S3 Options Booklet 2017-2018
Dear Parent/Carer
Your son/daughter is shortly about to enter the Senior Phase of their secondary education. In this phase they will have the opportunity to study National Qualifications in their chosen subject areas. The National Qualifications were introduced as part of Curriculum for Excellence and will offer your son/daughter the chance to develop not only subject knowledge but also a wide range of skills.
The table on the next page gives details of the new National Qualifications and their assessment requirements. National courses will remain available within St Mungo’s Academy through to S6. National courses will run across a wide range of subject areas and will offer your son/daughter with an opportunity to have personalisation and choice within their curriculum. However, we cannot guarantee that all subjects will be on offer at all levels given that we have to work within accommodation constraints and staffing levels.
This booklet contains an outline of each subject and is provided to help young people, with your advice and guidance, to make their choices. We appreciate that this is a very important time in your son/daughter’s education and we hope that you will feel a valued part of the options process. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any concerns or wish clarification of any matter. Several staff, in addition to myself, are available to support you.
Member of Staff / Remit / HouseMs A Milton / Head Teacher S6
Mrs C Keenan / Depute Head Teacher (S1) / St Francis
Mr P Johnstone / Depute Head Teacher (S2) / Brother Walfrid
Mr Mc Watt / Depute Head Teacher (S3) / St Ninian
Mr B Feeney / Depute Head Teacher (S4/5) / St Andrew/ St Enoch
Ms L Lynch / Principal Teacher of Pupil Support / Brother Walfird
Mrs D Mathewman / Principal Teacher of Pupil Support / St Andrew
Mr D Marsh / Principal Teacher of Pupil Support / St Ninian
Mrs S Moffat / Principal Teacher of Pupil Support / St Francis
Mr J Parker / Principal Teacher of Pupil Support / St Enoch
Ms J Monaghan / Principal Teacher Support for Learning
Yours sincerely
Ms A Milton
Head Teacher
New National Qualifications
Assessment and Certification Arrangements
New National Qualifications / Assessment / AwardNational 3 / Course work and unit assessments marked by teachers – no external exam. / Pass/Fail
National 4 / Course work and unit assessments marked by teachers – no external exam . / Pass/Fail
National 5 / Unit assessments marked by teachers.
Some subjects have externally marked assignments.
External exam in marked by SQA. / Grades A-D
Higher / Unit assessments marked by teachers.
Some subjects have externally marked assignments.
External exam in marked by SQA. / Grades A-C
Advanced Higher / Unit assessments marked by teachers.
Some subjects have externally marked assignments.
External exam in marked by SQA. / Grades A-C
S3 Options
Since the beginning of First Year, pupils have been taking a very broad range of subjects. They now have the opportunity to study a smaller number of subjects in greater depth, which will reflect their interests and career aspirations. These courses will lead to pupils achieving National Qualifications in S4.
Pupils should endeavour to maximise attainment by selecting subjects which offer them the highest level of National Qualification.
Core Subjects
All pupils will take certain core subjects in S4. They will study National Qualifications in English and Mathematics. In addition, they will study Religious Education and Physical Education, which do not lead to National Qualifications. They will also take a Personal and Social Education and Wider Achievement courses in S4.
Three Option Choices
In addition to the four core subjects, all pupils will select a further three National Qualification courses. The option form has been designed to ensure that pupils have a high level of choice and pupils should try to maintain a broad and balanced curriculum across all the main curricular areas.
Senior Phase Courses
Administration & ITArt & Design
Business Management
Computer Games Development
Dance Leaders Award
Design & Manufacture / Drama
Graphic Communication
IT Essentials
Laboratory Skills / Morden Studies
Music Technology
People & Society
Physical Education
Sport Leaders Award
Vocational College Courses
Options process
The school will provide every learner with a clear and structured personalisation and choice programme. Prior to your son/daughter making their final options choices they will undertake a practice run to allow for options form construction which will allow maximum choice for all.
Learners will have a support interview with their Key Adult post-Christmas and they will come home with an option form completed. This will be based on discussions with learners and their teacher’s recommendations. If there are any areas where you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Principal Teacher of Pupil Support.
What happens if a subject is oversubscribed?
In each case, pupils will be asked to select another subject. Normally this will be the reserve choice which they entered in their Options form. If this is not available, they would choose another subject where spaces are available. We will do our very best to ensure pupils are asked to choose a reserve or alternative subject only once.
We also do our best to use timetabling techniques to make choices available. This will depend on the availability of staff and accommodation.
We will also consult departments for their recommendations.
If the departmental recommendations do not resolve the situation, pupils’ names will be drawn by lot, but only as a last resort.
Making the Correct Choices
This is a crucial stage in each pupil’s school career when it is important that they make informed decisions about the subjects they will study in the Senior Phase. How can you support them through this process?
· If pupils have a career in mind, they should investigate the subjects which may be necessary for entry into that career or course at college or university. They can obtain advice from our careers adviser, Stuart Bauld at the careers clinics held at lunchtime on Wednesdays. They can also access the Skills Development Scotland website:
www.myworldofwork.co.uk and www.planit plus.net
· Their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support or any member of the Senior Management Team will also be happy to provide guidance.
Study the description of each subject in this brochure. You can also ask the subject teachers for advice at the Options Meeting.
How Parents/Carers can Help
Talk with your son or daughter about how they are getting on in school – what they like or dislike, and how they feel about their subjects.
Talk about the options and encourage them to start thinking about what they might like to do in the future.
Generally it’s a good idea to encourage them to keep their options as open as possible. They may already have some ideas about what they want to do in the future, but these could change. And, for many young people it’s still too early to have specific career ideas or interests.
Encourage them to avoid biased views about what subjects or careers are ‘suitable’ for girls or boys.
If there are any family members, neighbours or friends that have careers that may be of interest to your child, encourage them to ask questions of them, their careers or if there is an opportunity for some work experience or visit to their workplace.
Talk to their subject teachers, Pupil Support PT and/or careers adviser if you need more information or you have any worries about their subject choice.
Encourage them to ask for help and advice in school if they feel they need it.
The world of work is probably very different now to when you were at school. Beware of steering your child into a particular career pathway based on ‘how it used to be.’
1. Can I change courses in S4 if I find I don’t like my first choice?
As a general rule it will not be possible after the first few weeks of the course, and even then there may not be any places available in other subjects. You are making a choice for the next year and you must therefore think very carefully about it.
2. Should I choose a subject because my friends are choosing it?
Surely you and your friends disagree about what film to go and see, which team is best and who should win the X-Factor. So why would you all agree to do the same school subjects? Following the crowd isn’t always the best option. Work out your own plans and stick to them
3. Should I choose a subject because I like the teacher?
It is always going to be down to you in the end to put the work in and get the results although teachers are there to support you. But what happens if the teacher moves away or you change schools? Teachers can be great at making you feel enthusiastic and interested in a subject, but remember there is no guarantee that you will get the same teacher next year, so in the long run the motivation has to come from you.
4. Should I choose/not choose a subject because it is seen to be a girl’s subject or a boy’s subject?
There is no such thing as girls’ subjects or boys’ subjects: this is the age of equal opportunities; there is nothing you can’t do if you have the right skills and interests. The only barriers to the subjects you can study are the ones you put up yourself.
5. Should I choose a subject because I need it for the job I want to do?
This is a sensible and valid reason for choosing a subject. However, do remember that you need not have a firm career in mind at the moment, only that you should be picking from a range of subjects which will maximise your options for the future. No matter how sure you feel at the moment about your future career, you should have alternatives in mind. You could change your mind completely and find out that you don’t have the spread of subjects for other things which now interest you.
6. Should I choose a subject because the teacher says I should take it?
Subject teachers can give you good advice because they know you and know your ability and approach to subjects. Your pupil support teacher knows about you as a person too so can help with decisions. However, you should be doing your own research.
7. Should I choose a subject because I’m good at it?
Ability in a subject is a definite plus. However, you also have to think about the usefulness of the subject to you long term: be careful about narrowing your options too much and becoming too specialized. If you are lucky enough to be good at a lot of subjects, you may be able to leave some out because you can’t fit them all in, so other aspects like your possible careers ideas, have to be taken into account.
8. Should I choose a subject because my parents/carers want me to do it?
Your parent’s/carer’s support is really important because they know you and your interests well. You should explore your ideas together using PlanitPlus, advice from subject and pupil support teachers.
9. Will my Pupil Support Teacher help me?
Your Pupil Support Teacher will discuss your choice with you at an interview arranged for this purpose in the next few weeks. Your parents are most welcome to participate in this interview if available.
Remember, our aim is to provide you with all the help and support you need to make the choice which suits you best.
Physical Education (Core)
Religious Education (Core)
Why study English and Literacy?
Assessment of Courses
Homework and Study
Why Study Maths?
Courses available
National 3 Life Skills
Assessment of Courses
Entry requirements
National 4
Assessment of Courses
Entry Requirements
National 5
Assessment of Courses
Entry Requirements
Why Study Physical Education?
Assessment of Courses
Why study RE?
Assessment of Courses
Option ChoicesAdministration & IT
Art & Design
Business Management
Computing Science
Computer Games Development
Design & Manufacture
Graphic Communication
IT Essentials
Laboratory Skills
Modern Studies
Music Technology
People & Society
Physical Education
Why Study Administration and IT?
Further details of units and course content can be obtained from:
Assessment of Courses
Why Study Art & Design National 5 and/or Higher?
Course assessment structure
Component 1 – portfolio 160 marks Component 2 – question paper 40 marks
Total marks 200 marks
Further details of units and course content can be obtained from:
Assessment of Courses