Old Town School

High Street



South Yorkshire

S75 4LR

Tel: 01226 792294


Fees are charged for the half term, in advance and are calculated by multiplying the number of hours attended by the hourly fee. Fees are payable by the hour or part thereof (eg 2.5 hours accessed = 3 hours payable). Inset days are taken into account when the calculations are made.

Parents/Carers will be informed in writing of any increase in fees.

The Treasurer is responsible for informing Parents/Carers of fees due. Parents/Carers are requested to pay fees within 10 days of issue of the invoice.

Please note that if you wish to reduce your child’s Pre-School session days/times or remove them from the setting during the term, you are required to pay the full fees for the current half term. A minimum of one month’s notice, before the start of a new term is required for any reduction in days/times attended.

Rainbow Group

Children become Rainbows the term following their third birthday and receive Early Education Funding (EEF). The following flexibility framework applies:-

  • The hours which EEF can be accessed are 7 am to 7 pm;
  • No session can be longer than 10 hours or shorter than 2.5 hours;
  • 15 hours can now be accessed over 2 days;
  • Maximum of 2 providers per week;
  • Over 38 weeks per year;

Parents/Carers will be sent an invoice to cover the sessions attended. The current fees are shown in the Information Booklet for new parents and are displayed on the Parents Notice Board. Parents may claim Early Education Funding for some sessions and pay for the remaining sessions at the current rate charged. We also accept Childcare Vouchers.

Sunbeam Group

All other children, until the start of the term after their third birthday, do not qualify for Early Education Funding (EEF). They are known as Sunbeams. Again, the current fees are shown in the Information Booklet for new parents and are displayed on the Parents Notice Board.

Illness - Fees are still payable during periods of illness. If your child is likely to be absent for a long period due to illness, please speak to the Manager who may be able to make arrangements for payment.

Holidays - Fees are still payable for holidays taken during normal term time: holiday periods are the same as the local Primary School and details are issued to Parents/Carers at the beginning of each academic year.

Lunch Club – Lunch club runs from 11.30 am to 12.45 pm and the fee for this is £3.50. Lunch club fees can be paid either for the half term or weekly in advance, by arrangement with the Manager. If your child is ill you will receive a lunch club credit.

Additional Term Time Sessions (including wrap around care) – These are sessions not already included in the half termly invoice. Additional sessions can be booked with the Manager, subject to availability. All sessions must be paid for in advance. If any booked additional session is cancelled, it must be paid for in full, unless the cancellation takes place more than 24 hours before the start of the session.

Holiday Club – All holiday club fees must be paid in advance. If holiday club is cancelled for any reason, including illness, no refund will be issued.

Late payment of Half Termly Bills

Pre-School relies heavily on fees being paid promptly in order to cover the day to day running costs of the group, including all insurances, heating and wages. Please pay all invoices promptly. If you do find difficulty in meeting the amount due, please speak to the Manager who will be pleased to try to come to a suitable arrangement for payment. Complete confidentiality is assured at all times.

If any fees remain unpaid after the due date,which is 10 days after the bill is issued, a reminder will be sent. If the reminder is not paid within 7 days of issue then your child will be excluded from the setting until such a time as payment is made.

This policy was adopted at a meeting of Silkstone Pre School Playgroup Ltd

Held on 13 May 2015

Date to be reviewed May 2016

Signed on behalf of Silkstone Pre School Playgroup Ltd

Name of signatory ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Role of signatory ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I have read, understood and agree to abide by the ‘Fees’ Policy

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______

Signed ______Date ______