PRESENT:Mr J Heddon (Vice Chair in the chair) Mrs I K Bricknell (Chair), Mr J D Clarke,

Mrs H Dixon, Mr J Fell (from 15/40) Canon Dr R Garner, Mrs C Kerr, Mrs G Morphet and Mr O Pallis (until 15/42)

IN ATTENDANCE:Mrs G Kitchen, Mrs C Bampton and Ms J Kelly

Prior to the commencement of the formal business, the Vice Chair drew Members’ attention to the Governors’ Charter and the expectation that it should be adhered to,and that all discussions should be through the chair


The Vice Chair reminded Members that they should declare any interests they may have.


Apologies for absence were received fromMr A Davidson and Mr J Tinsley; leave of absence: Mrs A Bryan.


The minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2015 were received as correct record and signed by the Chair.


New QSR data

Mr Clarke reported that as a result of a number of colleges expressing concern about the use made of the data in inspections, and also other issues,the AoC had met Ofsted to discuss the concerns and had now reported that it had raised:

•inspectors not using the new QSR reports consistently

•the lack of information about what 'good' looks like in English and maths

•the use of value added.

Ofsted had stated that it was committed to working with the AoC on disseminating more information on what good practice in English and maths looked like, as well as value added.

It was highly unlikely that the new format of QSR data would be abandoned – it was its use by inspectors that was the issue; the committee would be kept updated on these issues as and when there was anything substantial to report.

Higher education provision

It was noted that this would be an item for the Strategic Review Day on 27 May 2015.

Stakeholder feedback action plans

The Clerk would circulate the plans as soon as possible.


No minutes were deemed confidential.


The committee considered a report showingthe progress towards departmental targets at the second monitoring point against the key performance indicators of attendance and retention, including courses which underperformed in 2013/14.

Mrs Kitchen informed Members that:

a)annex 1 showed the progress towards targets for retention as at 31 March 2015 with the data presented in the ‘old’ format

b)annex 2 showed the same progress in the ‘new’ format which incorporated short courses and functional skills

c)the report contained detailed progress in the various departments.

Members then discussed various aspects of the report with Mrs Kitchen, particularly

d)the fall in the retention rate in Construction and Engineering, which showed no particular pattern, and which was from a number of courses, including courses run by sub-contractor Carillion; various quality procedures were underway with Carillion to ensure that retention returned to the provider’s usual high level; it appeared that it was partly due to course guidance and starting some learners before their examination results were known; the provider had since agreed to changes

e)the fall in the retention rate in Service Industries, largely from the level 2 programmes for Hair and Beauty and the Exercise and Fitness course, the latter now not being offered next year

f)the welcome fall, year-on-year, of courses under the red flag procedures; the procedures were always a feature of the departmental performance reviews so were closely monitored.

After further discussion, the committee

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


The committee considered the proposed College’s Quality Strategy for 2015/16.

Ms Kelly informed Members that

a)the committee was responsible for monitoring the progress of the College’s Quality Strategy as determined by the Corporation

b)the strategy sought to set in context the College’s approach to quality, and to identify the principles and key practices that informed the quality processes

c)the proposed Quality Strategy for 2015/16 was now submitted for the committee’s review prior to its submission to the Corporation for its consideration.

Ms Kelly highlighted the major changes and then discussed with Members various aspects of the strategy, particularly

d)the induction and exit interviews

e)the key strategic focus points, particularly the important area of teaching, learning and assessment.

After further discussion and agreeing that it was a vigorous strategy to take the College forward towards ‘outstanding’, the committee

RESOLVED – The Corporation be recommended to approve the proposed Quality Strategy for 2015/16, and its monitoring mechanism, as annexed to these minutes.

The Vice Chair informed Members that committee member Mr Davidson had submitted nine questions relating to 15/37 and 15/38, and that it would be best if the issues were dealt with outside the meeting with the Chair of the Corporation and the Clerk.


The committee considered a report detailing stakeholder feedback in term two of 2014/15, and which particularly focused onthe start of the year survey, Student Representative Groups, comments, compliments and complaints, Student Council, employer engagement and marketing information.

Ms Kelly informed Members that

a)detailed information on the above areas was contained in the report

b)the start of year survey satisfaction rate for 2014/15 was in line with that of 2013/14 with 98% of respondents agreeing that ‘The teaching on my course is good’ for the third consecutive year

c)the outcomes from the Student Representative Group meetings resulted in the production of an action plan, and that annex 1gave a breakdown of the key strengths and areas for improvement from the meetings

d)there had been a reduction in both compliments and complaints; relevant and timely actions had been put in place to address complaints with compliments published in ‘Inside Story’

e)the Student Council activities included three charity based projects in addition to its contribution to cross-college activities and meetings

f)employer feedback had resulted in the introduction of new courses and changes in the design of some courses across a range of curriculum areas

g)the Marketing Department was processing the parent and open evening surveys and the data would shortly be available

h)annex 2 gave a breakdown of complaint by type and department

i)responding to student feedback and taking action to address issues promptly was a priority.

Members then discussed various aspects of the report with Ms Kelly particularly

j)signage which could at first be formidable; signage was now under review and would particularly feature in initial tours and induction

k)that complaints were essentially, and again as last year, not about teaching and learning

l)the excellent feedback from students and suggestions from students being appreciated by staff, this leading to year on year improvements for students

m)the students’ appreciation of the ‘Hundred Years Event’ held in the College.

After further discussion and

n)noting that the third event planned by the Student Council had regretfully been postponed due to the students’ studies

o)suggesting that higher education might feature more

p)noting the many good positive comments and few negatives, and expressing thanks and appreciations to the staff for this, the committee

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


The committee considered a presentation of the first of three reviews of the College’s Quality Development Plan (QDP) which was compiled following the production of the College Self-Assessment Report (SAR) in November 2014.

Mrs Kitchen informed Members that

a)the SAR validation process was undertaken by the committee in December 2014

b)the SAR analysed College provision against the Common Inspection Framework, and its function was to evaluate the success of learners and to identify areas for development

c)the QDP provided a set of actions designed to address aspects of College provision which required improvement; it was reviewed termly by the College Executive Team and the committee was also updated termly.

Members then discussed various aspects of the report with Mrs Kitchen particularly

d)the welcome reduction in the success rate gap between males and females on long courses

e)the welcome improvement in retention rates for looked after children

f)the issues in Sports, largely being a legacy from last year

g)the reduction in class lengths for English and maths, though they had to be at least ninety minutes

h)restructuring at Sefton Council which had led to a request to hold referrals of young carers for the time being; this was being absorbed but would be challenged if required.

After further discussion and requesting that

i)if possible, some predicted grades for English and maths could be given, though it was recognised that this could be problematical

j)future reports showing the progress towards targets for the Apprenticeship provision, as for example in paragraph 2.7 of the report, could contain a breakdown of withdrawals and achievements, the committee

RESOLVED – Thatthe report be noted


The committee considered a report containing key aspects of curriculum development during 2014/15.

Mrs Bampton informed Members that the report contained detailed information on the key developments, English and maths, traineeships (16-18 and 19+) short course/European Social Fund (ESF), apprenticeships and adult provision/partnership working/JCP.

Members then discussed various aspects of the report with Mrs Bampton, particularly

a)the introduction of ‘A’ levels in English and maths into the level 3 study programmes from September 2015

b)that in addition to the review of vocational qualifications, all current GCSEs would be reformed or discontinued by 2017; the revisedEnglish and maths GCSE qualifications had been released for first teaching in September 2015, the main feature being that they would be fully ‘linear’ with course end examinations graded 1 to 9 (9 being highest); this would be challenging to some students who were used to ongoing course work and assignments, rather than a course end examination so examination coaching would be given,

After further discussion, the committee

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


The committee considered a report briefing the committee on the forthcoming higher education review which would commence on 2 November 2015.

Mrs Bampton informed Members that:

a)much preparation was being undertaken for the review as shown in the annex

b)a bespoke group had been set up to prepare for the review with many planning meetings already held; colleagues at Lancaster and Morecambe College had been extremely helpful

c)preparing for the review was very time consuming for the staff involved and was in addition to their normal duties

d)as per Ofsted inspections, the College would be able to comment on the draft report, and an action plan would have to be prepared to address any issues.

After further discussion and noting that there would be a briefing on the College’s higher education at the strategic review day, and that duties and responsibilities had been reallocated in order to cope with the review, the committee

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


The committee considered a report with information on safeguarding activities and developments during term 2 of 2014/15.

Mrs Bampton informed Members that:

a)the Safeguarding Policy would require review due to the new ‘prevent duty’ guidance; the Safeguarding Committee would carry out the review in term 3

b)the statutory figures and significant issues were detailed in annex 1, but with no comparisons to last year due to reporting changes

c)students from identified vulnerable groups had been a focus for terms 1 and 2 and a breakdown was included in annex 2; a further development for 2015/16 would be support groups held in College to further improve retention

d)safeguarding training was compulsory for staff.

Members then discussed various aspects of the report with Mrs Bampton, and after particularly noting that support was relevant and appropriate and matched to individual needs, the committee

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



The minutes were submitted and noted.


The committee did not have any outstanding items.


  1. Mr Clarke informed Members that the dates of the 2015 awards events had been fixed so the Clerk would soon be circulating them with a request for the ‘academic link governors’ to particularly attend their events.
  1. Mrs Morphet informed the committee about a hair and beauty event which was being held as part of the Southport Fashion Show on 18 July 2015 and suggested that the College might wish to take part in some way.
  1. Mrs Kitchen reported that a short notice Ofsted inspection on the College’s teacher education provision had been held on 27-29 April 2015

It had not been a full Ofsted inspection as it was part of a wider inspection taking place at UCLan; feedback had been very good with much good practice highlighted by the inspectors; the College would not receive a discrete report on the outcome of the inspection as it did not relate directly to the College.

Members recorded their congratulations to the staff who deliver the teacher education provision.


The Chair asked Members for comments on the meeting and in particular, if they had found the information reported to the committee useful/necessary.

Members indicated that they were very satisfied with the information submitted, its level of detail and the presentation of the reports with officers focusing on the essential issues in the reports, and in particular, the quality of the reports.

The executive summaries were particularly mentioned as being extremely useful.


Wednesday 17 June 2015 at 3.00pm

The meeting closed at 4.30pm

Minutes 15/31 to 15/48 received as a correct record on 17 June 2015




Quality Strategy 2015/16

  1. Introduction
  2. Southport College’s Quality Strategy supports the College’s mission ‘to provide outstanding education and training for individuals and employers’. It is a key component of the College’s Strategic Plan to become Outstanding through sustained improvement and a commitment to excellence in all that we do.
  3. The ultimate goal is to enable students to achieve and progress. The Quality Strategy places the needs and interests of learners at the heart of its activity and should be read in conjunction with the College’s teaching and learning strategy.
  4. The Strategy is built around the processes embodied in the self-assessment cycle. Underpinning these processes is the setting of quantifiable targets and standards based on national rates and sector benchmarks.
  5. Operating Principles
  6. The following principles are integral to the Quality Strategy:
  • The College will promote a culture of continuous improvement and a high expectation of staff and students by working towards stretching targets and recognising and celebrating achievement
  • The College recognises the importance of leadership and governance in setting and expecting high standards
  • The College will define and measure its performance against challenging targets and benchmarks
  • The College is committed to maximising the potential of each member of staff through effective leadership, support, training and development. In return, the College expects every member of staff to take responsibility for providing a high standard of professional service
  • The College will aim through effective self-assessment to be self-critical, honest, disciplined and focused in identifying actions for improvement
  • The College will use its quality assurance framework to be pro-active, identifying and disseminating good practice
  • The College is committed to providing high quality resources in an environment which effectively supports learning.
  1. Quality Practice
  2. The quality assurance system will be comprehensive and consistently applied, the key elements of the system being:
  • Teaching and learning observations
  • Feedback and actions arising from student feedback and learner voice activities
  • Course review and evaluation
  • Internal and external verification
  • Internal validation of new programmes
  • Target setting – at course, departmental and whole College level
  • Customer feedback through the complaints and compliments procedure
  • Employer views
  • Termly Departmental Performance Reviews
  • Peer Reviews with other colleges
  • Use of external consultants for curriculum reviews.

3.2The key elements of the quality assurance systems will be monitored by the Quality

Improvement and Performance Management Groups and brought together in the self-assessment cycle (see diagram in annex 2).

3.3Alongside the above, quality improvement will be facilitated by a strong commitment to staff development and a rigorous and consistent approach to performancemanagement. In particular this will include:

  • Staff development events (internal and external)
  • Support for professional development including the achievement of professional qualifications
  • Targeted and mandatory staff development
  • Mentoring and support
  • Induction
  • Annual Professional Development Review (Appraisal)
  • Management of underperformance.
  1. Key Strategic Focus for 2015/16

4.1The key strategic focus for the forthcoming year is on the following areas:

  1. Teaching and Learning

i)Further development and continued implementation of the College’s teaching and learning model which supports the highest standards of teaching and learning including targeted staff development, strengthened induction and the dissemination of good practice.