World History Public Schools of Robeson County
Social Studies Goals/I Can Statements/Learning Targets / Essential Question: How is this conflict important to the study/understanding of the greater Middle East region?I can… explain how the conflict helps with understanding the Middle East region.
Learning Targets: How the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has affected the lives of people within the region for years.
Common Core State Standards / WH.H.8.2 - Explain how international crisis has impacted international politics (e.g., Berlin Blockade, Korean War, Hungarian Revolt, Cuban Missile Crisis, OPEC oil crisis,
Iranian Revolt, “911”, terrorism, etc.).
WH.H.8.7 - Explain why terrorist groups and movements have proliferated and the extent of their impact on politics and society in various countries (e.g., Basque, PLO, IRA, Tamil Tigers, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, etc.).
Conceptual Lens / War
Human Rights
Political System
National Identity
Prior Knowledge Needed / Map layouts of the Middle East
Zionist Movement
History of Jews/Israelites
History of Middle East
Vocabulary / Islam
PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)
Tasks For Lessons
Engage—What tasks will “hook” students and uncover what they know and think about the concept? / Complete the vocabulary listed above. By doing this, it will provide the students insight into what topics will be discussed and researched.Explore/Explain—What tasks will encourage students to observe, question, and investigate the concepts and explain concepts in their own words? / Students will have a discussion with the teacher about the background of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict using questions such as: who is involved? What is the Zionist Movement? What is the PLO? Whom does it represent? Etc.
This discussion should give the students an insight into why there is a conflict over territory. At this point students will dive into doing research on the conflict while trying to understand both sides of the conflict.
Elaborate—What experimental inquiry, investigative projects, problem solving, and decision-making tasks will help students apply their new labels, definitions, explanations, and skills? / Students will then write a letter or diary entry from an Israeli or Palestinian student. The personal accounts must be about a major event. Make students look at any peers’ work to help critique it.
Evaluate—What formative assessments will ensure that learning is occurring? / 3-2-1
Three things you learned.
Two things you found interesting.
One question you still have.
Differentiation—What tasks will challenge students and support those who need additional help? / The discussion will challenge all students to make sure they are receiving the information. Doing this in a Socratic style will challenge all students as well. By providing websites you will support those who have a hard time finding accurate information for the research portion.