Algebra 2

·  Course Description: In this Algebra2 class,it is expected that you willget a review of the topics of Algebra and learn how to apply what you have learned in real-life situations. You will beexperiencing topics including, but not limited to connections to Algebra,quadratic functions, exponential functions,square root functions, rational functions, and connections to geometry and trigonometry. You will listen to lectures, participate in group work, and work individually. This class will maintain high standards in order to prepare you for further math classes.

Purpose of the Class: The purpose of this class is to review your prior knowledge of mathematics and to prepare for Advanced Algebra. You will also be preparing informally for college math placement tests and other testing such as the ACT and/or SAT.

Required Materials: 3-ring binder Pencils

Loose leaf paper Textbook (with cover)

Graphing Calculator (TI-83)

Classroom Procedures: The class will usually begin with a problem that requires students to recall prior math knowledge. Students will then correct the previous day’s assignment and will have the opportunity to ask questions. The new lesson will be presented during the next 30 – 60 minutes, during which time the students will be responsible for taking an active role by participating, taking notes, listening, and asking questions. There will be work time for homework each day.

Classroom Expectations: All students have the right to a positive and comfortable learning environment. The key to maintaining an effective learning environment is respect...

o  Teacher respecting the Students

o  Students respecting the Teacher

o  Students respecting Students

I expect all students to engage in respectful behavior at ALL times.

Grading Policy:

25% Tests

20% Quizzes

20% Homework

10% Alternate Assessment

10% Participation

15% Final Exam

Absences: Upon returning from an absence, the student should contact me about missing work. The student will be required to turn in work that was due on the day of the absence and will be allowed two days to complete work that was assigned on the day of an absence. If a student has a pre-planned absence or appointment, the student should contact me prior to the absence.

If a student is absent on the day of a quiz/test, the student will be required to complete the quiz/test within one week of the day he/she returns. If a student has a pre-planned absence, the student should take the quiz/test prior to the absence.

Tardies: Success in Algebra 2 depends on being in class both physically and mentally. I expect students to be in their chair and ready to go the instant the bell rings. Students who are late to class will be required to stay 5 to 7 minutes after class depending on the severity of the tardiness.

Tests/Quizzes: Tests will come after each unit is completed. Quizzes will be given more often to assess what you learned about each topic. Some tests and quizzes may require the use of a calculator, and others will require the use of no calculators. You will usually be aware of upcoming tests and quizzes; however, some quizzes may be unannounced. Test and quiz corrections may be done in which you may earn up to 1/3 of your missed points.

Homework: Homework is assigned almost every day to determine if you understood the lesson. Once or twice a week, you will have a homework/note quiz. You will be asked to define vocabulary from your notes or show your work and answers to random homework problems. It is your responsibility to take notes and do your homework. If you do not understand part of your homework, it is again your responsibility to get additional help or ask questions. Occasionally, I will collect homework assignments and grade them as follows.

4: All of the assignment is complete, with all work shown.

3: Most of the assignment is complete, with most work shown.

2: Half of the assignment is complete, with most work shown.

1: Some of the assignment is complete, with some work shown.

Alternate Assessments: Weekly review worksheets will be given on a weekly basis throughout the term. These activities will assist you in your retention of past material and apply what you have learned.

In addition, each chapter may have 1-2 activities which check your ability to apply what you havejust learned.

Participation: Participation points can be earned daily by contributing to class in a positive manner. You can earn four points daily by:

- arriving for class on time

- bringing the necessary materials to class

- having your book covered

- staying on task and completing assignments

- following school behavior guidelines

Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated! Any form of cheating will result in a ZERO on the daily assignment, quiz, or test.

Discipline Procedures: 1. Warning

2.  See me after class.

3.  15 minute detention with me after school and parent/guardian contact

(Failure to serve the detention will result in a referral.)

Extra Help: Help is available before school, during lunch, and after school every day of the week. Please contact me prior to coming in for help so that I can schedule other appointments accordingly. Also, I encourage students to work together on homework and studying for tests. Students learn a lot from their peers!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Renae Joten

(920) 788-7600 x7245