PASSAGES: 1815 - 1855

Ch 9: Exploded Boundaries, 1815 - 1828


New Borders

Native Peoples

The Spanish in Florida

Building a National Economy

Banks, Corporations, and Law

Politics and Diplomacy

Roads and Canals

Economics and Technology: Steamboats


Regional Growth

The Creation of the Cotton South

Emergence of the Northwest

Farm and Factory in the Northeast

Consequences of Expansion

Social and Cultural: The Early Textile Mills

The Panic of 1819

The Missouri Compromise

Vesey’s Revolt

The Monroe Doctrine

The Reinvention of Politics

Lafayette’s Return

The Election of 1824

The Adams Twilight

Birth of the Democrats


Suggested Readings:

Chapter Essay Questions:

1. Explain the development of the US economy during this era.

Wish I could meet with students before setting up grading system – quizzes, project and deadlines

Child-centered education v. Knowledge Based