23Dec 2017 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr.Adrian Chong
By now, you should have decided on: Date, Venue, List of Potential Invites (make this into a prayer list), Food, Roles, and other logistics.
Are you tired and heavy laden? Feeling that things are moving too fast and that you have no time to even consult God on key matters relating to life, ministry and even your career?
Here are two events for consideration (note: first one is for Leaders)
Pause & Ponder for Leaders (9 Dec), 8.30 am – 12pm, Hall 4, Block D
Registration at bit.ly/pause_and_ponder
Spiritual Retreat (26-28 Jan 2018), Methodist Bungalow, Frasers Hill
Registration at tinyurl.com/SR-JAN2018
LISTEN, journal & testify
a)LISTEN Exercise (continue for habit formation)
i)In your CG, learn to practice the gift of prophecy for one another. Turn to someone you least know and ask the Holy Spiirt for a word for the person.
ii)Be bold in releasing the words following the rule of “encouraging, non-corrective and non-directive.”
i)Get hold of the Bible Reading Plan from:
ii)Request one of your members to share a journal entry.
iii)Pair up members to share with, and pray for one another.
c)Share your story
i)Encourage your cell members, if you have/hear of any good testimonies from them, kindly share them at:
Looking Ahead
d)Corporate Prayer emphasis
-Church Prayer Altar (every Sat, 7 – 9 a.m., Room 101/102)
-Zone Prayer (typically on last week of every month)
Encourage your members to gather regularly for corporate prayer – at least once per month with the wider body of Christ.
e)Church Calendar & Equip Schedule
i)Please refer to our church website Google Calendar for the latest event,
ii)For Equip training schedule at:
Prayer Focus:
1.Pray for the Holy Spirit to show you the people in your life who need to know Him.
2.Ask Him for courage and strength to be the one to carry Jesus to those people.
3.Ask God to reveal the gifts He has placed inside of you, and let Him know that you are available and desired to be used for His purposes.
Next Steps:
Continue faithfully to work through your daily “Advent Calendar”.
Commit to having your eyes and ears open for opportunities to serve and carry Jesus to others.
Ask the Lord for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as you go throughout your day so that you can be aware of the needs of those around you.
Invite a friend to attend an Advent “Beautiful King” Celebration with you!
Leader’s Tip:
Encourage group members to pray for our Beautiful King Celebrations and CG Christmas Party. See link,.
Invite friends and family to attend with them and Celebrate our Saviour who came and all that He meant to us
Prayer Watch
1. 50th Anniversary of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
– Cambodia We ask for God’s Holy Spirit to come in full power, bringing conviction of sin, renewal, restoration and healing to Cambodia in this year of preparation of the region for a mighty sowing. Migrant Tribes & Refugees.
Pray: The reached tribes in Cambodia like the Jarai will send out workers to those that have yet to hear the gospel, especially those in rural areas where most of the unreached tribes live.
The Khmer church will protect and care for Vietnamese Christian refugees who have taken refuge here because of persecution back home
2.DUMC Christmas Event Theme: BEAUTIFUL KING
– a Worship Experience when we spend time in reflection during the Advent season and prepare our hearts leading up to Christmas.
Pray: A time of realignment of our spiritual journey as we reflect on the first and second comings of Christ
Time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the nativity of Jesus.
Many to receive salvation or rededicate their lives to Jesus during the season.
3.DUMC Cell Group Christmas Gatherings Theme: HOMECOMING – A Christmas Party Pray for:
Our cell groups as they plan these parties to invite pre-believers to hear the gospel message.
Divine appointments and the courage to invite family, colleagues and friends.
Effectiveness of the 3 programme options in communicating the real meaning of Christmas.
From Humility to Servanthood
(Mark 10:45; 11:1-10)
By Pastor Tan Moy How
- Read the scripture passage.
- Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting theKEY POINTS. Do not preach the whole sermon again, as majority of your members would have heard the sermon already. Allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
- Sermon Resource at:
The BIG Idea:
Christ came as the King of kings ,but he came to serve.Lets’s imitate HIM
Reflection & Application Questions:
- What is the most significant thing the Holy Spirit spoke to you about through the sermon?
- What does the following verse mean? How can you apply this verse in your situation?
Mark 10:45-The son of man –come-to serve
- Its all about our attitude . What can we learn from Jesus in verses (Mark 11:1-3)
TIP: The Colt no one has ever ridden
Note to Word leader:
As you are preparing for this session, this is a great time to pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to use the questions efficaciously. You can select, modify or entirely create your own questions, according to the needs of your CG.
Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1