Release 8.9
Running Time Administration
MAY 2007
Running Time Administration 4
Step 1: Logging On to PeopleSoft 4
Step 2: Navigating to the Manager Self-Service Applications 5
Figure 8: Process Scheduler Process request screen 11
This training guide is designed to provide instruction and system information for users at the indicated level: EMPLOYEE DEPT TIME ADMINISTRATOR OHR STAFF
The purpose of this Business Process Guide is to illustrate the procedural steps and the PeopleSoft screens used by a Departmental Time Administrator to run the Time Administration process once pay-period time for all non-exempt employees in the department has been entered, corrected and approved. The Time Administration process applies all Time and Labor rules to the approved time, adjusts time as required by the workgroup rules, and converts approved time to payable time ready to be uploaded to Payroll.
Time Administration may be run more than once and must be run before time is uploaded to payroll.
Running Time Administration
Step 1: Logging On to PeopleSoft
Like individual employees entering time, the Departmental Time Administrator (DTA) will use their ASURITE ID and personal password when they log on to PeopleSoft to run Time Administration. The process for gaining access to the PeopleSoft system is the same for all employees, but the processes they can use and the data they are permitted to see will be determined by the roles and permission lists they have been granted to do their job.
When the log-in screen is accessed the DTA will see the following panel:
Figure 1: PeopleSoft Log-On Screen
The employee’s ASURITE ID will probably be pre-populated in the related field when this screen comes up. If not, the DTA will enter their ASURITE ID into the User ID field. They will then click on the TAB key to move the cursor into the Password field. They will enter their password into this field and click on the yellow, Sign In button.
Step 2: Navigating to the Time Management Process
Clicking on the Sign In button in Step 1 above will bring up the main PeopleSoft menu screen. On this screen, the main functional menus of the HCM software are listed in a box on the left side of the screen, as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Root PeopleSoft Menu List
Using the mouse or touchpad, move the cursor down the list to the Time and Labor menu and double click on that topic. The following set of menus will then appear on the screen:
Figure 3: Time and Labor Menus
Note that the Time and Labor menus are represented in two ways: 1) As a list of topics in the white area of the menu area in the left column of the screen, and 2) as a group of titled folders with sub topics in the middle of the screen. You may select your next topic by clicking on either the topic in the left hand column or by clicking on a file folder (or sub-topic) in the center of the screen.
Click on the Process Time entry in the left hand column or on the Process Time file icon in the center of the screen which brings you to a new set of menus under that specific topic as shown in Figure 4 below:
Figure 4: Processing Time Menus
Select the icon for Request Time Administration and double click. Clicking on this menu item displays the run control screen shown in Figure 5.
Step 3: Running the Time Administration Process
Figure 5: Request Time Administration Run Control screen
If a run control ID has been created for this process, the DTA would enter it into the search box to the right of the Run Control ID box label. The DTA may also click on the Search button, to see a list of run controls for this process. If no run control exists, the User would click on Add a New Value to create a run control ID value. Once a valid run control ID is entered, the Request Time Administration process screen will be displayed as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Request Time Administration process screen
For a typical pay period Time Administration process, the DTA will check on Use Reported Time for POI, enter the Process Date (probably the current date) and select the Group ID for the non-exempt employees in the department. Once the run factors have been set, the DTA will click on the Run button to initiate the process. When Run is initiated, the Process Scheduler Process screen displays as shown in Figure 7 below.
Figure 7: Process Scheduler Request screen
The DTA will ensure that the Server Name displays PSUNIX and that the Time Administration application is checked in the Process List. The DTA then clicks on OK.
The system then returns to the Process Scheduler Request screen as shown in Figure 8 below. Note that now a Process Instance number has been assigned and displayed on the screen just below the Run button. This number identifies the specific process you are running in the process scheduler.
Figure 8: Process Scheduler Process request screen
The DTA clicks on the Process Monitor link to monitor the status of the Time Administration run on the process monitor screen shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Process Monitor Screen
While the Time Administration process is running, the Run Status column will show a status of Queued or Processing. The DTA can periodically click on the Refresh button to update the status until the process completes and displays Success and Posted as shown above. To check on the specific status of the process just completed, the DTA clicks on Details. The Process Detail screen shown in Figure 10 below is displayed.
Figure 10: Process Detail Screen
This screen enables the person running processes to check various messages and to perform other actions such as stopping and deleting process requests. By clicking on the View Log/Trace link, the DTA can check the status messages for the Time Administration process just completed. Clicking on the link displays the screen shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: View Log Trace Screen
Depending on the type of process run, this screen will display various files. Selecting the .stdout link will display a listing of the all the routines run during the process. Scroll down the list of routines to the bottom of the list and verify that the “TL_TIMEADMIN ended normally” message is displayed as shown in Figure 12. This indicates the process was successful.
Figure 12: Process Success Confirmation
Click on the X in the upper right hand corner of the screen to close the window and return to the VIEW LOG/TRACE window, Figure 13.
Figure 13: Return to View Log/Trace screen
Click on the Return button at the bottom of the screen. This will return the user to the Process Detail screen, Figure 14, where other messages can be checked if needed.
Figure 14: Return to Process Detail screen
Click on OK to return to the Process List screen, Figure 15.
Figure 15: Return to Process List screen
Running the Time Administration process is now complete. The DTA may select any menu item from the Menu on the left to complete other tasks in PeopleSoft, or click on Sign Out to exit the system.
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