Lance Askildson
Center for the Study of Languages & Cultures

Reflecting on Goals & Outcomes of Study Abroad at Notre Dame

  1. Why do we value international study in general? What are the implied and perceived benefits to the learner?
  1. What types/varieties of study abroad does Notre Dame offer? Do these have distinct goals? What are they?
  1. What is the best length for study abroad? How is this determined? What factors are taken into account?
  1. What are our [institutional] goals and expectations for study abroad? What do we expect learners to do and achieve during study abroad? Think of these in terms of summative learning outcomes. To quote a friend, think of these outcomes in terms of “skills, knowledge but also dispositions.”
  1. How do we know that students work towards and achieve these intended outcomes? How do we articulate these goals to students at any point? How do we articulate criteria for success? How do we assess and evaluate their progress towards these goals during and after study abroad?
  1. How do we prepare students for the practical, psychological and intellectual challenges of study abroad? What strategies and awareness do we provide to help learners address the predictable challenges of culture shock? What about the intellectual challenges of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communication?
  1. How do we help direct learners to the most substantive opportunities for learning during their study abroad? What resources do we provide students in country in order to push them to interact with the community and move beyond superficial ‘cultural tourism.’ How do we push students to challenge their comfort zones and learn from this cognitive dissonance?
  1. How do we welcome study abroad participants back to Notre Dame? How do we help students unpack their experiences and insights and then apply them to their academic and post-graduate trajectories? How do we help students showcase their successful study abroad?
  1. What institutional barriers (practical or intellectual) limit the embellishment of current study abroad programs? What are the most significant of these and how might they be addressed in the short and long-term?
  1. What attitudes among students and parents challenge/undermine our goals of study abroad? How can we address these perspectives and expectations in order to educate and engage these stakeholders in our institutional goals for such study.