures have been followed and that there is an awareness of the annual evaluation report process.

Three (3) copies : 1. Employee 2. School file 3. Office of the Superintendent

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